Computer Science Education Project Topics

Effects of Computer Based Instruction on the Learning Effectiveness of Hearing Impaired Pupils

Effects of Computer Based Instruction on the Learning Effectiveness of Hearing Impaired Pupils

Effects of Computer Based Instruction on the Learning Effectiveness of Hearing Impaired Pupils


Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to find out the effects Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) on pupils’ achievement and retention on spelling and word-formation in English Language in Niger State. Specifically, the study was designed to determine the:

  1. effect of CAI drill and practice package on the mean achievement scores of pupils’ taught English Language Spelling of words using alphabet A-J.
  2. effect of CAI package on the mean achievement scores of pupils’ taught English Language Word-formation using alphabet A-J.
  3. effect of CAI package on the mean retention scores of pupils’ taught English Language Spelling of words using alphabet A-J.
  4. effect of CAI package on the mean retention scores of pupils’ taught English Language Word-formation using alphabet A-J.



This chapter reviewed related literature on the Effects of Computer Assisted Instructional Package (Drill and practice) on Pupils’ Achievement and Retention in Spelling and Word-formation in English language in Niger State. Specifically, the review was carried out under three broad sub-headings namely, conceptual framework, theoretical framework and empirical studies.

Conceptual Framework

Concept of English Language Spelling

            Spelling is the process or activity of writing or naming the letters of a word or a way of writing alphabetical content of words in language. Tompkins (2012) and Westwood, (1999) stated that spelling is a developmental process. Wallace (2006) suggested that when teachers understand that spelling is developmental, they will structure their teaching differently and give students word list that suit their individual need. Learning to spell is a multisensory process since students use their eyes, ears, hands. Students will have difficulty with spelling when they rely on one type of sense e.g hearing, sight and speaking. Winch (2002) and Westwood (1999) gave several strategies by which students learn spelling: By sight (how it appears printed/written): By hearing (how it sounds phonemic awareness): By speaking (articulation): By meaning and analogy (thinking and problem solving).

National Teachers Institute (2006) Manual for Retraining of Primary School Teachers stated that spelling involves associating some letters with certain sounds or words. The teacher can train pupils in the art of correct spellings by the use of common names, e.g. Baba, Ade, Ojo, Ali, Ada etc. He can teach the skill by means of drills such as:  A-Ade; B- Buba; C- Chika; D- Dauda; etc. After this initial stage, the words should be introduced gradually, beginning with two, three, and four letter English words (conventional method of teaching spelling).

The major purpose of learning spelling is for effective communication in oral and in written form. This will enable the writer to convey his or her meaning as clearly as possible and enable the reader to read easily and understand what is written. Communication in the written form provides the purpose for spelling. Accurate spelling is dependent on the context in which it is written. The explicit teaching and learning of spelling is best embedded in daily practice of reading and constructing text in all areas of study. The aim of the spelling program is to develop automaticity of letters/words taught and learnt.  The major outcome of purposeful teaching and learning program for spelling is the increase in the number of words that pupils can spell accurately in their writing.

To facilitate pupils learning of spelling, the teacher provides range of activities that involves pupils using aural/ visual, thinking and kinaesthetic skills for instance use of flash cards with various words written on them, teachers should use visual activities such as: Alphabet book, Jigsaws English spelling and word-puzzle, utilize basic children dictionary to assist them in spelling. The use of dictionaries should be taught systematically to all students from the beginning of their schooling. Dictionaries are used to locate the correct spelling of words, meaning, pronunciation, origin of words and relationship between words.  Other ways of learning to spell words are as follows: firstly, write the words several times by finger tracing over the word, air writing, copying it, and then writing from memory. Each step may need to be repeated before moving to the next.




This chapter presents the procedures used to collect and analyze data for the study. These are discussed under the following sub-headings: Design of the study, area of the study, population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, validation of the instruments, reliability of the instruments, procedures for data collection and data analysis.

Area of the Study

The study was carried out in Niger State due to the fact that the state is one of the states the primary school pupils have been identified with the problem of poor achievement in English language and the government has made little or no effort to address the situation. Niger State comprises of 25 Local Government Areas grouped into seven educational zones. These zones include Bida, Kutigi, Minna, Suleja, Kontagora, Rijau and New-Bussa. The choice of the schools in the seven educational zones is for equal representation and generalization of outcome of the study.



This chapter presents and analyzes the data collected in the study. The analysis was done in line with research questions and hypotheses that guided the study.

Research Question 1: What are the Mean Achievement scores of Pupils taught English Language Spelling with CAI Drill and Practice and Lecture Method using alphabet A-J?



The findings of the study were discussed in this chapter. Conclusions were made and its implications on education were discussed. Furthermore, recommendations were made based on the implications of the study, limitations to the study outlined, suggestions for further study were made and summary of the research presented.

Discussion of Findings

           The results showed that the post-test mean achievement score of pupils taught with CAI drill and practice package (Experimental Group) is higher than the post-test mean achievement score of pupils taught with lecture method (Control Group). This is further confirmed by the result which revealed that the achievement of experimental and control groups differ significantly. The result indicated that treatment using CAI package produced significant difference on pupils’ achievement in English language spelling. Abdullah, Jebreen, Aieman, and Sadeq (2009) findings on effect of CAI language learning in teaching grammar support the present study which showed that the instructional method (CAI drill and Practice) was in favour of the experimental group. This result is also in line with Yusuf and Afolabi (2010) study, Tabassum (2004) who found out that the achievement of students exposed to CAI was better than that of their counterparts exposed to conventional lecture method.



The findings of the study were discussed in this chapter. Conclusions were made and its implications on education were discussed. Furthermore, recommendations were made based on the implications of the study, limitations to the study outlined, suggestions for further study were made and summary of the research presented.

Discussion of Findings

           The results showed that the post-test mean achievement score of pupils taught with CAI drill and practice package (Experimental Group) is higher than the post-test mean achievement score of pupils taught with lecture method (Control Group). This is further confirmed by the result which revealed that the achievement of experimental and control groups differ significantly. The result indicated that treatment using CAI package produced significant difference on pupils’ achievement in English language spelling. Abdullah, Jebreen, Aieman, and Sadeq (2009) findings on effect of CAI language learning in teaching grammar support the present study which showed that the instructional method (CAI drill and Practice) was in favour of the experimental group. This result is also in line with Yusuf and Afolabi (2010) study, Tabassum (2004) who found out that the achievement of students exposed to CAI was better than that of their counterparts exposed to conventional lecture method.


The following recommendations were made based on the findings of this study.

  1. Since the use of CAI drill and practice enhanced achievement and retention of pupils’ in English language spelling and word-formation, the English language primary school teachers should use it as one of the technique to be employed in classroom teaching and learning.
  2. Since there is a positive effect on the use of CAI drill and practice package from the results of this study, State and Federal ministries of Education should organize seminars and workshops to keep teachers, textbook authors and curriculum planners on feet with various ways of developing CAI packages and using computer for effective teaching and learning of English language spelling and word-formation and other topics in English language. Primary school pupils’ should be trained on the use of computer so as to be computer literate and also fit in, in this present society of technological advancement.

Suggestions for Further Research

Based on the experience gathered during the course of this study, the following were suggested for future research on the use of CAI packages in teaching and learning.

  1. Similar investigations should be carried out to determine the effect of CAI drill and practice package in other areas of English Language Instruction.
  2. Further studies should be conducted to investigate the effectiveness of other modes of computer usage especially the use of CAI packages as co-operative learning, individualized learning, attitudes towards cooperative settings gender pairing and motivational factors may be examined.


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