Microbiology Project Topics

Examination of Jollof Rice Served in Hotels for Pathogenic Organisms

Examination of Jollof Rice Served in Hotels for Pathogenic Organisms

Examination of Jollof Rice Served in Hotels for Pathogenic Organisms

Chapter One


This is to find out possible pathogenic organism found in food (Jollof rice) sold to Top Rink Hotel and presidential hotel to examine and identify micro organism (bacteria) associated with  Jollof rice (food) sample collected from these hotels in Enugu. And to determines the bacteria load growth.




Rice (Oryza sativa) is cultivated in swapy areas in many tropical countries where it is mainly used as for human the composition of rice differs with the variety, nature of the fertilizer applied. About 85 percent of rice consists of milled rice is low (Alverlinoetal  1970) but when simazine is applied to flooded soil at flowering this increase the percentage of protein in the rice grain yield. The fat  content is low and it is removed in the process of  milling. The digestibility of the protein is high and the nutritive value depends on its amino acid content which varies Alverlinoetal 1970). The main protein is oryzenin which is rich in argein but poor in lysine and threonine (Hawrie 1974) the amount fat  soluble vitamins A and D is negligible, but the vitamin E content of whole rice is considerable. I lusked rice has a high content of vitamin B, the riboflavin, content is low and vitamin C is practically absent rice does not contain sufficient requirement for human consumption hence various ingredient are introduced into the various preparation of rice to supplement and increase  the Nutritional requirement (Eorry G. Robet Skimmer (1982). Jollof rice is one of the major disher sold in restaurant fast food joints, it is of high demand because the ingredient used in it is preparation make up a substantial portion of the human diet.


There are various source of food contamination. The various ways are

Manlanding (servers)

This can get the food contaminated through  serving of the food i.e a case were ones land that are not properly washed comes constant with the food that is been served to the beyer which are the consume.

2 Present of microorganism in the atmosphere. Naturally microorganism

are know to every where they are ubiquitous, when food is been exposed they tends to infest the food as a result of this the food is been contaminated. (Trickett).


This is a case  where by the cooking utensils were not probably washed from its previous use and were then used for the serving cooking of the present food. This result contamination since it Ntwduing micro organism into the food that is been serred out to consumers.   Vector (flies).

Food that are exposed are equally exposed to the petting of flies which are known to be carry’s of microorganisms and as a result of this petching they deposit micro organism and germs on the food to be served out.





Samples of rice (Jolloff ricer) was collected from top rank hotel and presidential hotel in Enugu town. The food is collected into a sterile cellophane bag and then taken to the laboratory for analysis.


The media used include nutrient agar (oxide) and macconkey agar (oxide).


5.6 Grammies of Nutrient agar (NA) was weighed into 200ml of distilled water in a conical flask. This was then mixed gently by shaking and they cocked  with cotton wool and foil paper it was also sterilized in the au to clave at 1210c for 15 minutes.

In the case of macconkey agar 74 agrammes was weighed into 250 ml of distilled water in a conical flask. This is the mixed gently by shaking and them cocked with cotton wool and foil paper, it is also sterilized in the Autoclave at 1210c for 15 minutes.



The identification of bacterial present in the food sample collected was based on their colonial characteristic and gram reaction. Bacterial load of (10-5+ delusion blank of the Jollof rice after 48 hours of incubations at 40 – 460c.



With reference to the result obtained the number of organism were found to be more than 30cfu in 100 ml of serial deletion Jollof rice when the number is more than 30cfu, it indicate pathogeicity the study confirms the presence of pathogenic bacteria in an apparently Jollof rice. Rhodes et al reported that some microorganism which grow well in food may produce toxin which when ingested will case poison in the system. But for this work the number of staphylococcus  aureus were  not enough to cause disease or to be pathogenic because Lery et al  reported that staphylococcus food poison have always contained in excess of 500,00 staphylococcus  per gram.

The food to be sold to consumers should be properly prepared  with safe and portable water such water should be treated and inspected by medical officers who will certify such water for use. Also the food to be sold to consumers should be prepared in a clean environment devoid of refuse dust striking sink e.t.c the food should be sold in clean and well covered dishes washed trays in addition to this the handler should be very careful the way they handle food to be the customers. The government on its part should legislate on the minimal requirement for selting up a food out let like hotels it should strictly enforce the legislation so as to put a stop to the shanties that adorn the land scape.


The microorganism count of retail food could be vary alarming if not properly checked to ensure  no further proliferation of the organisms present in the various food. Thus to reduce the organism count in food the water used for the preparation, the environment and the untensil used should be relatively clean and inspected. If the microbial activities of the hotels in Enugu metropolis of the controlled in the preparation of food then the effects and ailments can be  minimized and the disease like typhoid cholera diarrhea and fever can be eliminated. And also the ingredients used in the hotels should be kept in cupboard from rate and other rodents people who suffer form disease that can easily be contaminated to food should not be allowed to be a participant of food production. Other physical material that are employed in food processing should always be kept clean before and after used to prevent them from  contaminating food during usage.


  • Alverlino, P,O Miller, and D. Vergara (1970) Rice: Cultivation and Processing John Wiley and sons inc. Canada Pp 132- 133.
  •  Bor. S. Luh (1972): Rice, Production and Utilization: Avi, Publishing Company Inc. West port, Connecticut Pg 5859.
  • Corryg, Robert T. & skinner F. (1982) Isolation and Identification Methods of food poisoning organism: academic press Inc (London) Ltd 24/48 Oval Road London  NW1 Pg 25-30.
  • Grist D (1958) Rice, 5th Longman Group Ltd. Longman House, Burnt Mill, Harlow Essex, Cm 2021 E England Pg 450-452.
  • Ihekononye A.I Ngoddy P.O (1979) Integrated food science and technology for the tropics. Macmillan press Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire RG 212 x5 and London. Pg. 253-257.
  • Lawrie B. (1974): Rice in the Tropics Longman Group Ltd  longman House, Burnt mill, Harlow Essex Cm 202JE, England Pg 38-43.
  • Lery J.J.R.C and H.H Black burn (1973) Introductory  microbiology doh