Accounting Education Project Topics

Effect of the Availability of the Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Accounting

Effect of the Availability of the Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Accounting

Effect of the Availability of the Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Accounting


Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of the study was to carry out an assessment instructional material and its effect on the academic performance of students in financial accounting. Specifically the study sought to:

  1. Determine the effect of instructional material on the academic performance of students in financial accounting.
  2. Determine if the competence of teacher will affect the selection of an instructional material for the teaching and learning of financial accounting
  3.  Determine if there is a significant relationship in the performance of students taught with instructional materials and those taught without them.



This chapter presents a detailed review of relevant literature on the effect of instructional material on the academic performance of students in accounting department.

Literature shall be reviewed under the following headings:

Appraisal of literature.

Concept of Instructional Material

In an attempt to define the term instructional material, the two key words of instructional and media will be defined. However, it is pertinent to note that instructional material is otherwise known as instructional media. The term instruction according to Adekola (2008) is a deliberate arrangement of experience within the learning space, classroom, laboratory, workshop etc aimed at helping learners to achieve desirable changed in behaviour or performance. Media according to Viloo (2008) is used to think about television, satellite communication, computer and other sophisticated modern technologies. Now, Instructional Materials as the name suggests, are materials of visual, and audio – visual category that helps to make concepts abstracts and ideas concrete in the teaching/learning process. They are also materials which the teacher uses in supplementing his teachings. Instructional materials include materials used to facilitate learning for better results. Gbamanja (2001) described instructional material as any devices with instructional content or function that is used for teaching purposes including books, supplementary reading materials, audio visual and other sensory materials, script for audio and television instruction, programme for computer manage sets of materials for construction and manipulation.





This chapter was set out to examine the methods and procedures of data collection for the study under consideration and the statistical tools used for analysing the data collected.

Research Design

This study is a descriptive survey that seeks to unveil the effect of instructional material in the teaching and learning of accounting in senior secondary school.

Population of the Study

The study comprised of some selected senior secondary school students offering financial accounting in Agege Local Government Area of Lagos.




This chapter examines methods and procedure in data collection for the study under consideration and the statistical analysis of the data collected.



This chapter deals with the discussion of findings, summary, recommendation and conclusion regarding the study.


The study aimed at assessing the effect of instructional material on the academic performance of students in accounting in senior secondary school. This study is a descriptive survey and a sample size of 250 respondents which is 30 percent of all students in four senior secondary schools in Agege Local Government Area of Lagos were used. The study examined three research hypotheses using the chi square statistical analysis.

Findings revealed that instructional materials play a significant role in determining the academic performance of students in financial accounting, the competence of teachers with respect to their knowledge of the subject matter, accounting determine their choice and selection of instructional materials and those taught with instructional material perform better in an examination than those taught without instructional material in financial accounting.


It is obvious that to improve the academic performance of students in financial accounting need  using  instructional material by teacher  to instruct the students. Effective use of instructional materials can help overcome the failure of students prevalent in financial accounting examination and it can also be used as an advantage to help teaching and learning activities go smoothly with less frustration.


Based on the findings in this study, the following recommendations are made:

  1. More seminars/workshops on the use of diverse instructional materials available should be organized at least bi-annually to acquaint teachers on how to use them in teaching accounting as a secondary school subject.
  2. A state organized committee should be set up, to monitor the teacher’s use of instructional materials during teaching accounting.
  3. Educational managers should ensure that accounting teachers have educational qualification in accounting as a way of acquainting them with the principles and administration of instructional materials in secondary school.
  4. School administration should ensure that instructional materials are provided for teachers to allow them to teach more effectively and efficiently.


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