Business Administration Project Topics

Effect of Motivation on Organizational Productivity (A Case Study of Unilever Nigeria Plc, Agbara, Ogun State)

Effect of Motivation on Organizational Productivity (A Case Study of Unilever Nigeria Plc, Agbara, Ogun State)

Effect of Motivation on Organizational Productivity (A Case Study of Unilever Nigeria Plc, Agbara, Ogun State)

Chapter One


The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of motivation on workers productivity. Other specific objectives are:

  • To examine the important factors which are needed to motivate the employees
  • To examine the effect of job promotion on employees
  • To establish the relationship between motivation and employees productivity.




The word motivation is derived from “motive” which must be satisfied. All motive are derived toward goals needs and desires effect of change one behaviour  which become goal oriented, for instance, if an employee does not ordinary want  to work every time but a particular time he need more money desire so he may change his behaviour towards to work overtime (goal oriented behaviour) and is therefore satisfied his needs.

Performance result with the interaction of the three types of resources which are physical, financial and human. The human aspect is the most important, most complex and so unpredictable over which the management has very limited control.

This part reminds me of one adage which says “a woman is unpredictable when the subject matter is money and without money nothing can be done for an employee to work hard towards organizational goals, he must be understood and at the same time be affected positively in order to increase productivity and improve performance.

The performance of an employee is the function of his ability and level of motivation whenever there is strong motivation the employee output increase. A weak motivation will always have a negative effect hence; management must understand what motivate people or employee towards better performance and increase productivity.

Motivation implies a state of energy mobilization and a direction towards a goal. In other words, motivation is a goal oriented. The key to have workers who are both satisfied and productive is motivation.

The early views on the motivation – performance relationship can he essentially summarized in the statement ‘a happy worker is a productive worker. Much of the paternalism shown by managers in the early period – forming company bowling teams and credit unions, having company picnics, providing counseling services for employees, training supervisors to be sensitive to the concerns of subordinates – was done to make workers happy.

In this chapter, we analyzed the concept of motivation, this covers the early theories of motivation, the contemporary theories of motivation, the relationship that exists between the theory of motivation and performance. All these are covered to form ‘a detailed theoretical framework.


The term motivation is derived from two origins. One is traced to the Latin “movere”, “to move’. It states that, it is virtually impossible to determine a person’s motivation until that person behaves or literally moves. The other view of it is derived from the word ‘motive’. A Contemporary English Dictionary defined a motive as “A cause of or reason for action, that which urges a person to act in a certain way”. A motive is an inner state which energies, activates, or moves and which direct and channel behaviour toward goal.

Motivation is defined as the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts’ ability to satisfy some individual need. (Stephen Robbins 1989).

Kreitner 1992 is of the view that motivation refers to the psychological process that gives behaviour purpose and direction. He said that by appealing to this process, managers attempt to get individuals to willingly pursue organizations objectives. Motivation theories are generalizations about the “why” and “how” of purposeful behaviour.

The individual’s motivational factors  – needs, satisfaction. expectations, and goals – are affected by challenging work, rewards, and participation. This is depicted properly in the diagram below:

We need to take a closer look at each key element in this model. A review of four basic motivation theories is a good starting point.





The research adopted a case study in order to find out the impact of motivation on employees morals in boosting productivity with particular reference to Wema Bank Nigeria Plc Agbara Ogun State.

Then data was collected through personal effort at the researcher. Secondary data from desk, research was used and collected from publish textbooks with a view of checking the facts usually collected.


In gathering data, some of the difficulties encountered by the researchers is the impossibility to get in touch with the whole population connected with the research in order to get up with accurate and scientifically is the variable estimate of population characteristics; a subset of population is chosen and then measured for sample estimate of the population.

The sample consists of two hundred 200 questionnaires which were distributed while one hundred and thirty two 132 were seat back.




This aspect deals with the arrangement of all data collected through the questionnaires through the questionnaires and its analysis for the purpose of extruding the exact result needed.

The analysis of demographic characteristics of the respondents which included, sex, age, education qualification and working experience distribution are given below.




This study was undertaking to analyze the impact of motivation on employee productivity, using Wema Bank Nigeria plc in Agbara Ogun state as a case study, from the data collected as shown the effort of motivation in Wema Bank Nigeria plc.

Motivation climate frustration harmony, assuming more interest ob among workers which will lead to achieving that aims or objectives of the firm.  It will provide enough funds for expansion of modernization, growth and development of the organization. It will lead to standard of living and adequate staff, its competent and qualified staff with stable workers.

One of the effect of motivation in Wema Bank Nigeria plc is that, workers are been reward depend on the performance in an organization. Motivation leads to effective and efficient performance of worker.


In view of the findings, it was observed that motivation has a great effect on employees productivity. An organization would not achieve greater productivity without the contribution of employees.

To this end, the following suggestion and recommendations should be strictly adhered to:

  • Employer should allow employees to be involved in management decision making process to increase productivity, which will make them feel important and they will like to work towards attainment of organizational objectives with little or no supervision.
  • To motivate the employees, employers should design a pleasant working atmosphere and a good reward system, so as to reward employees for their outstanding performance.
  • Management is advised to assign responsibility to employees, so as to make them more responsive and contribute the quota towards the achievement of organization goals.
  • Motivation should be based on the needs of individual employees, so management is required to identify employee’s needs so as to apply the right motivation.


Human capital resources and machinery is all asset of an organization. But           the human resources are the most prominent incontrollable a must others.

Hess Genti (1980) opened that the main element is the most important of all management set goals and objectives.

Reward is major motivational factor that boost the morale of employee. High productivity and performance can be achieved when staff effort are appreciated and recognized.

To mention but few reward as been acceptably acclaimed of the major booster of morale that improves workers and their working conditions.


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