Public Health Project Topics

Factors Affecting Nutritional Practices Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia, Ebonyi State

Factors Affecting Nutritional Practices Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at St. Vincent's Hospital, Ndubia, Ebonyi State

Factors Affecting Nutritional Practices Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia, Ebonyi State

Chapter One

Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study is to examine the factors affecting nutritional practices among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia, Ebonyi State.

  1. To examine the nutritional practices of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia.
  2. To determine the factors influencing nutritional practices of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia.
  3. To assess the measures which could be adopted to improve nutritional practices of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia.




The nutritional status of a girl has been discovered to be very important and critical because it determines and allows for a healthy pregnancy outcome (Saraswathi, 2010). Maternal intake of carbohydrates and protein, fatty acids and micronutrients which include zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin C have important effects on growth of the fetus and prenatal outcomes (Baer et al., 2005). For maternal stores not to get depleted, the mother’s food plan should offer enough nutrients (Khoushabi and Saraswathi, 2010). however, in developing countries like Nigeria and in developed countries like the USA, have reported inadequacy of macronutrient and micronutrient intake amongst expectant mother’s (Sukchan et al., 2010). The study sought to give information on the nutrient adequacy of expectant mothers diets.

 Conceptual Review

Nutritional needs during pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy is a significant public health challenge because pregnancy is a vital period during which right maternal nutrition is a key factor influencing the health of both mother and baby. During the prenatal period, the growing fetus obtains all of its nutrients via the placenta, so nutritional intake has to meet the needs of the mother in addition to the products of idea, and permit the mothers to put down stores of nutrients required for the improvement of the fetus (Williamson, 2006). According to WHO (2014), nutrients is the intake of food taken into consideration with regards to the body’s nutritional needs. Desirable nutrients, well balanced diet mixed with normal physical hobby is a cornerstone of precise health, while negative nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, accelerated susceptibility to disorder, impaired bodily and intellectual development, and decreased productivity (WHO, 2014). Consequently, women of child-bearing a while need to maintain accurate nutritional reputation through a life-style that optimizes maternal health and reduces the risk of beginning defects, suboptimal fetal increase and development, and continual health problems of their children. the important thing components of a health-selling way of life all through pregnancy consist of appropriate weight gain, suitable bodily activity, consumption of a diffusion of food according with the nutritional suggestions for pregnancy, suitable and well timed nutrition and mineral supplementation, avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful materials, and safe food managing (Kaiser & Allen, 2008).

Assessment of nutritional status between expectant Mother’s

Assessment of nutritional status among expectant mother’s may be executed through use of MUAC or pre-pregnancy weight however, MUAC has been endorsed because it has been determined as a ability indicator of nutritional status. In a take study performed, MUAC was definitely correlated to beginning weight and crown heel and for this reason it has been endorsed over pre- pregnancy weight to assess women liable to poor pregnancy outcome (Ricalde et al., 1998). every other take study achieved in Ethiopia, determined that women with low MUAC, had been more likely to present beginning to low start weight infants (Assefa, Berhane, and Worku, 2012).

Malnutrition in women outcomes in decreased productiveness, an increased susceptibility to infections, slow healing from contamination, and heightened dangers of damaging pregnancy outcomes (KNBS & ICF Macro, 2010). Maternal diets in the course of pregnancy want to offer power and nutrients for the mother in addition to for fetal growth (Cheng et al., 2009). A observe carried out by way of Muthayya observed that the nutrients reputation of a pregnant female when excellent because of progressed food consumption and improved micronutrient consumption amongst different things like the surroundings and own family resulted in premiere toddler weight advantage (Muthayya, 2009).



Research design

A descriptive, non-experimental research design was adopted to examine the factors affecting nutritional practices among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia, Ebonyi State.

Research setting

Saint Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia is also a secondary hospital located in Izzi Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The hospital was established in the early 1960 by the Catholic missionaries. The hospital serves the rural population in Izzi, Ikwo, Ezza and neighbouring states of Cross River and Benue. Most of the patients are rural dwellers and are predominantly farmers.

Target Population

A study population is a group of elements or individuals as the case may be, who share similar characteristics. These similar features can include location, gender, age, sex or specific interest. The emphasis on study population is that it constitute of individuals or elements that are homogeneous in description (Prince, 2019).

The study targeted Pregnant women, who were willing to participate in the study and who had been attending antenatal clinic at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia, Ebonyi State.




Out of 210 questionnaires distributed, only 191 completely filled questionnaires were coded and included in this analysis.





This study was carried out on the factors affecting nutritional practices among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Ndubia, Ebonyi State. This study findings have shown that the nutritional practices of women sampled is inadequate. Aside from previous medical conditions, most women forbid the intake of certain food items due to lack of knowledge of the food item, dislike for the food, fear of gaining excessive weight for mother and unborn child as well as other cultural and religious factors. Low socio-economic status, lack of adequate information on nutritive components of these food items, forgetfulness and lack of husband support were among the factors that hindered their practice of adequate diet intake. Therefore, it is important that the nutrition education and counselling given during each antenatal visit should be intensified, programs eliciting husband support should be organized and the women advised to encourage their husbands to attend such programs. This will enhance a sense of shared responsibility for the health of the woman and her unborn child and positively affect the nutritional practice of women during pregnancy.


Based upon the findings of this study, it is therefore recommended that preconception education should be mandated for all couple. Also the nutrition education and counselling given during each antenatal visit should be intensified. During these visits, women should be taught on how to stay and remain healthy especially during pregnancy. In addition, programs that elicit husband support should be organized and men should be encouraged to attend such programs with their wife. In the future, studies aimed at assessing the role which spousal support plays in enhancing adequate nutritional intake in pregnancy should be carried out.


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