Geography and Planning Project Topics

Effects of Soil Erosion on Settlement

Effects of Soil Erosion on Settlement

Effects of Soil Erosion on Settlement

Chapter One


The aim of this research work is to examine the effects of soil erosion on settlement in Agbor and its environs. Specifically, the following objectives will be addressed;

  1. To examine the factors responsible for the high erosion degradation in the study area.
  2. To identify the causes of soil erosion in the study area.
  3. To examine the extent to which the Agbor environment has been degraded by soil erosion.
  4. To examine the effects of soil erosion on settlement in Agbor and its environs.
  5. To identify the problem, conservation, strategies control techniques and suggest proper management practices,
  6. To recommend measures to prevent or ameliorate to help eradicate soil erosion in Agbor and its environ.




Soil erosion is one form of soil degradation along with soil compaction, low organic matter, loss of soil structure, poor internal drainage, Stalinization, and soil acidity problems. These other forms of soil degradation, serious in themselves, usually contribute to accelerated soil erosion. Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process on all land. The agents of soil erosion are water and wind, each contributing a significant amount of soil loss each year in Ontario. Soil erosion may be a slow process that continues relatively unnoticed, or it may occur at an alarming rate causing serious loss of topsoil. The loss of soil from farmland may be reflected in reduced crop production potential, lower surface water quality and damaged drainage networks. Soil also can be defined in several ways depending on the context and perspective of the study. Which: “Soil is an integral part of the Earth’s ecosystems and is situated at the interface between the Earth’s surface and the bedrock. It is subdivided into successive horizontal layers with specific physical, chemical and biological characteristics and has different functions. From the standpoint of history of soil use, and from an ecological and environmental point of view, the concept of soil also embraces porous sedimentary rocks and other Permeable materials together with the water which these contain and the reserves of Underground water.”

The erosion of soil is a naturally occurring process on all land. The agents of soil erosion are water and wind, each contributing a significant amount of soil loss each year. Soil erosion may be a slow process that continues relatively unnoticed, or it may occur at an alarming rate causing serious loss of topsoil. The loss of soil from farmland may be reflected in reduced crop production potential, lower surface water quality and damaged drainage networks.

While erosion is a natural process, human activities have increased by 10 -40 times the rate at which erosion is occurring globally. Excessive (or accelerated) erosion causes both “on –site” and “off –site” problems. On –site impacts include decreases in agricultural productivity and (on natural landscapes) ecological collapse, both because of loss of the nutrient – rich upper soil layers. In some cases, the eventual end result is desertification. Off – site effects include sedimentation of waterways and eutrophication of water bodies, as well as sediment – related damage to roads and houses. Water and wind erosion are the two primary causes of land degradation; combined, they are responsible for about 84% of the global extent of degraded land, making excessive erosion one of the most environmental problems world – wide.

Intensive agriculture, deforestation, roads, anthropogenic climate change and urban sprawl are amongst the most significant human activities in regard to their effect on stimulating erosion. However, there are many prevention and remediation practices that can curtail or limit erosion of vulnerable soils.





Agbor is located in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria and lies in the South-South geo-political zone of Nigeria. The dialect belongs to the Igbo group (Williamson, 1986). Agbor came from the word “Gbon” meaning “develop” or “rise”.

Agbor lies between the geographical co-ordinate of latitudes 060 051N to 060 161N of the equator and longitudes 060 051E to 060 091 E of the Greenwich Meridian. Agbor is one of the major towns in Delta State and located in Ika south Local Government Area of Delta State. The neighborhoods of Agbor includes; Boji-Boji Agbor, Emuhu, Ekuku Agbor, Agbor Nta, Alihami, Alisemen, Alifekede, Alizomor, etc.


The study was used a descriptive co-relational design; the study also was used a cross sectional, comparative and ex-post facto designs. Descriptive in that data collected was used to describe a phenomenon; co-relational in that it was interested in relating cause and effect of soil erosion on agricultural production in asaba, delta state. Comparative, in that the study determined whether there is a significant difference in the level of cause and effect of soil erosion on agricultural production on environment of asaba, delta state. Ex-post facto since the researcher has no control over the variables and only seeks to report what was happening in the field. The study was being a survey since it involved a large sample (Creswell, 2003; Kahn, 1993; Kothari, 2004).


