Human Resource Management Project Topics

Effect of Intrinsic Motivational Factors on Employees Performance in Adamawa State University, Mubi Nigeria

Effect of Intrinsic Motivational Factors on Employees Performance in Adamawa State University, Mubi Nigeria

Effect of Intrinsic Motivational Factors on Employees Performance in Adamawa State University, Mubi Nigeria

Chapter One

Objectives of the study

The main aim of the research work is to carry out an assessment of lecturers’ motivation and employee performance among University staff in Yobe State. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To determine the relationship between lecturer’s motivation and employees’ performance among University staff in Yobe State
  2.  To find out whether the lecturers in most Adamawa State, University, Mubi Nigeria are motivated
  3. To examine whether the lecturers in Adamawa State, University, Mubi Nigeria are satisfied with the type of motivation system used by the school
  4. Identify the type of intrinsic motivation available for lecturers’ effectiveness in secondary school in Yobe State.



Conceptual framework

Definition of Motivation

Motivation has been a subject of concern in the past twenty years and has established itself as an integral part in current organizational settings. Motivation is quite complex subject to comprehend thus placing awareness to the fact that several factors influence employees’ performance in a particular organization.

This implies that what motivates one worker in one organization was not definitely motivate the other employee even within the same organization Due to this complexity, various definitions have been put forward and only a few of them were briefly examined.

McShane et al (2003, p. 132) defines motivation as “…A factor that exists in an individual which has the potential to affect the way, strength and eagerness of behaving towards work”. This definition of motivation has been supported by Petri & Govern (2003,) who reiterated that, “motivation is the thought that explains the propelling force in an individual that explains differences in intensity of behavior”.

Motivated employees were willing to devote time to a certain level of commitment for a particular objective in an organization. Certain actions which include changing jobs that employees perform, bringing down the levels of hierarchy and relegating many employees in the motivation process are significant enough to damage the levels of trust and commitment necessary for employees to perform above work requirements. Moreover, employee needs are changing as younger generations of employees have different expectations for their work than older workers. This is as a result of globalization which has made workforce variations of the complex issue of motivation. (McShane & Von Glinow 2003, p. 132).

Motivation is the thought that explains the propelling force in an individual that explains differences in intensity of behavior” (Petri & Govern 2004,). There are two types of motivation present in the workplace: intrinsic and extrinsic (Adam 2007, p. 230). By that it   means that job related variables affecting motivation have intrinsic and extrinsic motivational values that drive the employees to perform. Given that most employees are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated simultaneously, hence a conclusion can be made that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are not mutually exclusive (Deci & Ryan 2000).

Importance of Motivation to works

Motivation is an important in the teaming process. Motivation implies arousal and maintenance of interest in the learning or doing an activity. For example, motivation plays a vital role in learning by bringing the learners to the proper frame of mind for learning. It concentrates the attention and energy of a person on activity or knowledge to the learnt in (Bhatia 1997). One of the major tasks of heads of school is to motivate staff in the organization to perform at high levels. This implies getting the staff to work hard, come to work regularly and make positive contributions to the organization’s mission. However, job performance depends on the environment within which the work is operating as well as on motivation itself (Griffin 2008; Mcshane, et al 2000 ;). It is thus, an important tool that is often under- utilized by heads of educational institutions.




Research Design

This study adopted a descriptive research design, which according to Cooper and Schindler (2003) involves surveying people and recording their responses for analysis. Within the descriptive research design, this study incorporated both quantitative and qualitative research approaches to better understand the relationship between variables in the research problem.

Target Population

The study targeted the lecturers from Adamawa State, University, Mubi Nigeria.



 Background Information of Respondents





The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of motivation factors that influence lecturers’ performance in public Universities.

It can be concluded that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators are considered important by lecturers. However, those motivators that are presently offered to lecturers in Universities appear not to have impact on lecturers’ motivation level. In particular, lecturers indicated even the extrinsic motivators such as salary and weekly duty allowance are inadequate to meet their basic needs.

Also not all motivators were available to lecturers in studying public Universities in Yobe. However, the majority of the respondents were concerned about the inadequacy of current salary levels to meet their basic needs. Thus the study found that extrinsic motivators were present to a small extent increased lecturers’ morale to perform their duties at school. Overall the results imply that Intrinsic is a motivator and Extrinsic is a maintainer both affects performance of lecturers in school.


In this research several issues of concern about the motivation of lecturers and their performance in public Universities were identified. The following are recommendations to address them singly or separately.

First, the study revealed that salary level for lecturers in studied public Universities was regarded to be below average income earner in Nigeria. The majority of lecturers complained about the inadequacy of their salary levels not able to meet their basic needs in the face of increasing cost of living in Yobe state. This in lots of ways de-motivated lecturers. The EVT in consultation with Lecturers Representatives (CWT) should negotiate and set up an appropriate salary scale that is in tune with the current economic environment. This will not only ensure lecturers get an adequate salary to meet at the basic needs but will also in many ways provide one of the important extrinsic motivation factors for lecturers to increase their performance at schools.

Furthermore, the findings revealed a lot of other extrinsic motivational factors such as free meals, free accommodation, weekly allowance and access to advance payment in case of urgent lecturers’ requirements were not available to lecturers in most Universities. These have resulted in high levels of de-motivation to lecturers. The EVT should increase the current lecturer’s allowances in school and make them available to every school so that lecturers will get motivated to go the extra mile to work hard and improve students’ performance. Accommodation needs to be provided to lecturer to enable them live near schools since most of them reported to be living far away from their schools as they search for cheap accommodation. This would reduce lateness and absenteeism at school. It will also enable lecturers to stay extra hours after school to give extra coaching to weak students and/or complete the set syllabus on time.

The study further revealed that although extrinsic motivational factors were important, lecturers emphasized intrinsic motivation such as recognition for achievement, being given more responsibility, work environment and personal growth in terms of training and development were what they needed for sustained motivation. Thus, the heads of school should incorporate these motivation practices/tools in school management to enable lecturers to be sustainable motivated and keep their performance at a high level.

The research also noted there is poor or little internal and external supervision. Lecturers do what they please and as a result the standard at school have dropped to an alarming low level.The supervision by MoEVT should strengthen and a circuit of supervisors be appointed to do a routine inspection in schools to stop lecturers from participating in secondary employment or not taking their work seriously. This will motivate lecturers to be more regular and arrive early at school and avoid divided attention of searching for side employment. Their performance will also improve.

The study also revealed that there is inadequate or absence of teaching materials for lecturers as well as for student learning. This has resulted in lecturers teaching outside the syllabus and thus not able to prepare students well for their national examination. The MoEVT in conjunction with Regional Education Authorities should supply each school with relevant and adequate study and teaching materials. This will ensure students across all schools in the country are taught what in the syllabus and get them better prepared for national examinations. This will also motivate lecturers to teach students within the syllabus and complete the relevant materials on time.

Lastly, one of the key intrinsic motivation factors for lecturers is professional training and development. This was noted to be lacking in studied public Universities and demotivated lecturers who wanted to advance their career in education. MoEVT should develop a national training and development policy and award programs based on performance, to enable lecturers to upgrade their knowledge and skills.  This will encourage them not only national competition among lecturers but will also motivate them for high performance.


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