Education Project Topics

Effects of Teachers Instructional Strategies on Students Academic Achievement in Primary School Students.

Effects of Teachers Instructional Strategies on Students Academic Achievement in Primary School Students.

Effects of Teachers Instructional Strategies on Students Academic Achievement in Primary School Students.


 Objectives of the Study

This study aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

  1. To examine the effects of different instructional strategies on primary school student’s academic achievement.
  2. To identify the instructional strategies that have the most significant impact on student’s academic performance.
  3. To explore the factors influencing the effectiveness of instructional strategies in primary school settings.



Conceptual Framework

Instructional Strategies

Instructional strategies are the methods, techniques, and approaches employed by teachers to facilitate student learning and promote academic achievement (Brophy, 2019). These strategies encompass a wide range of instructional practices that are designed to engage students, enhance their understanding of the subject matter, and support their overall learning experience.

There are various types of instructional strategies that teachers can utilize in the classroom. One commonly used type is direct instruction, which involves explicit teaching and the transmission of information from the teacher to the students (Marzano et al., 2020). Direct instruction typically includes clear explanations, demonstrations, and step-by-step guidance to help students grasp new concepts and acquire specific skills. It is a teacher-centred approach that provides a structured learning environment.

Another type of instructional strategy is inquiry-based learning, which promotes student exploration, investigation, and discovery (Hattie, 2020). In this approach, students are actively involved in the learning process, posing questions, conducting experiments, and seeking answers. Inquiry-based learning encourages critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and independent learning. It fosters a deeper understanding of concepts by allowing students to actively construct knowledge.

Cooperative learning is yet another instructional strategy that emphasizes collaboration among students (Johnson et al., 2021). In this approach, students work together in small groups to achieve a common goal. They engage in discussions, share ideas, and support each other’s learning. Cooperative learning enhances communication skills, teamwork, and social interaction. It encourages active participation and promotes a positive learning environment.

Problem-solving approaches are also commonly employed as instructional strategies (Lim et al., 2022). These strategies involve presenting students with real-world problems or challenges that require critical thinking and application of learned concepts. Students are encouraged to analyze the problem, generate potential solutions, and evaluate their effectiveness. Problem-solving approaches develop students’ analytical skills, logical reasoning, and creativity.





This chapter presents the methodology employed in this study to investigate the effects of instructional strategies on students’ academic achievement in primary schools. It outlines the research design, population of the study, sampling technique and sample size, sources and method of data collection, method of data analysis, validity and reliability of the study, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

The research design for this study was a quantitative survey research design. A quantitative approach allowed for the collection of numerical data that could be analyzed statistically, providing objective insights into the relationship between instructional strategies and students’ academic achievement (Creswell, 2014). A survey research design was deemed suitable for gathering data from a large number of respondents efficiently and systematically (Babbie, 2016). By utilizing this design, the study aimed to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the instructional strategies employed and their impact on academic achievement.

The quantitative survey research design involved the administration of a structured questionnaire to the target population of primary school students. The questionnaire was designed to capture relevant information on the instructional strategies utilized in the classroom and assess their perceived impact on academic achievement. The collected data were then analyzed using appropriate statistical methods, such as correlation analysis or regression analysis, to identify relationships and patterns between instructional strategies and academic achievement (Creswell, 2014).



Data Presentation



Summary of Findings

The present study aimed to investigate the effects of different instructional strategies on primary school students’ academic achievement. Through a comprehensive analysis of various factors and their impact on student outcomes, several key findings emerged. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research question. The findings contribute valuable insights into the relationship between instructional strategies and academic achievement, highlighting the significance of effective teaching practices in promoting student success.

Quantitative analysis revealed a strong positive relationship between the use of diverse instructional strategies and students’ academic achievement. The majority of respondents agreed that employing various instructional strategies enhanced students’ academic performance, learning outcomes, and overall academic success. The findings support the notion that a diverse range of instructional strategies caters to the diverse learning needs of students, promoting engagement, motivation, and understanding of academic content.

Contribution to Knowledge

The findings of this study make valuable contributions to the existing knowledge on the effects of teachers’ instructional strategies on primary school student’s academic achievement. By exploring the relationship between instructional strategies and student outcomes, this study adds depth and insight to the field of educational research.

Firstly, this study contributes to the understanding of the importance of employing diverse instructional strategies in primary school settings. The findings highlight the positive impact of various strategies, such as inquiry-based learning, cooperative learning, direct instruction, and project-based learning, on student academic achievement. This knowledge can guide teachers and educators in selecting and implementing effective instructional approaches that cater to the diverse learning needs of students. It emphasizes the significance of moving away from a one-size-fits-all instructional approach and instead adopting a more flexible and inclusive pedagogical framework.

Suggestions for Further Studies

This study opens avenues for further research in the field of instructional strategies and students’ academic achievement in primary school settings. Building on the findings and limitations of this study, the following suggestions for future research can be proposed:

Firstly, future studies could investigate the long-term effects of instructional strategies on students’ academic achievement. While this study provided insights into the immediate impact of instructional strategies, exploring their sustained effects over an extended period can provide a more comprehensive understanding of their effectiveness. Longitudinal studies that follow students’ progress over multiple years can shed light on the durability and lasting benefits of different instructional approaches.

Secondly, it would be valuable to conduct comparative studies to determine the differential effects of instructional strategies on specific subject areas. This study provided a general understanding of the impact of instructional strategies on academic achievement. However, delving deeper into subject-specific contexts can uncover the effectiveness of different strategies in specific disciplines. Comparing the outcomes of instructional strategies in subjects such as mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies can help identify subject-specific best practices.


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