The target population where the number of villages produced which dived the valley in Agbor, Delta state  the researcher took a sample size from each side there for the given target population will be 30.








This research on the effects of soil erosion o settlement in Agbor and its environs concludes that, the natural environment we live in is a part of our social and economic continued existence and whatever happens adversely can affect us negatively to our detriment. However, for greater efficiency, the curative to soil erosion effect(s) is to treat it as a crucial part of the concept of environmental control. This may be achieved requiring an adequate knowledge of the environment. The consequences of soil erosion and other natural environmental disasters posit the dire need for a cohesive environmental planning and management. The requirement for this is the formulation of medium where ideas would be consistent and an adequate strategy formulated to manage, direct and control environmental issues. This is because of the necessity to help with the effects of soil erosion in the area.

Both soil causes and effect of soil are major drivers of land degradation and pose key problems to livelihoods of the community members in the study area. Sheet, rill and gully erosion are the main types of erosion within the study area and the latter form of erosion, namely gully erosion, is the most alarming problem removing huge quantities of soil, dissecting land and damaging infrastructure.

Deterioration in soil fertility as a result of severe soil erosion is a critical deterrent to crop production and a lack of fodder has been a major factor in the decline in agricultural production. As charcoal is the major source of energy for cooking in the study area, deforestation has seriously depleted forest resources. This has compelled community members to travel long distances and spending significant amount of time for collection of wood.

Nigeria and elsewhere in the world suffer from the havocs of gully erosion. The cause of soil erosion in Agbor and even Nigeria includes both natural and anthropogenic sources. The impacts include loss of human and animal lives, loss of properties and land resources. Some of the solutions that are proffered include improved farming techniques, cultural method of erosion control- gully erosion, and enactment of laws against any activities that favor gully growth. The government at all levels in Nigeria and the stakeholders in environmental management such as State Ministry of Environment and Federal Ministry of Environment should also sensitize Nigerians on the causes, impacts and problems of soil erosion and erosion in general. However, poor or lack of implementation of research findings and recommendations seem to hinder complete evaluation of proposed solutions. For instance, in some cases where an effort is made, poor quality of work usually lead to even greater erosion, as in the case of road construction probably due to poor supervision, poor funding and corruption. Though we have little or no control on the natural causes of gully erosion especially those related to the underlying geology, the individuals and relevant stakeholders should discourage all practices that are capable of initiating or speeding the phenomenon in Nigeria. If all the suggested solutions are carefully looked into, it is believed that the incidence of gully erosion in Nigeria would be drastically reduced and the security of the lives of the people and their properties will be guaranteed.


This study recommends the creation of a forum for environmental problems. This can be as coordinating Consultants.  Government, Non-Governmental Organizations, Cooperate Organizations, Federal Emergency Relief Agency and spirited individuals should get closer to the affected settings and assist the casualty of this problem.

An alternative is Erosion control which is the practice of preventing or controlling wind or water erosion in agriculture, land development, coastal areas, riverbanks and construction. Effective erosion controls are important techniques in preventing water pollution, soil loss, wildlife habitat loss and human property loss.

Erosion controls are used in natural areas, agricultural settings or urban environments. In urban areas erosion controls are often part of storm-water runoff management programs required by local governments and other tiers. The controls often involve the creation of a physical barrier, such as vegetation or rock, to absorb some of the energy of the wind or water that is causing the erosion.

Another process is the use of Reforestation: is the natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands that have been depleted, usually through deforestation. Reforestation can be used to improve the quality of human life by soaking up pollution and dust from the air, rebuild natural habitats and ecosystems, mitigate global warming since forests facilitate bio sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and harvest for resources, particularly timber. The term reforestation is similar to afforestation, the process of restoring and recreating areas of woodlands or forests that may have existed long ago but were deforested or otherwise removed at some point in the past. Sometimes the term re-afforestation is used to distinguish between the original forest cover and the later re-growth of forest to an area. Special tools, e.g. tree planting bar, are used to make planting of trees easier and faster.


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