Vocational Education Project Topics

Factors Hindering the Effective Teaching of Vocational Courses in Nigerian Universities

Factors Hindering the Effective Teaching of Vocational Courses in Nigerian Universities

Factors Hindering the Effective Teaching of Vocational Courses in Nigerian Universities

Chapter One 

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to look at the in-depth Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Effective Teaching and Learning of Vocational Education Courses in Nigerian Universities (a case study of Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba-Akoko Ondo State and Ekiti State University, Ekiti State).

Therefore, it is hoped that the study would unveil and expose some undesirable situations expected of lecturers, students, parents, and government as a Means of actualizing the Vocational and Technical Education goals and objectives. Therefore, the purpose of the study is highlighted below;

  1. Identify the factors affecting the effective teaching and learning of Vocational and Technical Education courses in Nigerian Universities.
  2. Ascertain the availability and use of teaching aids in teaching and learning of Vocational and Technical Education courses in Nigerian universities.
  3. Identify the student and teacher factors that might inhibit the effective teaching and learning of Vocational and Technical Education courses in Nigerian universities.
  4. Ascertain the effort being made by the government, teachers, and parents towards enhancing the effective teaching and learning of Vocational and Technical Education courses in Nigerian universities.

In conclusion, the study will consider some solutions that can be adopted for Meaningful and Effective Teaching and Learning in Vocational and Technical Education.




Our focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literatures that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who had previously contributed immensely to similar research. The chapter intends to deepen the understanding of the study and close the perceived gaps.


Working Definition of Vocational Studies 
Vocational Courses are broad, complex and multi-faceted concepts that can applied to several fields. Their multi-disciplinary accounts for a variety of approaches and conceptualization. As wehner, Csikzentmihalyi and Magyari – Beck (1991) pointed out the mass of research on creativity can be compared to the elephant in the fable in which blind men have to touch it in order to describe it, and this is what vocational courses stands for. As everyone is touching a different part they all come to a different conclusion as to what it is, and fail to  recognize  it as an elephant.
Indeed, one of the blocks in the study of creativity has been the tendency to conceive one of its aspects as the whole, offering a narrow vision of the phenomenon (Sternberg & Lubart, 1999). It is therefore necessary to consider existing research on creativity and innovation in order to:

  • present a holistic approach to the matter and avoid disregarding important aspects
  • validate an appropriate conceptualization and definition of creativity and innovation;
  • identify key factors, issues and concern which may play an important role in the next phases of this research; and
  • address some of the misconceptions of creativity and innovation that are based on common connotations in an attempt to avoid any possible bias concerning the reference framework for our research.

Despite the plethora of approaches, there seems to be a widespread  consensus on the definition of both creativity and innovation; even if their applications and interpretations differ. Creativity has been understood as the “ability to produce work that is both novel and appropriate” (Sternberg & Lubart, 1997). Innovation has been understood as the “implementation of a new or significantly improved product (goods or services), or process a new  marketing method, or a new organization method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations” (OECD, 2005). Craft (2005) sees creativity as the ability to see possibilities that others haven’t noticed, Esquivel (1995) sees it as the critical process involved in the generation of new ideas. Innovation has also been defined as the “intentional introduction and application within a job, work, team, or organization of ideas, processes, products, or procedures that are new to that job, work team or organization.
Creativity and innovation are obviously interrelated. Creativity as mentioned before is seen as the “infinite  source of innovation” (EC, 2008c), and innovation if one deduces from the above definition, can in turn be perceived as the implementation and application of creativity (Craft, 2005). Moreover, different fields seems to favour once concept above the other. For instance, in business, the word “innovation” is used even when it referred to the  creative process and work (Sternberg and Lubart, 1999). As innovation can be seen as the application of a creative process or product, the product of this chapter will be primarily on vocational courses as relates to creativity and understanding of what it is and how it can be framed. Our first concern is to enhance the conceptualization of creativity, which is often influenced as Runco (1999)   suggests by a general implicit understanding and tacit knowledge of creativity. Creativity is often perceived as synonymous for imagination and originality, and is allegedly connected to the visual arts, music and artistic performance. if one were to build on these assumptions, the implication  for education would be reductionism: ceativity would be seen as the domain of the arts only and therefore, restricted to certain specific  courses. Although, recognizing the relevance of the visual arts, music, drama and the likes for creative education, it should  not be forgotten that all areas of knowledge particularly in vocational courses and all other courses can benefit from its creativity.

