Chemistry Project Topics

Extraction and Physicochemical Characterization of Pork Oil

Extraction and Physicochemical Characterization of Pork Oil

Extraction and Physicochemical Characterization of Pork Oil

Chapter One


The aim and objective of this research work include the following;

  1. To extract oil from a pig carcass obtained from a local dealer by dry
  2. To investigate some physiochemical properties of the extracted oil in (a)
  3. To investigate the fatty acid composition of the extracted oil in (a) using Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry(GC-MS)
  4. To investigate the thermal stability of the extracted oil using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR). Identify shift and changes in the oil
  5. To determine trace elements available in the extracted oil ash using Neutron Activation Analysis(NAA).




One of the fundamental issues of development is economic development which according to Meier (1976) is a process of cumulative change that results from positive forces raise productivity (Edozium, 1979). Accordingly, one of the development forces in economic theory of production is availability/distribution of scarce raw materials for the manufacturing industry (Wells, 1970; Scott, 1985).

  1. Agriculture Source
  2. Fossil source
  • Inorganic source

 Agricultural Source of Industrial Raw Material

This are animal and vegetable (plant) matter, products and by product such as meat, hides/skin milk from the animal matter, wool, gems, resins and tannins, fats and oil from animal and vegetable matter to mention a few (Tedder et al., 1975; Mohammed, 1981).

 Fossil Source of Industrial Raw Material

Fossil are dead bodies of animal and plant that have been buried in the desert or frozen ice or covered sand or mud in ponds or at the bottom of the sea (Hatch and Matar, 1977). Various chemical reaction take place for several year leading to formation of petroleum associated gas and coal from which various chemicals and petro chemical are obtained to feed other industries.

Inorganic Source of Industrial Raw Material

These are the mineral elements and their compound from the earth crust. They also include the gases from the atmosphere (Parker, 1978). They include; iron, copper, tin, and aluminium to mention a few while from the atmosphere such gasses as CO, O2, N2 are obtained (Hill, 1992).

Generally the agricultural and fossils source provide the bulk of raw material for the process and manufacturing industries (Chang, 1978; Monts and Kahlkase, 1978). This further justifies this particular research on pork oil.


Pigs have been described as one of the most prolific and fast growing livestock that can convert food waste to valuable products the excel above other red meat animals such as cattle, sheep and goat in converting feed to flesh (Ironkwe and Amefule, 2008). And their annual growth rate (3.8%) is higher than that of the human population (2.30-2.80%). The indigenous pigs have been recommended as good alternative source of cheap, high quality animal protein that suits escalating human population. They have relatively low cost of production and their growth rate  is fast (Osaro, 1995). They also have short generation interval, high production potential, high prolificacy and high carcass yield. They adapt early to environment conditions (ILCA, 1992). Pig production has therefore been advocated as a short term measure toward alleviating the animal protein and calorie deficit, especially where there are no religious edict preventing their production and consumption (Eusebio, 1984).

Nigeria is estimated to have 4.4million pigs about 78% of these are found in the sub-humid  zones of Northern and Southern Guinea Savannah (Shuaibu et al., 1997). Most of the pig are reared in the extensive system and their productivity has been reported to be low (Okorie, 1978). The pig is not only a source of animal protein it also serve as an investment alternative and source of additional income especially in the rural areas. In the southern part of Nigeria, Pig farming is kept in commercial quantities because there are no ethics or Nigerian taboos forbidding its production. But most time pig keeping has been reported to be a secondary enterprise and represent, some preposition for the income earned by households, most especially women (Holness, 1991).


Lard is the fat rendered from fine clean tissue from pig in good health at the time of slaughter  and fit for human consumption. The tissue does not include bones detached skin, head skin, ears, tail organs, wind piper, large blood vessels scrap fat, skimming’s, settling pressing, and the like and reasonably free from muscle tissue and blood. Lard is a soft, creamy, white solid or semisolid fat with butter like consistency obtained by rendering or melting the fatty tissue of pig. The major fat depot in pig is the subcutaneous depot which forms a tube around the body and consists of 70-90% triglycerol. There is considerable intramuscular fat but the internal cavity fats are much less developed than in cattle and sheep. The major fatty acid present are oleic, palmitic and stearic but there may, also be large quantities of linoleic acid, thus distinguishing lard from beef or mutton tallow in general, although there is some overlap at the lowest concentration (Spencer et al., 1976). Lard is much softer than tallow not only because of the presence of more, linoleic acid, but also because of the higher concentration of oleic acid and lower concentration of stearic acid. The ranges of fatty acid given by Spencer et al. (1976) appear to be somewhat high for palmitic acid and stearic acid based on recent reports in literature of the composition of pig carcass fats. However, Hubbarb and Pockclington (1968) reported similar ranges for the fatty acid composition of various fats deports from European and Canadian pig carcasses. In view of the number of factors which affect the fatty acid composition of pigs it is not possible to ascribed specific causes for the composition of samples of unknown origin.





