Political Science Project Topics

Governance and Securitization in Kogi State (a Study of Yagba East LGA 2019-2023)

Governance and Securitization in Kogi State (a Study of Yagba East LGA 2019-2023)

Governance and Securitization in Kogi State (a Study of Yagba East LGA 2019-2023)

Chapter One

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to evaluate vigilante security services in Kogi State. Specifically, the study intends to find out:

  1. The perception of community members on the performance of the
  2. The extent of collaboration between the police and the
  3. The extent to which the activities of the vigilante group have reduced criminal activities.
  4. The extent to which the vigilante group protect lives and properties



Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is discussed in the following section:


The concept of evaluation is not limited to a single definition. Various researchers in the field of education have defined it from diverse perspectives. According to Gitlin and Smyth (1989) evaluation from its Latin origin means ‘to strengthen’ or ‘to empower’. In addition, Tufo (2007), stated that evaluation is assessing and judging the value of a piece of work, an organization or a service. This aims at helping an organization reflect on what it is trying to achieve, assess how far it is succeeding and identify required changes.

According to Trochim (2010), evaluation is the systematic assessment of the worth or merit of an organization or a service. Kellong (2007) and Rossi and Freeman (1993) further defined evaluation as the systematic application of social research procedures for assessing the conceptualization, design, implementation and utility of programmes.

Rowlands (1991) viewed evaluation as the systematic exploration and judgment of working processes, experiences and outcomes. Rowlands noted further that evaluation pays special attention to aims, values, perceptions, needs and resources which entails gathering, ordering and making judgments about information in a methodical way; monitoring or keeping track which involves making careful judgments about the worth, significance and meaning of phenomenon. Thus, evaluation is used to explore and judge practice, programmes and services which must take into consideration the people involved, the processes and any outcomes that can be identified. In this study, the practices, programmes and services of the vigilante will be evaluated. The study will further seek the opinion of the community members and the police to determine empirically how far it is succeeding and identify required gaps that need to be filled for necessary improvement, decision making and policy formulation.

Evaluation can be referred to as systematic. In accordance to this view, Rossi and Freeman (1993) made an overview of the steps of a ‘typical’ evaluation process as follows:




This chapter describes the methods and procedures which were adopted in carrying out the study. The chapter covered the following subheadings: Research design, area of the study, population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, validation of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of data collection and method of data analysis.

Research Design

The design which was adopted for this study is the descriptive survey research design. The survey research according to Nworgu (2015), is one in which a group of people or items are studied by collecting and analyzing data from only a few people or items considered to be representative of the entire population. In addition, the author noted that the choice of this design was guided by the facts, that it involved the use of questionnaire to collect data from the respondents and describe in a systematic manner, the characteristics, features or facts about a given population. It is therefore deemed appropriate in this study. In effect, this design enabled the researcher to collect and analyze data in order to evaluate the security services of the vigilante outfit in Kogi State.

 Population of the Study

The Population of the study consisted of a total of 9947 respondents, which comprised of 737 vigilantes, 6699 town union executives and 2511 policemen in Yagba East  LGA.. Kogi State has 17 Local Government Areas. Among the 17 LGAs, only 10 LGAs have registered vigilante units.



This chapter presents the result of data analysis of study. The presentation is organized with respect to analysis of interview conducted, research questions and hypotheses formulated to guide the study.



In this chapter discussion of findings, conclusion, implication of the findings, recommendations, limitation of study and suggestions for further study are highlighted.

Discussion of Findings

The findings of the study were discussed under the following subheadings;

  • Age range for
  • Screening of prospective
  • The minimum educational qualification of members of
  • Perception of community members on the performance of the
  • The extent which vigilante collaborates with the
  • The extent which vigilante reduces criminal
  • Extent which vigilante protects lives and properties of community

Age Range for Enrolment

The findings of the analysis of the interview conducted showed that members were enrolled into the group between the ages of 20-25. Members of the vigilante security group within this age range are described as able bodied young men. The finding agreed with Ajayi (2007), who asserted that the task of policing and war against crime dated back to the pre-colonial days when local communities maintained warrior groups which comprise of able bodied young men. These able bodied young men enforce law and order and impose sanction within their domain. In line with the findings of Ajayi, Okafor (2007) noted that the vigilante security group consists of able bodied young community members, who are supported financially and materially by other community members. These able bodied young men are charged with the task of securing the community and enforcing the law. In support of these, Ngwu (2014) pointed out that in the Igbo ethnic group, the various age grade from the age of 18- 30 years also form themselves into vigilante groups, in order to arrest , discipline offenders and guard the communities.


