Education Project Topics

Effects of Information and Communication Technology (Lct) on Academic Performance of Students in Lagos State University.

Effects of Information and Communication Technology (Lct) on Academic Performance of Students in Lagos State University.

Effects of Information and Communication Technology (Lct) on Academic Performance of Students in Lagos State University.


OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY                            

In a complex society like Nigeria, we recognize that several factors affects the academic performance of students in their various academic purist of higher institutions. For that reason, the purpose of this study is not is not to look in to such factors but to discuss information communication technology in relation to students education performance and relate it to sustainable development of education in Lagos State university.

Nellie (2001) suggests a follow –up of new innovations of informational and communication technology ICT trends, points to the fact that the educational system cannot shy away from the application of computers for instruction purposes in its entire ramification but these facilities are not readily available.

This research study intends to:

  • Examine the availability of information and communication technologies ICTs facilities for students usage in schools.
  • Examines the pedagogical usage of ICTs
  • Examine the concept of information and communication technologies ICT and its relevance to education.
  • Examine student’s competency skills in handling ICT facilities in schools fro academic excellence.
  • To examine the impact of government on policy and provision of ICTs resources and facilities in schools




The theory of pragmatism was originated, developed and perfected as well as consciously tried out in the educator field by an American philosopher John Dewey (1859-1952) pragmatism has other three names used synonymously. These are empiricism, Instrumentalism and Experimentalism, Lasisi (2005).

This theory denied any interest in metaphysics but they describe man as experiencing organism which cannot exist without interacting with his environment.

Pragmatism is the systematic expression of very common idea. It is used often enough that however nice or good some ideas may be, it is useless unless it works in other words, a truth belief has to be workable, it must succeed in our practical endeavour.  Akinpelu (1981)

For any policy to be successfully implemented there is the need for constant evaluation of the policy especially for new technologies like ICT. We need to understand what can be concluded about technology use of ICT and what the limits of current methods might be.

To pragmatism, truth is an idea that has been tested, verified and found effective in solving problems and an idea if truth if it works and it is useful. Truth is neither absolute nor of divine origin only. It is tentative and modifiable like scientific truth and technological truth. Akinpelu, (1981). The impact of information ad communication technology on students needs to be tested if it is ideal in solving education problems.

Dewey and Bentley (1949) explained that, knowing and the known, articulated the idea of transaction. Rather than conceptualizing the technology as a discrete object that acts on people, they would want to understand the way the technology participates in an organic relationship  with living social practices.

Transaction moves us away from questions such as “what are the effects of the technology?” toward questions such as what processed are occurring in the social system (school environment as in the university) which this technology participates?”

Examination of the unique uses that technology fosters leads the researcher more situated studies. It is much more important to understand how people use ICT than simply to measure their effectiveness across board averages of use.




This chapter presents the methodology for the study, specifically, the chapter presents the various aspects of research methods, which will be employed in the study. These include research design, variables of the research study, population of the study, sample and sampling procedure, research instruments validation of research instruments and procedure for data collection as well as data analysis.


This study will adopt the descriptive research design specifically, the study is an ex post facto research. Louis et al (2001) described ex post facto research as a method of teasing out possible antecedents of events that have happened and can not, therefore be manipulated by the investigator.

Kerlinger (1970) in Louis et al (2001) defined ex post facto research more formerly as:

that in which the variables have already Occurred and in which the researcher starts with the observation of variables. She then studies the variables in retrospect for their possible relationship to, and effects on the variables. (Pp 205)

The researcher is thus examining retrospectively the effects of a naturally occurring event on a subsequent outcome with a view to establishing a causal link between them.


The population of this study comprises of all full time undergraduate students of Lagos State University.




This chapter is designed to describe how the raw scores from eth responses of students to the questionnaires were collected, collated and subjected to statistical analysis and questionnaires administration. Ti includes eth analysis of data collected using the chi-square statistical method using 0.05 level of significance.


This section analyses the demographic data of the respondents as shown in the following tables.




In chapter one, the basic concern of this research was discussed which is to ascertain effects and benefits that students get from ICTs facilities for academic excellence. In addition, to examine that, to what extent is the students knowledge of technical know how on ICTs skill support use of information and communication technology for academic solutions in Tertiary institutions.

Nellie (2001) suggested a follow –up of new innovations of information and communication Technology ICTs trends, point to the fact that educational system can not shy away from the application of computers for educational purpose.

The background to the study was discussed. Purpose of the study, statement of the problem to the research were also mentioned. The evidence is clear that there are many problems with current academic system; the fact of the matter is that Nigerian tertiary institutions instructional methods have not changed over the last 5o years (Chukwuonso 2004).

The problems of ICTs in education is not about new information and communication technology equipment invention but it is all about how to make effective usage for academic purposes. Chukwnonso (2004) is of the opinion that technology is developing faster than our ability to adopt it.

In chapter two, review of related literature on effects of ICTs on academic performance of students in Lagos State University was reviewed. Today, the whole world has become a global village through Information Technology and this has great impact either positively or negatively on standard of education Fafunwa, (1974) in Lasisi (2005) observed that we are living in a world where science and Technology have become an integral part of the  world culture and any country that overlooks this significant development does so at its own peril.

Role of information and communication Technology ICTs in Education has made a shift to occure in teacher oriented arrangement of learning process towards more students oriented learning arrangement. According to Tahiru  (2008) it is assumed that a shift from teacher oriented arrangement of the learning process toward  more student – oriented arrangement can be facilitated  by ICT. These ICTs programmes in Education includes Teleconference (Video conference, Audio conference, computer conferencing multi-media, distance learning, on line or E-learning.

