Public Administration Project Topics

Factors Affecting Services Delivery in Borno State Development Programme Zone 2 Bama Borno State

Factors Affecting Services Delivery in Borno State Development Programme Zone 2 Bama Borno State

Factors Affecting Services Delivery in Borno State Development Programme Zone 2 Bama Borno State


Objectives of The Study

The aim of the study will basically be to examine the strength of development in local communities following this goal, the objective of the study therefore shall be:

  1. To identify the constitutional role expected of Bornu state government in the development of local communities in Zone 2 Bama local government.
  2. To examine the contributions of Bornu state government in the actualization of their roles in developing Zone 2 Bama local government.
  3. To identify the problems that affect the Bornu state government in the development of Zone 2 Bama local government as well as the various ways in which these problems can be solved.




The word federalism has its origin from the Latin word foedus, meaning league, treaty or compact. In this sense, federal system has come to represent any form of government which brings together, in alliance, constituent government each of which recognise the legitimacy of an overarching central government to make decisions on some matters once exclusively the responsibility of the individual member state (innman 2008: 56).

In the view of watts, Federalism is basically not a descriptive but a normative term and refers to the advocacy of multi-tiered government combining elements of shared-rule and regional self-rule. It is based on the presumed value and validity of combining unity and diversity and of accommodating, preserving and promoting distinct identities within a larger political union. The essence of federalism as a normative principle is the perpetuation of both union and non-centralisation at the same time (Adetola. 2013: 6). In effect, the normative nature of federalism indicates the acceptance and the bringing to life a system of government that appreciates the combination of shared and separate political values and systems of governance. In contrast to the normative value of federalism, ‘federal political systems’ and ‘federations’ are regarded as descriptive terminologies.

Another definition of federalism was propounded by William Riker one of the prominent political science scholar of federalism in which he defined federalism as a political organisation in which the activities of government are divided between regional governments and a central government in such a way that each kind of government has some activities in which it makes final decisions.

Galligan (2006; 264-265) sees federalism as a system of government characterized by two spheres of government, national and state, operating in one political entity according to define arrangement for sharing power so that neither is sovereign over the other.

It will be unjust to define federalism without giving reference to the definition of another political science scholar who is a leading proponent of federalism, K.C Wheare. He define federalism as a system of government in which there is a division of functions between co-ordinate authorities, authorities which are in no way subordinate one to another either in the extent or in the exercise of their allotted functions.

From the following scholarly definitions of federalism it will be worthy to say that federalism is a political ideology and also a political system that is concern with the constitution of a particular country giving legal backing to the central government of a state to establish regional or subordinate government to exist with their own autonomy. Examples of countries practicing this type of political system include but not limited to the following; Nigeria, America, Australia, Switzerland (Elaigwu. 2007 :14).




Administrative Efficiency is the judicious utilization of local government resources, proper conduct and management of governmental affairs at the local government level to facilitate administrative effectiveness. In this paper it connotes the following:

  • Proper utilization of the monthly federal allocation of funds
  • Mobilization and utilization of internally generated revenue
  • Complying with the operation of local government financial memoranda
  • No waste of both human and material resources
  • Complying with check and balances in line with the presidential system
  • Financial instructions in writings
  • Probe/inquiry
  • Utilization of public accounts committee
  • Expenditure within approved limit
  • Complying with due process
  • Responsiveness to local needs
  • Transparency
  • Probity
  • Accountability
  • Leaders being servants of the people
  • Adhering to budget provisions
  • Undertaking viable projects
  • Adequate motivation of staff
  • Communication by file not by emotions or primordial sentiments

If these qualities are found among the local government leaders and the workers in the day- to- day operation of the 27 local governments in Borno State we expect to see administrative effectiveness in the operation of Local Government Administration in Zone 2 Bama.



As important as this tier of government is, there seems to be some impediments that have been infringing on its performance and functions in recent times. These impediments range from undue interference of the higher levels of government i.e. federal and state governments, bribery and corruption to embezzlement which has become a way of life in Nigeria and gross inadequacy of well trained and qualified personnel to mention but a few. Therefore in examining the problem of administrative efficiency at the local government level in Zone 2 Bama, we shall use model 1 below to illustrate it.




Generally, it could be seen that Bornu state government has not been effective in the development of Zone 2 Bama. It conclusion reveals that rural community development are in adequately carried out in the resettlement area. For instance, with the unavailability medical facilities in the community this means that the inhabitants of the community will cannot guarantee for themselves long life when the medical facility needed is absent and also it depicts their standard of living.

The state government has not performed well in the provision of security facilities as there is persistent increase in crime and domestic violent to the extent that people can no longer go out at will. The state government has also performed below expectation in the provision  at least primary school in the community to the extent that pupils will have to risk their lives because of, the local government fails to utilize its manpower in carrying out projects rather prefer the use of contractors who gives kickbacks. Finance is the bedrock of every business and government, it evident that the local government lacks the seriousness in the pursuance of internally generated revenue relying mostly the Federal and State allocation which are not enough even pay workers salaries.


From the findings, we have discovered that there is a high level of neglect by the state government on the delopment of the resettlement community and also the local government have however not perform up to expectation but without taking any sides, the local government has played  more active role in the development of the resettlement than the state government. We therefore recommend the following as solutions to the barriers of development:

  • The state government through its representatives of other agency should try as much as possible to embark on more developmental programs for the resettlement even if it means doing it jointly with the local government as this will help improve the standard of living of the people and also make the people to also have more trust in the government they voted for.
  • The local government should put in place adequate disciplinary sanctions for any of its staff or political office holder found guilty of corruption because if this is quickly attended to it will affect other crucial sector of the council. Therefore the local government authority should sanction anybody found guilty of corruption.
  • Since health they say is wealth, the local government should not wait until the state government put in place health facilities for the community as this may take a very long process but in order not to put the lives of people at risk the local government should try all it can to make sure there is a functioning health facility in place for the people of the community and this will equally give a common man the ability to get treated at a subsidize rate.
  • Furthermore, since irresponsible village heads are one of the major constraint of development in the community, the local government chairman should orientate and be able to give advice to these village head on how to be responsible and also to preach to them the good of humanitarian services in the community.
  • On the final note both the state and local government should always come together and embark on developmental projects for the community and one should not leave the work for the other because once they are been neglected that means they have been deprived of their rights and this is unconstitutional.


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