Education Project Topics

Effects of Parental Influence on Academic Performance of Selected Senior Secondary School Students in Maiduguri Metropolis Council, Borno State Nigeria; A Case Study of Mustapha Umar El-kanemi Comprehensive Secondary School and Maiduguri Capital School

Effects of Parental Influence on Academic Performance of Selected Senior Secondary School Students in Maiduguri Metropolis Council, Borno State Nigeria; A Case Study of Mustapha Umar El-kanemi Comprehensive Secondary School and Maiduguri Capital School

Effects of Parental Influence on Academic Performance of Selected Senior Secondary School Students in Maiduguri Metropolis Council, Borno State Nigeria; A Case Study of Mustapha Umar El-kanemi Comprehensive Secondary School and Maiduguri Capital School

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to investigate the influence of parental influence on the academic performance of students in Mustapha Umar Elkanemi Comprehensive Secondary School and Maiduguri Capital Schools in Borno State, Nigeria.

The specific objectives are to determine the influence of parents’:

  1. Educational level on the academic performance of secondary school students in Borno state.
  2. Occupational status on the academic performance of secondary school students in Borno state.
  3. Income level on the academic performance of secondary school students in Borno state.
  4. Residential location on the academic performance of secondary school students in Borno state.



Theoretical Framework.

The present study was guided by cause and effect theory. The cause and effect theory describes and analyzes how something happens, examines cause, describes effect or both. It links situations and events together in time, with cause preceding effect (Epp, 2004). Sometimes, many different causes may be responsible for one effect, and similarly, many different effects could be produced by a single cause. In this case, causes are often distinguished into two types: necessary and sufficient. If x is a necessary cause of y, then the presence of y necessarily implies the presence of x. The presence of x, however, does not imply that y will occur. If x is a sufficient cause of y, then the presence of x necessarily implies the presence of y.

Cause and effect is established through intervention trial in which two or more groups undergo the same experience except for a single facet. The single facet in this study is socio-economic status of parents and the cause is the academic performance of students. This theory guides the study on how parent‟s statuses comprising of occupation, education levels, income and residence influence academic performance of students in at the secondary school level. For instance, on the aspect of parents’ economic status, income and occupation determine the ability of the parents to provide necessary facilities or materials that can help their children in making the learning of school subjects easy for the students. This involves the provision of basic needs such as feeding, shelter and textbooks. This theory therefore guides the researcher in examining the direct influence of parents’ socio-economic status on the academic performance of students in Mustapha Umar Elkanemi Comprehensive Secondary School and Maiduguri Capital Schools in Borno State.

 Conceptual Framework 

Conceptual framework in the opinion of Anyakoha (2009) is a schematic description and illustration of the causative mechanisms and relationship deducible from the research problems. The author explained that conceptual framework can be in the form of a diagrammatic representation of the testable argument of the research; it spells out the context and forms of relationship or interaction between phenomena as well as the process or flow associated with the interactions. In the opinion of Elsevier (2009), conceptual frame work is a group of concepts that are broadly defined and systemically organized to provide a focus, a rationale and a tool for the integration of information usually expressed abstractly through words and models. The author explained that conceptual framework enables the researcher to find links between the existing literature and his research goals.

Conceptual frameworks in this study consist of rules that hold together the ideas, comprising a broad concept which are systematically arranged or organized to provide a focus for the study as illustrated below:




Research Design

Descriptive survey research design was suitable for this study because data were collected from the respondents with the use of socio economic and demographic data and scores of the students in their area of the study for determining the influence of parental influence on the academic performance of students in selected secondary schools in Borno State.

Population for the Study

The population for the study is comprised of SSS 2 and 3 students across the senior secondary schools in Borno State. Five Senior Secondary Schools were selected each from the three areas in Borno. The population of students from the selected schools is 9008 considered as the population of the study.



Analysis of Demographic Variables of Respondents.

.  The demographic variables of the respondents analyzed in the study were related to parents socio-economic as shown in Table 3.




The study was conducted to ascertain the influence of parents‟ status on academic performance in secondary schools in Borno State, Nigeria.  Four specific objectives and four research questions were raised.  In order to meet these objectives and answer research hypotheses, four null hypotheses were formulated and tested at an alpha value of 0.05 level of significance.  Literature related to the study was reviewed.  Data were collected from 368 students.  Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions and independent t-test analysis was used to test the null hypotheses.

The four research questions were answered and these showed that parents‟ status had influence on the academic performance of students in Mustapha Umar Elkanemi Comprehensive Secondary School and Maiduguri Capital Schools in Borno State, Nigeria.  Of the four null hypotheses formulated, hypothesis, one, two, three and four had their r-calculated value greater than r-critical value of 1.960 at 366 degree of freedom and p>0.05.  The result revealed that parents‟ educational level had a significant influence on the performance of students, parents‟ occupational status had significant influence on the performance of students, parents‟ income level had significant influence on the performance of students and parents‟ residential location also had significant influence on the performance of students in Mustapha Umar Elkanemi Comprehensive Secondary School and Maiduguri Capital Schools in Borno State, Nigeria.

 Contribution to Knowledge

The study established that:

  1. Parents‟ educational level had significant influence on students‟ in secondary schools in Borno State, Nigeria with calculated tvalue of 14.17 at P <000.
  2. Parents‟ occupational status had significant influence on students‟ performance in secondary schools in Borno State, Nigeria with calculated tvalue 12.61 at P <000.
  3. Parents‟ Income level had significant influence on students‟ performance in secondary schools in Borno State, Nigeria with calculated value of 17.21 at P <000.
  4. Parents residential location had significant influence on students‟ performance in secondary schools in Borno State, Nigeria with calculated value of 15.25 at P <000.


Based on the findings from this study, parents‟ socio economic status has relationship with students‟ academic performance in secondary schools. Parents who provide healthy, peaceful and conducive environment for the educational growth, development and progress of their wards both at home and in school generally enhance the academic performance of their children.


Based on the findings and conclusion drawn, the researcher recommends the following:

  1. Parents should provide educational facilities to their children in order to enhance educational outcomes of students.
  2. Borno State Government should mount enlightenment campaign and public awareness programme parents on the importance of adult education. Alternatively, adult literacy classes should be encouraged among parents in Borno State.
  3. There is the need to improve the current poverty perceptive measures by the Borno State Government in order to improve the living standard of parents by increasing their income level from which they meet up with the school needs of their children.


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