This aspect of the search work talk about practical usage of ICTs students, concept of ICTs and its relevance to education, availability of ICTs facilities for students usage in schools and impact of government on policy and provision of ICTs resources and facilities in schools.

Chapter three presents the methodology for the study, various aspects of research methods which was employed in the study. For the research work, research designed adopted is descriptive research design specifically, the study is an ex/post facto research. Population of the study comprises of all full time undergraduate students of Lagos state University. Sample and Sampling procedure adopted random sampling technique which comprised of 240 undergraduate students randomly selected by having 30 students as sample each across 8 faculties. Research instrument were developed validated and use for the study which is itemized questionnaire. Data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics of frequency count, percentage, and chi square.

Chapter four present analyses of data and presentation of results. It describes how the raw scores from responses of students to the questionnaire were collected, collated and subjected to statistical analysis. Respondent distribution according to faculty was collated and calculated. Secondly respondents distribution on sex was calculated which shows that female has  56:25% while male has 43:75% that shows that female has higher participation in the research more than male. Followed by Age distribution of respondents that were also collated and calculated statistically.

This chapter shows the analysis and calculation of the three stated null hypothesis. These null hypothesis were tested.

The first hypothesis stated that there is no significant difference between student gender attitude toward ICTs and academic performance of students in higher institution.

To test the null hypothesis, a chi-square statistical analysis was conducted on the data collected. The X2 calculated (28.40) was grater than the X2 t (16.92) at 0.05 level of significance and 9 degree of freedom. The result did not substantiate the  null hypothesis. The null hypothesis was rejected due to the outcome of the analysis. It implies that there is a significant difference between students gender attitude towards ICTs and academic performance of students in higher institution.

The second hypothesis says that there is no significant difference between students ICTs skills and academic performance of students in Lagos State University.

To test the null hypothesis, a chi-square statistical analysis was conducted on the data collected. 240 respondents were sample from amongst the undergraduate students. The data sustained at the end of analysis failed to substantiate the position of the null hypothesis. A difference was observed in the X2 cal   and X2tab, as the X2cal (26.01) was greater than the X2tab  (16.92). This outcome disproves the position of the null hypothesis. This implies that. There is a significant difference between students ICTs skills and academic performance of students in Lagos State University.

The third hypothesis says that there is no significant difference between the effects of ICT and academic performance of students in higher institution. In order to test this null hypothesis, chi-square analysis was carried out. The collected data were sued for statistics calculation. Result obtained could not substantiate the null hypothesis. It was observed that X2cal   (63.71) was greater than X2t (16.92) at 0.05 level of significance and 9 degree of freedom it implies that.

There is a significant difference between the effects of ICT and students academic performance.


It is the opinion of the researcher that effects of Information and Communication Technology ICTs on academic performance of students in higher education is an  important topic that is relevant today. This is because ICTs has become key tools and has a revolutionary impact of how the whole world would have now become  a global village which education sector is not an exception.

There is a strong difference between student gender attitude towards ICTs and academic performance of students in higher institutions precisely in Lagos State University. In this research, it has been found of that male undergraduate students make use of ICTs effectively for academic pursuit than their female counterparts. Though female participated much in the research work. My opinion is that both male and female undergraduates should be encouraged in effective usage of ICTs facilities.  Nellie (2001) suggested a follow-up of new innovations of Information and Communication Technology ICT trends, he point to the fact that the   educational system can not shy away from  the application of computers for instructional purposes but these facilities are not readily available.

More so, it has also been gathered that there is a significant difference between students ICTs skills and academic performance of students in Lagos State university. The researcher is of the opinion that someone can not give what you don’t have. In this sense ICTs skills is very paramount for students so they can get the best from effective use of ICT. Researcher have shown  that this growth in ICTs does not correspond with usage because of lack of students ICTs skills, Galbreath (2000) is of the opinion that rapid development of ICTs has transformed human society from information technology age to the knowledge age so students must develop their skills and knowledge age so students must develop their skills and knowledge in terms of ICTs usage.

The researcher also found that there is a significant difference between the effects of ICTs  and students academic performance. According to Bates (1999) suggested that introduction of ICTs and network education will mean thorough examination of the core practices of the system, delivery of material and assessment of students. Teaching and learning has taken advantage of Information and Communication technology ICT in proving functional rather than superficial information with advent of ICTs, distance education has assumed a new dimension, this has improved the quality  of educational output.


  1. The effects of information and communication Technology can not be negated as far as high standard of Education is concerned. This issue has two sides because there is positive aspects and negative aspects. As far as this research work is concerned we see it from this positive aspects of effects of information and Communication Technology on academic performance of students. For instance the downloading of textbooks from the inter-nets, students / Lecturer working on their personal Laptops and typing of students research project with computer every year. In the other way, cell phone and computer can be used for listening to music, watching movies, and pornographic materials that can distract students from concentrating on their academic studies. Both parents and Lecturers  have greater role to play in correcting this menace that comes along with computers and ICT inventions
  2. Government should do more to subsidies the prices of ICTs equipment and facilities for the masses so it can be affordable for the poor masses. More information centres and cyber café should be built in our higher institutions and those that have been built should be accessible by students and properly maintained by school authority and students.
  3. In Addition, Government and policy maker in Education sector must be ready to change our system, of teaching and learning to digitalize one like those found in other developed countries of the world. The Nigerian Education system is too based on certificate idea you have(until  this is gradually changed we would not record drastic change in the Education sector.
  4. Both male and female should be groom in computer courses form primary, secondary and university respectively. By this the required skills would have been acquired at higher level. The effects of ICTs on academic performance of students are environment but it can only be tap by self development.  


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