Building Project Topics

Factors Affecting Labour Control on Building Construction in Benin City

Factors Affecting Labour Control on Building Construction in Benin City

Factors Affecting Labour Control on Building Construction in Benin City

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

The major objective of the study was to examine the factors affecting labour control on building construction in Benin city. of this study include:

  1. To ascertain the effect of a mutual relationship between management and
  2. To highlight the effect of motivation on workers
  3. To determine the importance of labour management
  4. To examine the need for workers participation in decision
  5. To ascertain the effect of strike on organizational
  6. To examine whether or not leadership style effect labour control.



1 An overview of labour control

Labour management can be used as a substitute for the following terms namely: union-employer relation, worker-employer relation or employee relation. According to Akpala (2015) labour control is concerned with the internal arrangement between employers and trade union in a bipartite relationship within an industry or across industries or within an enterprise to regulate their relations affecting employment and its compensation, according to him labour management relation connotes a relationship between workers, not as individuals but in their identity as the employer. Okenwa C. P (2020) in her book concept of industrial relations in Nigeria defined management labour relation as a relationship between workers not as an individual but in their collective entity with the employer.

Management must relate with labour if the organization must survive the absence of this relation will robe the organization of the workers loyalty and high performance. Herman W. Stekraus, called it human relation and he defined it as the working together of management and employees in the spirit of mutual understanding and team work, with the definitions above, we can now understand that when management and labour are integrated into group, they will work harmoniously and productively for economic benefit and social satisfaction of all.

Labour control is part of industrial relations, but industrial relations is broader, whenever an intervention by government as third party occurs the relationship becomes more involved and is known as industrial relations (Akpala 2015). Ukoha (2019: 185) said that industrial relations is the relationship that exists between workers, employers and the government for the purpose of determining the conditions under which work is done, therefore we can state that industrial relations is the regulation of the employers relationship by the workers or labour union, the employers or management and the government or its agencies, the propose of which is the establishment of job rules which specify the rights, duties and responsibilities of each other.

Labour control and the management

Most management practitioners have come to recognize that paying attention to employees in their organization is as important as any attention paid to the technical side of their plans if not more important . Andre Carnegtie is beloved to be the first to emphasis the value of the individual worker to an economic system, he was said to heave rated workers higher than everything else in importance.

There is not universal acceptable definition of management; the word has different meaning depending on the context and purpose. The word management was derived from the Italian word “managgiare” meaning to train houses, Druker (2015) defined management as an objective function that ought to be grounded in the responsibility for performance, according to MC

Farland, management is the process by which mangers create, direct, maintain and operate pruoose organization through systematic co-ordinate and control” the definition that suited the researcher was the one defined by Mary Parker Folleft (2015); she defined management as the arts of getting things done through and with people.

Management should exercise certain powers and envoy some privileges, but not at the detriment of its workers and the organization as a whole, totalitarian attitude or being too bossy on workers does not constitute what can be rightly called labour management relation. In the book human relation for management edited by E. C. Busk, it is said that an employer, who is strict and fair is usually respected by his workers, so management should be just, firm and impartial towards things that concern its workers.

It should also be noted that a reasonable manager should always make necessary arrangement to ensure that all materials required for the efficient performance of the job are made available at the right time and place.




Introduction to the study

This chapter focuses mainly on the method employed in securing information on the research topic, emphasis was laid on research design and method, area of study, population of the study, sample size determination, instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of data collection, method of data analysis and questionnaire distribution and retrieval.

 Research design method

The research method adopted in any research study to an extent is dependent on the nature and objectives of the study. Since this study centers on “the effect of labour control in a building industry”, the survey research study will include questionnaires, the questionnaires will be structured and the selection of respondents will be based on the sampling method whereby a representative part of the population will be selected and studied with a view to making references and generalization about the population.

Area of study

The geographical coverage of this research study is New Dawn Construction Company Limited

a construction industry in Benin city

Population of the study

The population size of this study has been drawn from the management staff and employees of the industry the Population size is two hundred and sixty six (266) people, and it was gotten from its various department namely; site workers(103), architecture (86), Administration (42), Accounts (24) and survey (11) Workers, Making the total population to be 266.



Presentation and analysis of data

This chapter deals with the analysis of research findings through the data collected from questionnaires administered and testing of hypothesis as well as interpretation. Questionnaires were administered to various departments, 160 questions were distributed but only 122 were fully filled and returned which was used for the analysis.



The discussion, conclusion and recommendation made under this chapter are based on the findings of the study. The study sought to identify the factors affecting labour control in building construction and its effect on workers performance in New Dawn construction limited in Benin city

Discussion of findings

Based on the analysis in chapter four as collected from the 122 respondents of New Dawn construction limited in Benin city, the findings of the research are summarized below:

  1. That labour management relations has an effect on workers performance.
  2. New dawn construction limited has fair mutual labour control
  3. That there is need for workers to participate in decision making, because it will give them a sense of
  4. Junior staff workers do not participate in decision making in the Company, this is basically left for the management staff, who believe they can handle the job
  5. Motivation is a necessary inducement for workers to work
  6. The motivational package preferred was good working condition, followed by money, participation in decision making andlastly praise.
  7. That the communication gap between workers and management of company is wide and it has negative effect on workers
  8. The success of a cordial relationship depends on a good and smooth communication between labour andmanagement
  9. That salaries are paid as and when
  10. The organization has witnessed strike more than twice, and this has an effect on workers
  11. That the leadership style operated is democratic style of leadership, which is the best for an effective relationship between labour and management.


For proper and adequate sustenance of a cordial relationship between labour and management, the researcher has stated the following recommendations;

Since labour management relation has an effect on workers performance, management should see to it that a cordial relation is maintained. Terms and conditions under which employees will work must be determined and if both parties fulfill their own parts, there will definitely co-exist

Workers should be given the opportunity to participate in decision making, so as to give them a sense of belonging and enhance their performance. Opinions should be sort from the employees before decisions are taken, since they spend most of their time working for the organization.

The employees should be motivated in order for harmony to reign between management and labour, so as to enhance

It is important that the communication gap between the management and workers be bridged to prevent unnecessary sabotage and enable them speak with one voice, thereby avoiding rumor

  1. Management must pay salaries and when due, since this has been a major cause of industrial action in theorganizaiton


The study and findings of the effect of labour management relations and its effect on workers performance in an organization is the purpose of this study.

The introductory studies and analysis of information in the last chapter forms the foundation for the following conclusion.

Industrial peace and harmony is necessary in order to have an increased performance, this can only be maintained with good labour management relations.

Both the management and employees should understand that they both play an important role in the organization, they should see each other as indispensable in the actualization of the organizational goals and objectives, and this can be achieved by seeing and treating the organization as asystem

Labour must be handled with care, in order to avoid unproductive labour, on the order hand; labour should not exploit and remain dormant in the

Motivation and communication are vital factors that affect performance, efforts should be made to meet up with the yearnings of the employees by introducing a motivational package that will suit and satisfy their needs. Communication is the only way information’s can be effectively transmitted, good communication if maintained will reduce misinterpretationand increase the speed with which work is

Since it is a known fact that workers will purse an objective better, if they join in making the decision on that objective, management should allow workers to participate in decision making, because if workers are granted such permission to participate in decision making, they will feel privilegedand indebted to work hard to achieve the joint decision

Organization requires a leadership style that ensures adequate flow of information to all workers, democratic leadership style for now is the prefect style of leadership for labour management

Whenever there is a grievance or disagreement in the organization, management should try and resolve it at its early stage either through negotiation or collective bargaining, before it gets too late and result to a strike.


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