Religious Studies Project Topics

Effect of the Media on Technology and Learning of Islamic Studies

Effect of the Media on Technology and Learning of Islamic Studies

Effect of the Media on Technology and Learning of Islamic Studies

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

The main aim of this study is to examine the effect media in the aching and learning of Islamic studies at the senior   secondary in Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria.

The following are the specific objectives of the study:

  1. Investigate the effect of ICT on the academic performance of secondary school students in Islamic Religious Studies.
  2. Investigate the effect of ICT on the academic performance of male and female students in Islamic Religious Studies.
  3. To identify different types of media available to Islamic teachers in teaching and learning of Islamic studies at the senior   secondary school.
  4. To find out whether Islamic teachers are capable of using the available media to teach Islamic studies in schools.




Information is a key factor in any kind of research and development. The information itself and way it is accessed have undergone changes owing to the unprecedented development in information technology. The American Library Association (1983) defines IT as “the application of computers and other technologies to the acquisition, organization, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information to users”.

The computers are used to process and store data, while telecommunications technology provides information communication tools, which make it possible for users to access databases and link them to other computer networks via the internet at different locations. In the course of this research, Information Technology (IT) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are used somewhat interchangeably.

The translations of the Qur’an, Tajweed, Hadith, Tafseer, and Fiqh amongst other Islamic reading materials were available only in written texts before the advent of information technology. But with the invention of ICT, especially from the 1990s it has created an environment whereby Islamic learning resources can be converted into digital forms and can easily be distributed globally.

 Definition of Mass Media

Mass media as a compound concept denotes many things depending on the usage. It roots from the words, mass and medium. Mass, simply implies ‘many’, while Medium (plural media), signifies a ‘channel of communication’ – a means through which people send and receive information via either print or electronic means. Therefore, mass media simply refers to channels of communication that involve transmitting information in some ways and shapes to large number of people or audience. However, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of English Language, Mass Media alludes to a means of public communication reaching a large audience. Whereas, Collins Essential English Dictionary (2nd ed.) and Random House Webster’s Dictionary define Mass Media as means of communication that reaches a large number of people, such as television, newspapers and radio. Concisely, Zakir (2005) defines mass media as a means of mass communication.

The facts that people are in dire need to communicate, share ideas, knowledge, experiences and entertain themselves with the aid of the agents of the mass media, stresses the imperativeness of equipping them with the technical expertise to relate with the media. In strong terms, Ahmad and Nasarawa (2010) regard mass media as a life wire of every organization, state or nation.




Research Design

The study adopted quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test, control group design in determining the effect of ICT on students’ academic performance in Islamic Religious Studies. The study adopted the use of intact class.

Study Area

The Oshimili North is one of the twenty-five Local Government Areas that make up Delta State, South-south geo-political region of Nigeria. The Local Government was created in 1997 and until its creation, was part of the old Oshimili Local Government Area. The Local Government is headquartered at Akwukwu-Igbo.

Population and Sampling of study

The population of the study comprised of 1,483 SS2 students from 14 public secondary schools in Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State. The sample for the study was 73 SS2 students selected from two out of the 14 public secondary schools in Oshimili North Local Government Area. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the two schools from which the two intact classes were selected. The two intact classes comprised one experimental group of 35 students and one control group of 38 students, making it 73 students which is the sample for the study.




Pre-test performance of experimental and control groups

Table 4.1: Mean and standard deviation scores of the academic performance of SS2 students in Islamic Religious Studies for experimental and control groups.




This study was carried out on the effect of the media on technology and learning of islamic studies. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that students who were taught using information and communication technology (ICT) instructional package performed better in IRS than the students taught without it. Also, male and female students who were taught using ICT performed better in IRS. Hence, the use of Information and Communication Technology instructional package helped to enhance the academic performance of students in Islamic Religious Studies.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made:

  1. Government should be interested in providing funds to secondary schools to enable Islamic Religious Studies’ teachers provide Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools for teaching IRS.
  2. IRS teachers should try to use ICT materials in the teaching and learning of Islamic Religious Studies in secondary schools, in order to encourage male and female students to always participate fully in the learning of IRS
  3. School administrators should encourage IRS teachers to use relevant ICT materials in teaching of IRS lessons.

Islamic Religious Studies’ teachers should encourage both male and female students to always participate fully in the learning of IRS.


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