Public Health Project Topics

Factors Influencing Health Seeking Behaviour Among Women of Reproductive Age in Ikot Ansa Community in Calabar Municipality, Crs, Nigeria

Factors Influencing Health Seeking Behaviour Among Women of Reproductive Age in Ikot Ansa Community in Calabar Municipality, Crs, Nigeria

Factors Influencing Health Seeking Behaviour Among Women of Reproductive Age in Ikot Ansa Community in Calabar Municipality, Crs, Nigeria


Objectives of the Study.

The general objective of this study is to determine Factors influencing health seeking behaviour among women of reproductive age in Ikot Ansa community in Calabar Municipality, CRS, Nigeria. However, the specific objectives are:

  1. To determine the differences in the health seeking behaviour of women of different age groups in Calabar
  2. To determine the differences in the health seeking behaviour of women of different income levels in Calabar
  3. To determine the differences in the health seeking behaviour of women of different education levels in Calabar




This chapter reviewed literatures that are relevant to the study: determinants of health seeking behaviour of women in calabar metropolis. The literature was reviewed along the following themes; conceptual literature, theoretical literature, and empirical literature. Conceptual literature explained the meaning of key words in the study, theoretical literature reviewed theory relevant to the study, while empirical literature reviewed related investigations conducted by different researchers.



Health according to business dictionary is a dynamic condition resulting from a body’s constant adjustment and adaptation in response to stress and changes in the environment for maintaining an inner equilibrium called homeostasis. A healthy condition is the functioning of the body systems, absence of disease and disability. Paradoxically, an unhealthy situation involves a state of mental disorder, disability and non-functioning of the body systems.  A healthy population is likely to be a productive population, and a production population will lead to a growing economy (Oluwatuyi, 2010).  This opinion about health had earlier been highlighted by World Health Organization (1999) as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  Good health does not only contribution to quality life but also essential for quality labour force for the creation and maintenance of the nation’s wealth (Lucas and Gilles, 2004).

Ill- health

Ill-Health is a major life event which may cause people to question their existence as the condition disrupts basic activities which are essential to a healthy living. However, it is not a surprise that ill-health has a powerful effect on a nations economic progress.  Countries grappling with increasing ill-health usually witness reduction in production and maternal mortality, leading to reduction in women’s contribution to socio-economic development of the country.  Greater control of reproductive health outcomes through reduced infant mortality no doubt will pave way for the demographic transition that is essential to economic progress (WHO, 2002).

Health seeking behaviour

Health seeking behaviour has been defined as the activity undertaken by individuals who perceive themselves to have a health problem or to be ill for the purpose of finding an appropriate remedy (Afolabi, et’al, 2013). Information of health seeking behaviour and health care utilization has important policy implications in health system development. People seek help on health issue based on several reasons and factors including social economic factors, social networks, gender and economic status, utilization of health care services, social- economic structure, and personal characteristics of the users, which influence the choice of treatment sources when symptoms of ill health occur (Onah, Ikeako, and Iloabachie, 2009). Male and female take different approaches in responding to health solutions whenever there is a case of ill-health.





This chapter looked at the area of study, research design, population size, sample size, and sampling method. The chapter will also highlight the methods that will be used in gathering data, the validation of the instrument and analysis of data.

Study design

The research design for this study was essentially survey research method which involves the use of instruments such as structured questionnaire, personal interview, observation, telephone interview as opined by (Anyanwu, 2000). The choice of survey research design was to enable the researcher sample some selected women in calabar metropolis, in the investigation to determine their health seeking behaviour.  The choice was also in accordance with the opinion of Osuala (2001) that survey research design studies both large and small population by selecting samples chosen from the population to discover the relative incidence, distribution and interrelations of sociological and psychological variables. It is noted that survey research focuses on vital facts of people, their beliefs, opinions, attitudes, motivations and behaviours.




In this section, the result of this study was presented and analyzed. Simple descriptive statistics like tables and bar charts were used to present and analyze the data generated from the field survey.




This study has investigated the Factors influencing health seeking behaviour among women of reproductive age in Ikot Ansa community in Calabar Municipality, CRS, Nigeria. Thus this chapter presented the summary, conclusions and recommendations.

Summary of findings

The findings of this study revealed that people of varying age, educational attainment and income level seek health differently. The elderly engage more in preventive (proactive) medical behaviour compared to the other categories of women.  The elderly visit health facility, do medical routine checkups; and have preference for orthodox medicine than the middle-aged men and the youths who engage more in self medication and stop medication as soon as they are relived.

Also, the study found that income is a strong determinant of health seeking behaviour of women in Ikot Ansa community. women on higher income category visit hospital regularly than those on low income level. women who have higher income have choice of place for medical treatment and can afford high bills in private hospitals where response to health care is always faster.It is also noted that the affluent women can afford medical trip abroad to get themselves treated of complicated ailment where as the average women might not afford such foreign medical trips.

The study also found that education has little influence on the health seeking behaviour of women in Ikot Ansa community as both those with higher education level and those with low level of education engage in poor health seeking behaviour. Both categories don’t engage in regular medical checkup, both practice self medication, and do not always complete medication.  However, women in educated category usually make better decision on health seeking when a case of ill health is already established.


Several factors were found to determine the health seeking behaviour of women in Ikot Ansa community, among which were age, income and education. However, age and income were more influential and hold the key for improvement in women’s health improvement programmes.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are proffered:

  1. There should be proactive health care programmes to promote the health of the young and middle aged women who are more reactive in their health seeking behaviour.
  2. Furthermore, there should be programmes to reduce poverty among families and improve the income of women since income is a key determinant of health seeking behaviour among women.
  3. Moreso, there should be sensitization and outreach services to raise women’s consciousness for proactive health practices.


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