Based on the findings of this study the following conclusions were drawn: The perception of the community members on the performance of the vigilante security group, the extent vigilante collaborate with the police in fighting crime and reduce criminal activities in Kogi State is high. Furthermore the extent vigilante protects lives and properties in the fight against crime is equally high. There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of town union executives living in urban and rural areas on their perceptions on the performance of the vigilante in Kogi State. In addition, there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of town union executives and the police on the extent to which vigilante collaborate with the police in fighting crime, in reduction of criminal activities and protection of lives and properties of community members in Kogi state.

Implications of the study

The findings of the study have implications to community members, investors, the police, the vigilante, local and state governments and all stake holders on security matters.

The study shared that the community members agreed that the vigilante in Kogi State is effective in curbing crime. This implies that the vigilante security group is reliable and effective in its efforts towards complementing the activities of the police in the war against crime. But there are still some gaps in the performances of the vigilante. This means that efforts should be made by the police, stakeholders on security matters with the view to enriching and repositioning the vigilante, as well as work on their weaknesses in order to strengthen and improve their performances for intelligence-led policing in the communities.

In addition, the result of the findings revealed that the respondents perceive the collaboration between the vigilante and the police and the extent to which the activities of the vigilante security group have reduced criminal activities to a high extent. This entails that the vigilante and the police synergize in their fight against crime. However, there are still some elements of insecurity in communities in Kogi state. This implies that all stakeholders on security matters should intensify their efforts in developing a problem solving strategy that will enhance a secured environment. Community members should work cooperatively with the vigilante and police in making the act of policing easier in communities in Kogi state.

Furthermore, the result of the findings showed that the respondents perceive the extent vigilante protect lives and properties of community members to a high extent. This involves the community members working in partnership with the vigilante to make their home security condition safer and a better place to live in. Therefore, peace, safety and security are both necessary and indispensable requirements that promotes community development, which is a component of adult education. Hence, security needs of these community members to improve their quality of life and families surpasses all other needs. It is most prominent because if life is not secured, one cannot plan for any other deficiency needs. The researcher believed that nothing gives meaning and essence to life than security. The study observed that the security of persons and their properties is the fundamental needs of human beings, without which life is meaningless. Human beings prefer a safe, orderly, lawful and organized environment for human activities to thrive without losing life and other valuables of life. Therefore, every community takes appropriate measures to protect the lives and properties of people living within its community. These appropriate measures include promoting values, norms, rules and law that uphold peaceful coexistence.

However, with adequate security in Kogi State, investors can now do their business in a safe and secured environment. This will lead to high income and productivity. Moreso, the socio-economic and political development of the entire state in particular and the nation at large will be improved. Thus community members should work in harmony and in unity with the vigilante to ensure effective crime prevention and control.


Based on the findings of the study, the researcher made the following recommendations:

  1. Communities in conjunction with the local government authorities should plan and organize constant seminars and training programmes for the vigilante security group to get them aware of the required novel practices and services on community policing.
  2. Security committees should be established at the local government level and these committees should meet periodically to discuss security matters in the state in order to develop a problem solving strategy that will enhance a secured environment.
  3. Government should recruit more members into the Kogi State Vigilante security group to ensure optimal coverage of communities in the state.
  4. Government should establish vigilante units at the local government areas where the units do not This is because the vigilante security group has been found to be helpful and complementary to the Police in protecting lives and properties and reducing the fear of crimes in most of the communities across the Local Government Areas covered by the study.
  5. Serving members of the vigilante security group should be sent for refresher courses or in-service training, in addition to their basic training on a regular basis. This should focus on the rule of law, new interrogative techniques, communication skills, human rights, information technology and limits of the powers of the vigilante security service. This is to acquire more knowledge and professional skills for the effective discharge of their This is very necessary, since the minimum qualification into the vigilante security group is First School Leaving Certificate.
  6. The collaboration between the vigilante and the police should be enhanced with a view to enriching and strengthening their relationship in a manner that will ensure more robust security arrangement.


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