Vocational Education is defined as the activities which aim at acquiring the skills, knowledge and attitudes that are required for employment in a particular occupation, cluster of related occupations or a function in a field of economic activity including business, agriculture, hotel, catering, fine and applied arts, tourist industries, private and public services, etc. In a nutshell, Vocational Education is concerned with the skills, understandings, attitudes, knowledge, abilities and competences which a person needs to acquire in order to do or carry out a particular job. It is also a form of education that emphasizes the development of occupational and procedural skills needed as preparation for work.





This chapter explains some Technical methodological concepts and how they are employed in the implementation or execution of the research process. However this chapter is divided into several segments and as such is discussed under this under listed description.

Research Design

This research study is designed to investigate the Factors Affecting the Effective Teaching and Learning of Vocational and Technical Education courses in Nigerian Universities, a case study of Ondo and Ekiti State respectively.

Population of study

Following the large number of respondents in Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State and Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State; the population of the study consisted of 90 respondents from total population of one thousand (1000) at the Department of Vocational Education in both institutions respectively.



This chapter presents the analysis of data, finding and discussion of the findings. The analysis of the data is based on the questionnaire administered on the respondents to investigate the Factors Affecting the Effective Teaching and Learning of Vocational and Technical Education Courses in Nigerian Universities. A case study of Ondo and Ekiti State, in fact the questionnaire was obtained based on the research questions. The results are hereby presented one after the other as below;




The researcher has tried to find out the Factors Affecting the Effective Teaching of  Vocational Education courses in Nigerian universities, in Ondo and Ekiti State Universities respectively.

Chapter one introduced the problem and diagnosed while chapter two reviewed some relevant related literature on the project topic. In chapter three, structured questionnaire was designed to obtained data among the respondents in Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko and Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti at the department of Vocational and Technical Education respectively.

Chapter four clearly shows the result of the data analysis which was done using Frequency; Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation respectively with the interpretation of the data follow immediately to avoid ambiguity.

Chapter five discussed the summary, conclusion and recommendation.


The bedrock of technological advancement in any country lies in the effective implementation of educational policies. Therefore, government should emphasize technology‐transfer through its educational policies. Students in particular, should be enlightened on the importance and advantages of Vocational and Technical Education courses as a way of reducing the present high unemployment prevailing in the country.

Going through this paper, there is a great need to create an enabling environment for the teaching and learning of Vocational and Technical education in our various schools in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa. The fact that institutions are characterized by poor results due to poor teaching and learning environment cannot be overemphasized. This situations occasioned by a myriad of factors which include inadequate funding, poor supply of qualified and experienced staff, non-availability of adequate tools, machines, materials and equipment amongst others, for training and skills acquisition. The resultant effect of this is the creation of unproductive learning, which in turn gives rise to poor results and unskilled graduate. The immediate correction of the above weaknesses is very imperative in order to achieve the objectives of Vocational and Technical Education in our schools and in the lives of graduates of the program. Since Vocational and Technical Education is paramount in National developments, all those concern should make real effort to correct and effect all the factors as identified by the researcher ‘factors affecting the effective teaching and learning of Vocational and Technical Education courses in Nigerian Universities’ considering the value of quality Vocational and Technical Education, the following recommendations have been proffered:


  • Government should provide the necessary equipments, machines facilities and infrastructure needed in the effective teaching and learning of Vocational and Technical Education.
  • School administrators, government and all stakeholders should provide an enabling environment and stimulate the active participation of the private sector, communities, civil society, organizations, and development partners in Vocational and Technical Education development.
  • Improve the competence, resourcefulness, and efficiency of Lecturers and other personnel through training, capacity building, and motivations.
  • There should be adequate supply of qualified staff to teach in the program.
  • The welfare of Lecturers should be taken seriously, their salaries, allowances promotions etc should be promptly attended to.
  • Lecturers should adequately prepare for their lessons, employ real and concrete items as instructional materials.
  • There should be proper administration and supervision of the schools and learning program to ensure that the desired goal is achieved also to promote hard-work and discipline in the University.
  • Schools need to be adequately equipped with good teaching and learning environment, workshops, laboratories as well as good libraries, should be available to make teaching and learning easy and enjoyable.
  • Improved esteem by the government and the general public to stimulate the interest of students in Vocational and Technical Education.

Finally, researcher recommends that skills and exercises selected by the TVE instructors to teach should be technologically relevant and at the same time Meaningful to the learners in reference to the needs of the community. It is evident that possession of proficient skill in ones career field is basic to motivation to learn and lack of knowledge of this skill kills interest on the part of students.


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