Public Health Project Topics

Effect of Population Growth on Land Resources Development”. A Case Study in Aba Urban of Abia State

Effect of Population Growth on Land Resources Development

Effect of Population Growth on Land Resources Development”. A Case Study in Aba Urban of Abia State



  1. To find out the effect of population growth on land development in Aba.
  2. To identify the problems associated with the effect and ways of solving them in other to better the life of the growing population.
  3. To find ways of minimizing the population growth in Aba.



The area under study is Aba metropolis, it has population of 86,000 people 1977. Since then, the population has continue to grow due to improved welfare, basic amenities, health care centre and migration. At present the population is estimated to 365,000.00

The study area lies at the intersection of five rural roads which includes Obioma Ngwa, Ukwa Ngwa, Ngwa Ukwu, Okpuala-ngwa and Osisioma-ngwa etc. All these rural area settlement make up the Aba urban area. The study area is within easy reach at most cities in eastern Nigeria. They include port-Harcourt, Owerri, Okigwe, Umuahia, Uyo and Enugu.

Aba metropolis is a place where business of any type has take place because of its vast development.

In researching and undertaking a study of this nature, one is bound to have encountered some constraints.

Information concerning the size of population has not been easy to obtained because of the high level of illiteracy, enlightenment and even lack of understanding.




Campbell (1978), described data methodology “as the fame work of plan for a study that is used in collecting and analyzing a set of data”.

Asik (1991) define it as “the structure of investigation aimed at identifying variables and their relationship to one another.

According to Seltizet et (1976), Data methodology is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.



To control the population growth in the study area, one has to tackle the growth which is mainly migration. The low standard of living and lack of amenities in the rural area, act is push factor which induces themselves in massive migration to urban centers. To stop this and provides a long lasting solution to urban problems, the concept of rural development should be embarked upon by the government. Fortunately enough the government had already set up the directorate of food road and rural infrastructure (DEFRRI). Here the directorate in association with state and local government would develop the rural area whose main stay of the introducing the demand of modern village in specific rural setting of the catchments areas of Aba area.




During the cause of this study, it has been proved that population growth has much effect on the development of land in the study area. Thus, the effect of population growth in its view stated that what is involved in the development process concern land and people of the area and the country in its activity. The effects of population growth on economic and physical development have been offered in different parts.

The implication of the topic in particular is of much concern in that population growth can do much to promote or frustrate a country’s developmental objectives. The idea of population growth observed through out the research procedure. It has been the believe to have many children by Nigerian couple it has revealed that population is a nation’s source of strength is well as its responsibility to managed population will yield positive and negative result respectively of people in the area has been the migration of people been a major cause of housing shortage and congestion along the major roads. This has brought its coil of over crowding, immortality, hunger, stress and frustration.

The impact of population growth has led to the government adjusting and adopting the idea of structural adjustment programme which is a process to ensure that the physical and economic development of the nation is kept which need much campaign to carried out by the government to educate the population on the need to limit the number of the birth to the number the resources can sustain. This will go a long way to reduce affects of population growth in the country and the study area in particular. As the rate of population growth in the area increase, the importance of management becomes obvious.


There is no doubt that at present, there is link between development and population growth. However, the fact that the two opinions are related to each other in many case, the main implication of the negative relationship between population growth and the level of land development as said the study is that programmes for controlling the rate of population growth should be encouraged.

Therefore, it is common practice among counties to have a population census a vary ten years. The people counted are classified into males, females, foreign nationals, age groups and occupational groups. One may ask at this juncture why it is necessary to count the people within a country. Generally speaking, the reason why the government of a country undertakes a population census include this population census can be used to compare  the standard of development of difference states dividing the income of state, can do this by total population to obtain what economist formed per capital income. A state with high per capital income is regarded as more developed than a state with a low per capital income.


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