5kg of pork was obtained from a major local slaughter house in Samaru, Zaria. The pork’s tissue was cut into pieces. The pork oil was prepared by cooking the fats containing tissue for 30 minutes. It is allowed to cool then fried. The pork oil thus obtain was transferred into a 2 litre plastic container and stored at 20C until needed. It was used without further purification.


 Saponification Value

This is a measure of mean weight of the oil and it denotes the number of milligram of potassium hydroxide which is required to saponify 1 gram of oil that is to neutralise the free fatty acid and the fatty acids combined as glycerides.


The saponification value was determined by completely saponifying the oil with a known amount of potassium hydroxide the excess of which was determined by titration.

Analytical Importance

 The saponification value is an index of mean molecular weight of the fatty acids of glyceride comprising a fat. The lower the saponification value the larger the molecular weight of fatty acids in the glycerides and vice versa.


  1. 5MAlcoholic potassium hydroxide: refluxe 1.2litre isopropyl alchohol for 1 hour with 10g KOH and by aluminium foil. It was distill and collected after discarding first 50cm3. 40g KOH dissolved in the distilled alchohol keeping temperature below 150C allow standing for 3days before use.
  2. Phenolphthalein indicator   1%;  dissolve   0g of   phenolphthalein in 100cm3 propylalchohol
  3. Standard hydrochloric acid5M




Table 4.1 shows some of the physicochemical properties of the pork oil. The quality of the oil was assessed using parameters such as acid value, peroxide value, iodine value, saponification value, percentage free fatty acid, hydroxyl value, unsaponifiable matter, and moisture content where the values were compared with that of some edible oils.

Acid value is an important index of physicochemical property of oil which is used to indicate the quality, age, edibility and suitability of oil for use in industries such as paint (Akubugwo et al., 2008). According to Demian (1990), acid value are used to measure the extent to which glycerides, in the oil has been decomposed by lipase and other physical factors such as light and heat. Thus, the high acid value of the pork oil when compared with that of soybean oil 0.09mg/g suggest that the pork oil is more susceptible to lipase action. This value (2.78mg/g) (Table 4.1) for the pork oil is higher than the 0.6mg/g proposed by Usoro et al. (1982), for edible oil.

Peroxide value is used as a measure of the extent to which rancidity reactions occur during storage. The low peroxide value of the pork oil 3.26 meq/g (Table 4.1) also corroborated the fact that the pork oil has resistance to lipolytic hydrolysis and oxidative deterioration compare with arachis hypogea with a peroxide value of 5.99meq/g (Atasie et al., 2009). Again, the peroxide value of the pork oil falls within the range of 0 -10meq/g stipulated for freshly prepared oil (Cocks and Reds, 1966). Therefore, it is likely that storage for a long time may not lead to rancidity of the oil.

The saponification value helps determine the quantity of potassium (in mg) needed to neutralized the acids and saponify the esters contained in 1g of lipid (Roger et al., 2010). The saponification value (209mg/g) (Table 4.1) determined for the pork oil is higher than



From the analytical results obtained, from the work done on the pork oil sample. It can be concluded that the pork oil is of good quality because most of the characteristics of the oil which make it edible falls within a responsible range and agrees favourable with values reported in the literature.

For example the unsaponifiable value which can indicate adulteration, contamination and unsuitability falls within good range, this further indicate that the oil sample is of good quality. The result also show that the peroxide value of the oil is very low indicating that the shelve life; the rate at which the oil go rancid is very low if properly kept. Again the saponification values indicate that the oil can be used to produce good quality soap.

The fatty acids of pork oil are dominated by even-numbered chains. Small quantities of odd- numbered fatty acids chain are also detected. Both the saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are present in almost equal proportion oleic acid is the major continent of the unsaturated fatty acids. The oil also shows total absence of linoleic and linoleic acids.

FTIR spectroscopy is a useful technique for monitoring the thermal degradation process of pork oil. The timing, either of the appearance and disappearance of certain infrared bands or of the shifting of the frequency value of some bands could be considered as an indicator of oxidative stability of the sample. All the changes observed in the FTIR spectrum of pork oil sample reflect oxidative stages.

Major elements, trace element and ultra-trace element alike were found in very good concentration which can serve as supplement in nutrition.

On the whole this piece of work seems to be one of the first attempts to determine the quality or to characterise the pork oil in Nigeria. The results obtained are likely to be useful to the generality of the people.


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