Business Administration Project Topics

Effective Personnel Management Skills and Its Effect on Employees’ Productivity

Effective Personnel Management Skills and Its Effect on Employees' Productivity

Effective Personnel Management Skills and Its Effect on Employees’ Productivity

Chapter One


The broad purpose of this study is to examine the impact of personnel management skills practices on employees’ productivity in organizations. Other purposes include:

  1. To find out how effective personnel management skills can affect the employee’s productivity and performance
  2. To find out the extent to which employees are being motivated in organizations
  3. Establish the extent to which productivity would affect the implementation of various personnel management skills practice
  4. To know the status of personnel management skills practice a views in an organization.





Human Resource Management can be described as a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and well-being of the people working in organizations. It has a strong conceptual basis drawn from the behavioral sciences and from strategic management, human capital and industrial relations theories. This foundation has been built with the help of a multitude of research projects (Armstrong, 2010).

Human resource management is the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’ behaviour, attitudes, and performance. Many companies refer to personnel management skills as involving “people practices”. There are several important personnel management skills practices that should support the organization’s business strategy: analyzing work and designing jobs, determining how many employees with specific knowledge and skills are needed (human resource planning), attracting potential employees (recruiting), choosing employees (selection), teaching employees how to perform their jobs and preparing them for the future (training and development), evaluating their performance (performance management), rewarding employees (compensation), and creating a positive work environment (employee relations). An organization performs best when all of these practices are managed well. At companies with effective personnel management skills, employees and customers tend to be more satisfied, and the companies tend to be more innovative, have greater productivity, and develop a more favorable reputation in the community Neo ( 2011).

Human resource management is responsible for carefully selecting and training people with the necessary skills to pursue the strategy effectively. Some external factors can be predicted; others, such as the collapse of large banks and insurance companies, can seemingly come out of nowhere Robbins (2010). According to Neo (2011) human resource management is critical to the success of organizations because human capital has certain qualities that make it valuable. In terms of business strategy, an organization can succeed if it has a sustainable competitive advantage (is better than competitors at something and can hold that advantage over a sustained period of time). Therefore, we can conclude that organizations need the kind of resources that will give them such an advantage.

Human resource management is a process that involves the use of overarching approaches to the development of Human resource management strategies, which are integrated vertically with the business strategy and horizontally with one another. These strategies define intentions and plans related to the overall organizational considerations, such as organizational effectiveness, and to more specific aspects of people management, such as; resourcing, learning and development, reward and employee relations. Human resource management focuses on actions that differentiate the organization from its competitors. It is suggested by Adams (2011) that it has seven meanings:





This chapter outlines the methods and procedures employed by the researcher to carry out this research study. It includes the following: research design, population, sampling technique, sample size, instrument for data collection, procedure for data collection and method of data analysis.


This study made use of descriptive survey design for this research work. Some individuals were studied through the use of questionnaires to get appropriate information from such respondents and analyzing the data accordingly.


The researcher used all the secretaries working in private organizations in Ogun state.




This chapter presents the analysis of data interpretation and discussion of findings on the research study titled “Impact of personnel management skills on employees’ productivity in organization”.

Section A deals with bio-data of respondents while section B deals with analysis of research questions and testing of hypothesis formulated.




This summary finding in report of the research work title is as follows:

  • Effective personnel management skills assist to increase employees’ productivity through job analysis
  • It assist employees to implement business strategies successfully through professional guidance
  • Trainings are organized to improve cooperation and cordial relations among employees
  • It provides opportunity for independent thinking and decision making
  • To determined redeployment due to the acquisition of higher qualification
  • To determine redundancy level of employees
  • It provides conducive environment for the employees
  • Effective personnel management skills promotes employees responsiveness and innovation
  • Recommendation for promotion, upgrading and awards for deserving employees
  • Effective personnel management skills helps in right recruitment of employees in an organization


Employees are one of the critical strategic assets for any organization. Likewise, should strive to attract the talent, well trained and enthusiastic employees and improve their performance. Successful and good effective implementation of effective personnel management skills empowers employees and improves their performance positively. Employees have an important and strategic role in enhancing positioning in significant fields such as quality of research, academic reputation, and improving the quality of the organizational programs. Therefore, best practices of effective personnel management skills stimulate employee’s performance which in turn improves performance. So, organization must realize the importance of stimulating employee’s performance; many organizations are giving more attention from the top management of effective personnel management skills. Hence, it is vital that the organization should develop their effective personnel management skills to enhance all employees in their organization. To increase organization employee’s performance, the management should implement the effective personnel management skills includes (selection, training and development, compensation, teamwork, cooperation and rewards, performance appraisal) in order to increase their efficiency on the performance.


  • Organization need to have an effective recruitment policy to promote scientific selection of prospective employees. The departments should participate in selection process as they have different preferences in the candidates. Candidates need to be selected based on requisite skills knowledge, attitude and qualification using appropiate selection techniques.
  • Appropriate training program for both academicians and support staff should be organized to continuously improve the skills of employees.
  • Investing in the improvement of the knowledge and skills of employees would enable the University to develop more productive and effective employees.
  • Performance appraisal should be guided by the performance management policy. Employee’s performance should be assessed based on quantifiable standards and feedback be given to employees on their performance. The appraisal system should be explicitly described specific purpose of the appraisal. Organizations that clearly state the purpose for the appraisal reduce the confusion and ambiguity of the process. The goal should be that everyone knows why to conduct appraisals.
  • Meaningful and accurate evaluation and feedback requires clear goals be established beforehand. Therefore a large part of the process should be devoted to determining what actions need to be taken in the future. It is harder to correct the results of poor planning than it is to plan correctly at the beginning.


There is timeframe within which the project at which it must be submitted. There is also financial constraint to move round the State, so only Abeokuta was covered in the State and few small scale enterprises owners were selected for the research.


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