Education Project Topics

Factors Militating Against the Affective Learning and Teaching Chemistry in Some Selected Secondary Schools in Ekiti-state.

Factors Militating Against the Affective Learning and Teaching Chemistry in Some Selected Secondary Schools in Ekiti-state.

Factors Militating Against the Affective Learning and Teaching Chemistry in Some Selected Secondary Schools in Ekiti-state.



The objective of the study is to:

  1. Examine chemistry learning and teaching problems
  2. Recommend some solutions to the problem
  3. Identify a favourable factor
  4. Give solutions that will help in laying solid foundati0on for further studies of this subject to the students or pupils




In Ekiti state a teacher is assigned to a class and he or she teachers two to the science subjects including chemistry the basic entry qualification of such teacher is the teacher grade II certificate and some additional qualification of the ideal situation because “education in many developing countries is looked upon as an instrument which pro9vides intellectual independence to people according to Tunde Bajah in educational journal February 1975

But the education of a nation is generally evaluated is part of the quality of its teachers the quality of teachers depend largely on the kind of training the teacher receive both on the academic and professional levels what at pre-service or and developed teacher education programme within the context of African environment is bound to enhance the quality of the teachers from the programme it is in the recognition of this that “the National policy on education” has now specifics the Nigeria certificate in education (NCE) as a minimum qualification of teachers should posses the (NCE) certificate with a science combination of subjects he or her area of specialization

In my own view, a qualified and experience chemistry teacher is an asset to the government and the pupils under his or her control he or she is self confident and knowledgeable and industrious, the qualified teacher understands the psychology of the students and deals with them considering individual difference and consequently have effective classroom management


In some selected secondary schools in Ekiti State as a case study, there are no standard chemistry laboratories and adequate science equipments only few secondary schools were supplied with few chemistry equipments such as test-tubes, chemical balances, burners e.t.c some chemistry teachers do not have access to the chemistry equipments because the schools do not supervises the classroom management of the teacher and therefore not conversant with their problems subjects.

The study of chemistry which is supposed to develop children giving them first hand familiarity with a varsity of biological physical and man made phenomena in the world a mind them is therefore reduced to theory work only.





This tells that the researcher put to place to conduct the research study. This involved the population of the sample size and sampling techniques, sources of data method of data collection and method of data analysis


This is based on some selected secondary schools in Ekiti-State.


For efficiency, accurate management and manipulation of data to be collected some secondary schools were selected from the population, the method adopted in the selection was random sampling based mainly on public secondary schools and geographical location.

In all eight schools were the samples from a population of 125 public secondary schools at the time of study. All attempt its terminal examination.

St Louis Grammar Schools, Baptist High School, Annunciation Grammar School, Orija High School, Government Science College, St. John Anglican School, Comprehensive High School, Iyin Grammar School, Christ School, St. Joseph High School, Immaculate Conception College, Iworoko Grammar School, Ise Grammar School, Ifaki Grammar School, Aramoko Grammar School, Ekiti State.



In this chapter, the results are tabulated and analysis are prepared and discussed according to the statement of problems.

Questions 1: Are there qualified chemistry teachers in the secondary schools?

From the table above, there are no qualified chemistry teachers in the secondary schools. The qualified chemistry teacher is one who passes the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) with a science combination subjects.

Research question 2: How experiences are the teachers? No of respondents = 160




The analysis of the obtained data from response both from the teachers and pupils revealed certain factors that militate the effective learning and teaching of chemistry in some selected secondary schools in Ekiti State.

Such problems are parallel to the propounded statement of problem thus:

  1. There are no qualified chemistry teachers in the school.
  2. There are experience teachers.
  3. From the selected secondary schools only few has chemistry laboratories.
  4. The ratio of teachers to pupils is high.
  5. The selected secondary schools have no libraries.
  6. The government does not organize enough seminars, symposia and workshops for chemistry teachers.


The research factors militating against the effective learning and teaching of chemistry in some selected secondary schools in Ekiti State” has been carefully carried out, the respondents from the questionnaires and all the objectives were carefully tackled.

Based on the analysis and findings it has been discovered that there are various factors militating against the effective learning and teaching of chemistry. The problems include non availability of qualified chemistry teachers, libraries, laboratories, teachers to pupils ratio is high and not enough seminars, symposia and workshops for chemistry teachers.


In order to reduce the problem of learning and teaching chemistry in Ekiti State, the government should provide the following:

  1. Qualified chemistry teachers: These problems can be solved by the government making effort to see that ours is with higher academic qualifications (preferably NCE) with specialization in secondary schools science that is when ever the government wants to employ more teachers and them such teachers would have obtained N.C.E in chemistry as a field of specialization.
  2. Chemistry laboratories in the school: Laboratories should be built in each school to facilitate effective learning and understanding. If laboratories are not provided teachers can endeavour to improvise the class room as laboratory when this is not possible, the science teachers can use a trolley to carry the various chemicals from class to class during the chemistry period.
  3. Reduce teacher-pupils ratio: More classroom are to be built by the government to reduce the over crowded classrooms. When more classrooms cannot be provided due to financial constraints, more qualified teachers should be recruited to reduce the teacher to pupil’s ratio.
  4. Provision of libraries: Each school should be provided with a library which is attached to the principal’s office and should be made available for use for both teachers and students. The library should consist of standard textbooks such novels over textbooks for other schools. Subjects, more advanced textbooks which can be reformed to by the teachers in the lesson notes planning and areas of research magazines and journals.
  5. Organizing science seminars, symposia and workshops: The government should organize more science seminars, symposia, workshops and should as were sponsor teachers. These will further enlighten their colleagues who were absent from such seminars. To meets the demand of the foregoing recommendations, a joint moral and financial support of the various arms of government is desirable e.g. the schools, the local council, the state, the federal should provide fund for the provisions.


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