Business Administration Project Topics

Effective Communication as a Tool for Good Management a Case of Nestle Nig. Plc

Effective Communication as a Tool for Good Management a Case of Nestle Nig. Plc

Effective Communication as a Tool for Good Management a Case of Nestle Nig. Plc



This study is to investigate the important of communication system as effective tools in the management of Nestle Nigeria plc. objectives.

  1. To point the importance of communication in the management of any organization.
  2. To reveal the problem of inadequate distortion of information in the company.
  3. To map out or design the solution to the problems of lack of communication gadget in the company
  4. To reveal the problem of having unqualified staff at strategic points in different department in the printing company.
  5. To reveal the misunderstanding between management and different department due to infective and uncoordinated communication system in the printing company limited.




Ramah (1985) defines communication as “the transmission and reception of ideas, feelings and attitudes verbally or non-verbally to produce a favourable response”. Draft (2000) defines communication as “the process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people usually with the intention to motivate on influence behavior”. Communication refers to the exchange of information between a sender (source) and a receiver (destination) so that it is received, understood and leads to action (Obamiro, 2008). Obilade (1989) defines communication as “a process that involves the transmission of message from a sender to the receiver. Folarin (2003) defines communication as “any means by which a thought is transferred from one person to another”. Communication is the process by which any person or a group shares and impacts information with/to another person (or group) so that both people (or groups) clearly understood one another (Soola, 2000). Not just giving information, it is the giving of understandable information and receiving and therefore, the transferring of a message to another party so that it can be understood and acted upon (Ode, 1999). Ugbojah (2001) defines communication as “the process which involves all acts of transmitting messages to channels which link people to the languages and symbolic ……… which are used to transmit such messages. It is also the means by which such messages are received and stored. It includes the rules, customs and conventions which define and regulate human relationship and events”. In its simplest form, however, communication is the transmission of a message from a source to a receiver… or the process of creating shared meaning (Baran, 2004:4). It has been shown that there exists various definitions for communication, as there are different disciplines. While some definitions are human centred, others are not. For example, communication system may incorporate computers, as well as less soplusticated reproducing devices such as photocopiers. A photocopier may see communication as meaning different thing from the way a marketer preconceives it. Similarly, a gospel preacher may think communication is something, which is of course different from what a journalist thinks it is. Therefore, there is no single definition of communication agreed upon by scholars. Psychologists, sociologists, medical practioners, philosophies and communication specialists, all define communication based on their orientations and perspectives. Psychologists defined communication as “the process by which an individual (the communicator) transmits stimuli (usually verbal symbols) to modify the behaviours of the other individuals (communicates)”. This definition describes what many extension workers and change agents hope to achieve. Sociologists see communications “as the mechanism through which human relations exit and develop”. Some people define communication rather narrowly, saying “communication is the process whereby one person tells another something through the written or spoken word”. This definition, from a book written by a journalist, seems reasonable for those in that field. So, there are definitions of communication as there are various disciplines. Communication is from a latin word-communis, which means common or shared understanding. Communication therefore is a purposeful effect to establish commonness between a source and receiver (Schramn, 1965). Whatever is being shared could be associated with knowledge, experience, thought, ideas, suggestions, opinions, feelings etc. For the purpose of this paper, communication is defined as the process of exchanging or sharing information, ideas and feeling between the sender and the receiver.




Research design

The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work the choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought effective communication as a tool for good management a case of nestle Nig. plc




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain effective communication as a tool for good management a case of nestle Nig. plc. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of communication as a tool for good management


This study was on effective communication as a tool for good management a case of nestle Nig. plc. Four objectives were raised which included: To point the importance of communication in the management of any organization, to reveal the problem of inadequate distortion of information in the company, to map out or design the solution to the problems of lack of communication gadget in the company, to reveal the problem of having unqualified staff at strategic points in different department in the printing company and to reveal the misunderstanding between management and different department due to infective and uncoordinated communication system in the printing company limited. In line with these objectives, two research hypotheses were formulated and two null hypotheses were posited. The total population for the study is 200 staff of Nestle Nig Plc. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made managers, administrative staff, senior staff and junior staff were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies


The general the purpose of communication in an organization is to effect change to influence actions towards the realization of organizational goals. Communication is therefore a foundation stone upon which other activities and functions of the organization depends. Group activity is impossible without communication. This is because without it, co-ordination and change cannot be effected. Thus, to ensure that such activities and functions run effectively, an organization has to develop an effective communication irrespective of the type of organization


The effectiveness of communication is determined by both parties; hence it becomes necessary that they must pursue the same objective, which is high performance rate in all affairs of the institution. All cadres of staff should be involved in decisions and issues that affect their performance, for it will lead to organisational development and positive. Every organization endeavours to make effective communication an essential integral; part in effect management strategies to help minimize organizational conflict, less misunderstanding, improving information management and cordial relationship between management and workforce. Change is needed but when it is badly communicated it will likely lead to poor performance and negative outcome. Consequently, all staff members should key into the google programme of the university to enable them be at abreast with the use of the google applications and email address. It should also be backed up with work’s seminar to enlighten them on the important of effective communication, training and retraining to increase their performance in their academic and administrative responsibility. It also suggested that a result driven- communication since it gives room to measure results and performance as it the communication process within the organization and this in turn impacts on decision making, problem solving as some of the issues undergo a bureaucratic process and this slows down the dispute Finally, an open communication environment is one in which all members of the organization feel free to share feedback, ideas and even criticism at every level, thereby encouraging staff to freely give their views without being victimized by the management. Therefore, follow up of information encouraged for organizational performance.


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