Office Technology Project Topics

Effect of Lack of Adequate Training Facilities on the Production Secretaries

Effect of Lack of Adequate Training Facilities on the Production Secretaries

Effect of Lack of Adequate Training Facilities on the Production Secretaries

Chapter One


This study is very essential because lack of adequate secretarial training facilities affects the quality of secretaries produce from our higher institutions and once it is so, the individual i.e. the secretary is already affects, and secretaries are going to work and then also affect the economy and society in general. This is so because of the enormous taste the secretary performs, it is that will is central to the progress of the organization and the contributions of the various organizations in the society form a large part if not the totality of the economy. And if people go to spend years in the universities and come out to become unemployed because they don’t know the job, obviously idleness will degenerate to various social vices. On the other the society will better if we have meaningful, responsible, educated and well trained secretaries. There will be less unemployment and reduced social vices. Furthermore, the society which deals will the organizations can actually have good confidence in the service the organization renders.  The motto of the University of Nigeria is “to restore the dignity of man”. The institution believes in restoring the dignity of man through the rigorous discipline of the academia. So implementing this study will mean better citizen and better secretaries, all thing things being equal. To the organizations, its aims and objectives will met and this will mean increase turn over for such organizations. The same thing applies to the economy.

The objectives drain of this study is as follows: –

  1. To find out the required adequate secretaries training facilities for students of higher institution.
  2. To uncover the lack of adequate secretarial training facilities by institutions of higher learning.
  3. To points out the importance or role of these facilities in production of secretaries.

    4. To find out the effect the lack of these facilities have on our students today.

    5. To make recommendations on the production of secretaries through the provision of adequate secretarial training facilities and to draw conclusion.




The term “secretary” is another term that has a wide meaning and it is important to appreciate the various meanings associated it. According to Whitehead (1994), the secretary is usually thought to be a person who takes dictation from a manager or other senior members of staff and turns the notes into typed correspondence. The term means all sorts of things for many people and certainly many of those who work in offices choose to be under the secretarial umbrella (Harding 1994). As noted by (Edwin, 2008), the roles of secretaries in contemporary times have changed tremendously from the traditional roles. They have access to modern office technology such as the internet, intercom and fax. These technologies make work much easier. Dulek and Fielden (1999) also noted that it is easier to send messages using telex, electronic mails, fax and telephones. He noted that the era of computers and information technology helps users to write and edit and send memos, letters and reports. According to Duniya (2011) , modern day offices are equipped with technologically sophisticated gadgets that informs accuracy and efficiency of work output. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is concerned with managing and processing information. This is made possible through the use of electronic computers and computer software to manage information (Okute, 2001). According to Atakpa (2010), secretarial functions the world over have undergone tremendous technical transformations. He noted further that secretarial functions which were previously done manually have been mechanized. On the other hand, Okwuanaso and Obayi (2003) have noted that ICT has posed several challenges to secretaries in the execution of their duties. Supporting this claim, Eze (2000) asserted that any office staff of today that is lacking in Information Communication Technology would find work boring and uninteresting. According to Nwaokwa and Okoli (2012), the introduction of ICT has changed the roles of secretaries. They opined that ICT has influenced the performance of secretaries in delivery of information, accuracy and effectiveness at the work place. Nonye (2013) researching into the need for capacity building of secretaries in modern office technology concluded that secretaries should be abreast of the use of modern office technology and recommended the need for periodic training programmes to be organized for secretaries to update their knowledge on modern office skills. With modern office skills, words, sentences and paragraphs are manipulated. This is made possible using word processor. This makes possible all range of editing options applicable. This makes possibilities for deleting and inserting sentences before they are printed. Designing of documents, filling of forms, retrieving information and finally printing have become simplified tasks with the use of word processors (Agomuo, 2005; Azuka, 2007 and Nwosu, 2002). Examining the effects of information and communication technology on the performance of public sector secretaries, Buseni (2013) asserted that the quality of a secretary is a function of reliable and reporting framework. The study revealed that the use of computer, telecommunication and video techniques positively and significantly affected productivity of public sector secretaries. Defining a computer, Oliver and Chapman (1993) espoused the functions in an office setting.





This chapter deals with the method used in collecting data required in carrying out this research work it explains the procedures that were followed and the instrument used in collecting data.


Data were collected from two main sources namely

-Primary source and

secondary source

primary source: These are  materials of statistical investigation, which were collected by the research for a particular purpose. They can be obtained through a survey, observation questionnaire or as experiment, the researcher has adopted the questionnaire method for this study.

Secondary data: These are data from textbook Journal handset etc. they arise as byproducts of the same other purposes. Example administration, various other unpublished works and write ups were also used.


Population of a study is a group of persons or aggregate items, things the researcher in interested in getting information from for the study effect of lack of adequate facilities on the production secretaries. 200 staff of institute of management and technology in Enugu State was selected randomly as the population of the study.




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to effect of lack of adequate facilities on the production secretaries

In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges encountered due to the lack of adequate facilities on the production of secretaries


The findings  shows that most of the ICT resources are available for secretaries’ use in government ministries and banks and these have enabled the secretaries to manage and process information effectively and contributed significantly to the growth of the organization. They have also helped to equip them with necessary operational competencies. This finding is in line with the views of Okute (2001) who noted that ICT is concerned with the aspects of managing and processing information through the use of electronic computers, computer software and other communication gadgets as cameras, telephones etc. Information Communication Technology has become an integral part of modern offices which enables deadline and other office schedules to be met on targets. It was discovered that most of the ICT resources which are not available such as networking devices, video conferencing, voice mail facilities, copiers that sort out pages of documents and micrographic equipment are being considered to be purchased by the organization


Secretaries perform various office duties in the universities and their ability to apply some of these modern office technology leads to efficiency in the performance of their assigned roles


It is therefore recommended that the necessary office technology equipment should be provided in every organization and training and retraining programme should be organized for secretaries in every organization for occupational relevance


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