Chemistry Project Topics

Evaluation of the Potentials of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Generation for Rural Electrification in Nigeria

Evaluation of the Potentials of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Generation for Rural Electrification in Nigeria

Evaluation of the Potentials of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Generation for Rural Electrification in Nigeria

Chapter One

Aim and Objectives

This research work is aimed at determining the potential and availability of solar energy resources to establish a large-scale photovoltaic power system that can be interconnected to form a rural grid Network.

In order to achieve the aim, a number of objectives have been defined.

  1.  To obtain the photovoltaic (PV) arrays and calculates the DC power output of a large scale photovoltaic power plant under the given environmental conditions.
  1.  To also determine the type of grid operated power system that is suitable for the system.
  1. To ascertain the balance of the system requirement needed for a large scale photovoltaic power generation.
  1. To determine the economic analysis of establishing a large scale solar photovoltaic power generation in Northern Nigeria.




The Metrological data of Sokoto and Port Harcourt in Rivers state from 2001 to 2010 were obtained from Nigerian Metrological Agency, National Weather Forecast and Climate Research Centre. These include.

1 Daily Average solar Radiation (MJ/m2 )

2 Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures

3 Daily Average Relative Humidity (%)

4 Mean Daily wind speed (knots)

From the above data, monthly average and yearly average was obtained and used as input data to activate the PV sys computer software package for sizing, simulation and data analysis of solar photovoltaic power plant. Results obtained from the simulation were used to estimate the production capacity of a 200kW and 500kW Photovoltaic power plant in both locations. The total number of solar panels required to generate the required power output for the power plant was also determined by the application of solar PV sys 5.0. A model of 4 x 250kW large scale solar photovoltaic power plants was developed through the application of Auto Card aided design. A block diagram and a single line diagram were made to indicate the arrangements of the solar panels and associated equipments of the power plant. Results obtained were used to compare the total energy produced by the same power plants in these two different locations. Economic analysis of solar PV energy cost per unit of 24\ installation was made by estimating the total cost of power plant for a location in Sokoto State and that of Port Harcourt, Rivers State.


Modeling of the nth Year Cumulative Energy Produced in Sokoto

The average rate of degradation of crystalline silicon (c-si) solar modules is 0.71% per year (Alsema, 1997). Hence, in 2015 the overall electrical energy produced is denoted by En – 1(kWhr) the energy produced in the following year may be denoted thus

En (kWhr)

If n = 1 in 2015 (the year of installation)

Then En generally denotes the amount of energy produced in the nth year of the installation. The amount of energy to be produced in 2016 in sokoto is

calculated as follows:

For 2015 En-1 = E0 = 151.1GWhr

For the year 2016 n=2

Thus, E1 = E0(1-0.0071)

151.1GWhr x 0.9929

= 150.0Gwhr

For the year 2017 n=3

Therefore, E2 = E1(1-0.0071) = 150GWhr x 0.9929 = 148.9Gwhr

While that of Port Harcourt is calculated as follows:For 2015 En-1 = E0 = 83.9GWhr

For the year 2016 n=2

E1 = E0 (1-0.0071)

83.9GWhr x 0.9929

= 83.3Gwhr

For the year 2017 n=3

Therefore E2 = E1 (1-0.0071)

= 83.3GWhr x 0.9929

= 82.7Gwhr

Modeling 1.0MW PV Power System

In this section a model of a 1.0 MW PV power plant is presented. During this section the interconnection between models of 250kW were presented in order to build up to 1.0MW or 1000kW plant. Therefore the controller of each static generator is similar to that of 250 kW power plant. This 1.0MW photovoltaic power plant has a nominal 1.0MW capacity to the local grid.

 Modeling Details

The 1.0MW PV power plant consists of 4 – groups of 4 – static – generators each. Each group was connected to the medium voltage photovoltaic park bus, which has a nominal voltage of 11kV, via line (lines are called lines 1-5).





Table 3.1 shows the result of the simulation carried out on an equal number of Photovoltaic panels used for 500kW PV Power plant in Sokoto state and Rivers state. However the estimated energy generation in Sokoto is 842MWhr/yr as against Rivers state with 532MWhr/yr. The power output at operating conditions is the same in both locations but the cost of installation is higher in Rivers state despite the low energy yield of the PV power plant.




There is an accelerating demand for clean energy particularly PV solar energy.

The modern surge for solar is, in part driven by rising demand for electricity and increasing environmental costs associated with conventional fuels. Solar energy has both environmental and economic importance to Nigeria. Hence the solar power play a key role in cost effectiveness of the national economy. It creates direct employment of labor force and fosters the development of micro – industries.

From the research carried out, it is evident that, the cost of developing a large scale photovoltaic power plant with a production capacity of 414kWhr per day or 151GWhr per annum in sokoto state is lower than the cost of the same power plant with equal equipments to generate 230kWhr/ day or 83.9GWhr/per annum in Port Harcourt, Rivers State; South- South Nigeria. The availability of solar photovoltaic generation capability in Port Harcourt, Rivers state is only about 55% that of Sokoto state in North – Western Nigeria.

Similarly, the research shows that Sokoto – North Western Nigeria is clearly attractive for large scale solar PV development. First, the land tends to be cheap, environmental impacts tend to be less complex, the population is relatively less dense, the solar irradiance is high, humidity is low and the weather is predictably cloudless for most part of the year.49 Application of large scale solar photovoltaic power generation for rural electrification in Nigeria has the potentials of reducing power line vandalisation,since the energy generated is usually distributed within the communities thereby eliminating the cost of erecting long distance power lines. Large scale solar PV system provides solution to high energy losses, both technical and non technical system losses. It is also an effective way of curving out environmental degradation by minimizing the running of fossil fuel generators in our rural areas.


Governments of Nigeria, local, state and federal through its Rural Electrification Agencies should channel their resources in the development of large scale solar photovoltaic power plants in North Western Nigeria, as a means of solving the perennial power shortages and blackouts in the rural areas. It will also provide employment to the locals and boost the local economy through establishment of agro allied industries. Through rural electrification policy, the government should also introduce an incentive for private sector participation in solar photovoltaic power generation.

Photovoltaic power generation can reduce the burning of fire wood in the villages, thereby reducing the rate of desertification in the region. Solar energy is a means of removing the burden of rural communities load from the National grid, thereby creating a room for servicing a suppressed commercial and industrial load. Solar energy is environment friendly; it is clean, safe and cheap.


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