Petroleum Engineering Project Topics

Effects of Petroleum Level (Waste Oil) on Soil Fertility in the Vicinity of a Mechanic Workshop

Effects of Petroleum Level (Waste Oil) on Soil Fertility in the Vicinity of a Mechanic Workshop

Effects of Petroleum Level (Waste Oil) on Soil Fertility in the Vicinity of a Mechanic Workshop


Objectives of the study

The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of petroleum level (waste oil) on soil fertility in the vicinity of a mechanic workshop.

The following are the specific objectives of this study:

  1. To examine the effect of waste oil on Physico-Chemical Properties in Soil
  2. To examine the effect of waste oil on Pb in Soil
  3. To examine the effect of waste oil on Soil pH, Particle Size Distribution and CEC



Engine oil

Engine oil contains two major components, which include base stock and additive packages (Udonne, 2011). The base fluid, usually make up the bulk of the oil (70-95%) while the additive chemicals are added to enhance the positive qualities of the base stock (Ogbeide, 2011). Engine oil base stocks are made from petroleum or produced synthetically to desired quality. Petroleum base stocks are purified from crude oil while the synthetic base stocks, on the other hand, are chemically engineered from pure compounds (Ogbeide, 2011). Engine oil is made of branched alkanes, cycloalkanes, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS), linear alkanes, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and additives (Ayoola and Akaeze, 2012). Generally, lubricating oil helps to protect rubbing surfaces, reduce friction between moving and connected parts, eliminate build up of temperature on the moving surfaces and keep engine clean (Udonne, 2011).

Engine oil additives

Engine oil additives are chemical compounds added to lubricating oils to impart specific properties to the finished oils (Leslie, 2003; Rizvi, 2009). Some additives impart new and useful properties to the lubricant; some enhance properties already present, while others act to reduce the rate at which undesirable changes take place in the product during its service life. Moreover, engine oil became specialized so that requirements for diesel engine oils began to diverge from requirements for gasoline engines, since enhanced dispersive capability is needed to keep soot from clumping in the oil of diesel engines. Some additives are multifunctional, as in the case of zinc dialkyl dithiophosphates which function as antiwear, oxidation and corrosion inhibitors. The additive blended with these base stocks according to Olufemi and Oladeji (2008) include:

Friction modifiers additives: These are additives that usually reduce friction. The mechanism of their performance is similar to that of the rust and corrosion inhibitors in that they form durable low resistant lubricant films through adsorption on surfaces or association with the oil. Common materials that are used for this purpose include long-chain fatty acids, their derivatives, and molybdenum compounds (Masabumi et al., 2008).

Anti-wear and extreme-pressure additives: Anti-wear agents have a lower activation temperature than the extreme-pressure agents (Leslie, 2003; Masabumi et al., 2008; Rizvi, 2009). The latter are also referred to as anti-seize and anti-scuffing additives. Organosulfur and organo-phosphorus compounds such as organic polysulfides, phosphates, dithiophosphates, and dithiocarbamates are the most commonly used anti-wear and extreme pressure agents (Leslie, 2003; Rizvi, 2009). Extreme pressure additives form extremely durable protective films by thermo-chemically reacting with the metal surfaces.




Study area

The study area, Nekede mechanic Village was selected because it is one of the largest functioning mechanic villages in Southeastern Nigeria. The study area geographically falls under Owerri West L.G.A, which ranges longitudinally between 7003’ and 7005’E and 5026’ and 5035’N in latitude. The climatic condition of the area has its parameter as; temperature range of 210C and 270C, relative humidity ranges between 60 – 80%. The area lies within the sub-equatorial, sub-humid region with March to October as rainy season and November to February as dry season. Annual average rainfall is about 1500mm with a monthly average of 30mm. The study area has its drainage source as Otamiri River running from Egbu and Nwaorie River running from Akwakuma. These two river meets at Owerri suburb and drain through Nekede, Ihiagwa and empties into the Imo River.




Result shows the mean values of physico-chemical properties in soil at various sample point SA, SB, SC, SD, SE and control CF and CG. There was no significant difference in the soil pH within the contaminated soil and control. However, pH range was between 5.43 and 6.79. Soil pH is a major factor influencing the availability of elements in the soil for plant uptake (Marschner, 1995). Many metal cations are more soluble and available in the soil solution at low pH (below 5.5) including Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn (McBride, 1994) the retention of metals to soil organic matter is also weaker at low pH, resulting in more available metal in the soil solution for root absorption. CEC varied across the sample area and showed no variation in the control site. The % sand distribution varied across the sample point and showed a higher distribution in the study area than % clay and % silt, the soil texture (sandy loam) was not significantly affected by the SEO (Table)



The result from this study shows that pH values of the contaminated soil around Nekede mechanic village are predominantly acidic. The research also shows that CEC is relatively low which implies low fertility of the soil. Particle size analysis shows that the soil is predominantly sandy. The soil in the study area shows varying level of Pb contamination, the highest concentration of lead in the study area exceeded  the permissible level (limits). Based on these findings, a well coordinated waste oil collection programme should be initiated by the government in partnership with the private sector, to minimize disposal of waste oil on soil. The collected waste oil should be sent to motor oil manufactures for recycling and re-injection into the production stream. Health, Safety and Environmental workshops and seminars should be organized for the populace, especially for enlightenment of people who directly engage in activities generating SEO. There should be periodic monitoring of the contaminated areas to ascertain that pollution do not exceed permissible limits. Certain plants found in the environment which are capable of decomposing the organic constituents of SEO should be planted within the contaminated areas to help break down the complex molecules of SEO (phytoremediation).


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