Business Administration Project Topics

Effects of Selection Process on Labour Turnover and Productivity of Employees (a Case Study of Nigerian Bottling Company

Effects of Selection Process on Labour Turnover and Productivity of Employees (a Case Study of Nigerian Bottling Company

Effects of Selection Process on Labour Turnover and Productivity of Employees (a Case Study of Nigerian Bottling Company



  1. To  determine the effect of labour turn- over and productivity and how to alleviate them.
  2. To ascertain the extent of which the company’s ownership structure with its attendant  bureaucratic red  tape on the selection of labourers in the company.
  3. To identify  means by which selection process on labour   turn- over can be improved in the company.
  4. To identify possible solutions.





Most  company’s nowadays has failed because of ignorance of tools for progress.  They lack productivity and engage with low level of  turn- over. There is a say that a better impact surface to the best output.

However, some companies understand the peak of the problem and tackle these problem appropriately and at the earlier stage.  The  problem of selection has been their main focus. They make policies that protect the selection process in their respective organization.

A good manager whose ambition is  to manage effectively embrace first on selection of his/her subordinates and employees, make policies that will direct them and guide them  to always be in order. This is because the subordinates and employees are the initial labour input that will tend to tangible output.





The selection of the project gives the general information on the ways methods the data were collected and also giving the sampling techniques for easy evaluations of the findings and conclusion in general.

Research methodology details you about the following steps to be taken before the evaluation and interpretations. They are Research Design, sampling techniques.




For data to convey any meaning, it must be subjected to statistical application while result is to bring out the relevant information.



This chapter has been for the collection of data and it’s interpretation based on the analysis of the data collected, we use this data for summary and conclusion of findings and from it our recommendations are articulated.


Following the analysis of data some interesting findings were made. They include:

  1. That best selection will help the organization increase their productivity.
  2. That good relationship between and employees will increase productivity.
  3. That positive selection process on labour turn-over will improve the organization.
  4. That organization will function better democratically rather than autocratically, success is much likely if the cooperation of employees is sought in achieving objectives than trying to cover them to this ends with the of authority.

The degree of favouratism, nepotism and the likes existing in organizations helps to encourage high rate of labour turnover does not guarantee proper selection process. It’s consequences are higher labour turnover and low productivity of employee.


The analysis of the effects of selection process on labour turn-over on productivity shows that is the most sensitive parts of activity any organization especially manufacturing:

Personnel managers must take cognizance (knowledge) of the effect of selection the handing it carefully. For it is the quality of employees in an organization that the productivity. Nigeria bottling company plc and related organizations should invest much on selection process so s to achieve high level of productivity.

Having seen the various data and respondents of the employees during the research exercise, it is imperative for selector to devise a proper means of selection process.


Our recommendations are based on our summary of findings and conclusions.

1 Selection experts should be used in recruiting potential employees if the objectives of selection must be achieve. Organizations should understand that once the wrong selections are made, productivity and production will not be achieved.

  • The personnel managers should constantly liaise with departmental heads for details of the their staff requirement for effective and efficient selection of employees.
  • Selection in the company should be purely based on merit and not with biased mind. This is to have competent work force.
  • Government should not influence selection activities of Nigerian bottling company plc. This is because the company is profit oriented and such needs competent and committed work force.
  • There should be training and development of selected employees both in the job and off the job. If you rest your rust say an adage. In other words, an organization that does not have trained and developed work force may not abreast with current production techniques and production.

Finally, it is the believe of the researcher that if Nigeria Bottling Company PLC 9th mile corner Enugu plant and other related companies that appreciate and apply our recommendations will enhance its selection process.


Following the result of this study, suggestions for further research based mainly on the scope and issue and case study are hereby made:

  1. The need for selection process on labour turn-over and productivity.
  2. The cause and effect of selection in an organization and characteristic of employees on labour turn-over.
  3. The role employees and selection process on labour turn-over and productivity in an organization.
  4. The need to diversify the findings apart from management subvention for productivity in selection process.


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