Environmental Management Project Topics

Evaluating the Problems of Solid Waste Management in Nigeria

Evaluating the Problems of Solid Waste Management in Nigeria

Evaluating the Problems of Solid Waste Management in Nigeria

Chapter One


The following are the objectives of this study:

  1. To evaluate the problems of solid waste management in Nigeria.
  2. To examine the consequences of poor solid waste management in Nigeria.
  3. To identify the strategies that have been adopted in solid waste management in Nigeria.




In the study of waste management, there are several models, and conceptual postulates. This research work shall focus on just one among these conceptual postulates such as the P.R.P (population, research, pollution) model. The idea of waste generation and problems posed by this waste in our cities is not for fetched from population explosion, resource demand and pollution. In an attempt to study waste problem, the P.R.P model was formulated which slows the relationship between population, resource and pollution .this model connects resource use with the environment population in terms of waste generated. As more people move to an urban area, either from birth or migration, population increases leading to high demand of resource to stay alive, and as such ,a negative feedback is reached with increase in the number of waste generation. the P.R.P mode says that human population acquires and uses resources from the environment and that these activities have negative impact on the environment, attiring the biotic and biotic condition.


As defined by the Bruntland commission in its 1987 report “our common future” as a process of meeting the need of the present generation likewise not jeopardizing the needs of the future generation (world development report 1992) the word was first used in the world conservation strategy (IUCN1980). It stressed sustainability in ecological terms and was for less concerned with economic development.

NEST(1992) further elaborated that ,it is a process in which the exploitation of resources, direction of investment, the orientation of technological development, the development of waste and institution change are all in harmony and enhances both current and future potentials to meet human need and aspiration. This concept however proved difficult for many to operate, on the approximate point on where to draw in certain between resource use and resources protection. In essence, the vision           of sustainable development as set out in the Bruntland report is for policies which recognize the need for economic growth without base.

It is argued that sustainable development in terms of waste management at a global level could only be achieved through major changes in the ways which our urban centres are managed. Man rice coinage of term “eco development at the united nations conference on the environment may prove lucid, as starting point towards operationalizing this concept (Bisong, 1994).





This chapter states the various methods used in research, as well as the population of the study, and sampling techniques used in determining the sample size for the research. How data was collected and analyzed is also discussed in this chapter.

The main objectives of this research were achieved through quantitative methods, as inferential statistics were used to measure the level of accuracy and validate responses from the respondents in accordance to the objectives of the research.


The study was conducted in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state. Akwa Ibom is a state in Nigeria. It is located in the coastal southern part of the country, lying between latitudes 4°32′N and 5°33′N, and longitudes 7°25′E and 8°25′E. The state is bordered on the east by Cross River State, on the west by Rivers State and Abia State, and on the south by the Atlantic Ocean and the southernmost tip of Cross River State.

Akwa Ibom is one of Nigeria’s 36 states, with a population of over 5 million people and more than 10 million people in diaspora. It was created in 1987 from the former Cross River State and is currently the highest oil- and gas-producing state in the country. The state’s capital is Uyo, with over 500,000 inhabitants. Akwa Ibom has an airport (Akwa Ibom International Airport) and two major seaports on the Atlantic Ocean with a proposed construction of a world-class seaport Ibaka Seaport at Oron. The state also boasts of a 30,000-seater ultramodern sports complex. Akwa Ibom state is home to the Ibom E-Library, a world-class information center. Along with English, the main spoken languages are Ibibio, Annang, Eket and Oron language.


The research design used for this study was the descriptive research design. Since data characteristics were described using frequencies and percentages, and no manipulations of data or variables were necessary, the researcher chose this research design. The researcher discarded other alternatives such as the causal and explanatory research designs, because accurate findings and data analysis may not be achieved.


The population for this study is employees of Akwa Ibom Ministry of environment Uyo. The population figure for the study was 32 respondents, comprising of Akwa Ibom state ministry of environment staff from various departments such as operations, finance, administration etc.



This chapter is devoted to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in the course of this study. The data are based on the number of copies of the questionnaire completed and returned by the respondents. The data are presented in tables and the analysis is done using the chi-square test.



The objectives of the study were to

  • To evaluate the problems of solid waste management in Nigeria.
  • To examine the consequences of poor solid waste management in Nigeria.
  • To identify the strategies than has been adopted in solid waste management in Nigeria.

Findings from the study revealed the following

  • Wastes are not properly managed in Akwa Ibom state.
  • Poor solid waste management leads to flooding.
  • Poor solid waste management does not make the environment unhealthy.
  • Strategies have been put in place for proper solid waste management in Akwa Ibom state.
  • Solid waste management has not been effective in Nigeria.


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