Education Project Topics

Effect of Field Trip on Biology Students Achievement

Effect of Field Trip on Biology Students Achievement

Effect of Field Trip on Biology Students Achievement



The main aim of the study is to examine the effect of field trip on biology student’s achievement. Other specific objectives of the study include:

  1. to determine the effect of field trip on male and female student’s achievement.
  2. to determine the effect of field trip on biology student’s achievement.
  3. to determine the difference in urban and rural school students achievement in field trip teaching method.
  4. to proffer possible solutions to the problems.




This Study investigated the Effects of field- trip on Retention and Academic Achievement in Biology  among Secondary School Students in Ikwuano , Nigeria.

Nature of Biology as a Science Subject at SS Level

Biology as a separate science was developed in the nineteenth century as scientists discovered that organisms shared fundamental characteristics. Biology is now a standard subject of instruction at schools and universities around the world and over a million papers are published annually in wide array of biology and medicine journals, (crystal 2011). Also, Ambuno, Egunyomi & Osakwe, (2008) stated that Biology forms the basis of disciplines like human medicine, veterinary medicine, Nursing, Agriculture, forestry, fishery, pharmacy, food technology, laboratory science Technology, biological weapons and human nutrition to mention just a few.

Most biological sciences are specialized disciplines. Traditionally, they are grouped by the type of organism being studied: botany (the study of plants); zoology (the study of animals); and microbiology (the study of microorganisms). The fields within biology are further divided based on the scale at which organisms are studied and the methods used to study them (Adeniyi, 2004).

  1. Biochemistry examines the fundamental chemistry of life;
  2. Molecular biology studies the complex interactions of systems of biological molecules;
  3. Cellular biology examines the basic building block of all life, the cell;
  4. Physiology examines the physical and chemical functions of the tissues and organ systems of an organism; and
  5. Biology examines how various organisms and their environment

Biology is a very important part of everyday life, whether we realize it or not. Any advances in medicine, dealing with environmental issues, or biotechnology depend on an understanding of living organisms, great, medium, and small (Bichi 2003, Kalu and Ndokwo 2006). Even if our main goal is simply ensuring the survival of the human race, we still must be able to understand and sustain the biosphere. We poison our land, air and water. The greenhouse effect and global warming are both threats that concern our biosphere (Christyl 2011). According to Okeke, (2007), it would be utterly hopeless to try to sustain the diversity of life on earth in the future without a decent knowledge of biology. In order to maintain the delicate balance of life on earth, we first must understand that we are not alone on this planet. We need to learn about the effect we have on our environment and other living things.

The value of many species cannot be predicted. Many plants may contain chemicals that could prove useful in treating illnesses, among other things. Also, the extinction of any specie can disturb the equilibrium of an ecosystem. Therefore, there is the need to understand that all of our actions have effects on other organisms and the environment (Christyl 2011).

Biological concepts (Physiology, Biology , molecular biology, Biochemistry, Chemical biology etc.) require more than one method or strategy to teach for effectiveness. For example, lecture method can be used alongside indoor laboratory teaching strategy in the teaching of physiology which examines the physical and chemical functions of the tissue and organ systems of an organism. This concept Biology  deals with the science of the interrelationship between organisms and their environment.





In this chapter, the methodology was discussed .

Research Design

The research design for this study was Experimental design involving the pre and posttests. There were two groups: the control and experimental, all sampled students were pre-tested to determine the level of equivalence academically. The experimental groups received treatment (field trip), while the control groups received no treatment (lecture). Also, all the groups were subjected to posttest (to determine the effect of the treatment on students Academic achievement), and Post- Posttest (to determine treatment effect on retention ability.

Population of the Study

The population of the study consisted of 2934 SS1 students from nineteen (19) schools admitted in, 2011/2012 session in Ikwuano  Educational Zone of Abia  State. Though, these schools are physically different in terms of location, they are the same in terms of administration, staffing, infrastructure and students were admitted on merit.




This chapter contains data analysis, result presentation and discussion. The analysis involves statistical testing of the research questions and hypotheses stated in chapters one and three. The level  of significance (Level) used for the analysis is p ≤ 0.05. This level of significance forms the basis for retaining or rejecting each of the null hypotheses.

Analysis and Results Presentation

The data collected for the purpose of this study were analyzed based on the research questions and hypotheses formulated.

Research Question 1: What is the effect of field trip strategy on students’ academic achievement in Biology  concept in Ikwuano  educational zone?

The descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation were used to answer this research question and the summary of the results is presented.




This chapter was discussed under the following headings, summary, conclusion and recommendations


The major purpose of this study was to determine the effects of field trip on student’s achievement, and retention, in Biology  among senior secondary school 1 students of Rural and urban location in Ikwuano  educational zone. The study reviews the literature relevant to the study under the following sub-headings: Nature of biology as Science subject at senior secondary level, teaching Biology  concept at senior secondary level, student’s academic achievement in biology, science teaching methods/strategies., field Trip for teaching  science, retention ability in science, school location and academic achievement in science, overview of similar studies and Implication of the literature reviewed on the present study.

The design of the study was quasi experimental control involving the pre-test posttests. The sample of the study consisted of 200 SS 1 biology students in both rural and urban areas. Three research questions were raised and collapsed to three hypotheses. The research questions were tested with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation and the hypotheses were tested with inferential statistics i.e independent sample test (t-test).

From the results of the analyses discussed in 4.2, the field trip teaching strategy favored the experimental group in Biology  concept. This provided a positive response to the question does field trip strategy have any effect on students’ performance in Biology  concept? The study shows that, there is significant differences between the achievements of students taught using field trip teaching strategy and those taught by traditional method. The study further confirmed that field trip teaching strategy is a good tool in teaching Biology  concept at secondary school level.

Field trip teaching strategy also favoured the urban experimental group in Biology  concept; this provided a positive response to the question, what is the effect of field trip on urban and rural students’ performance in Biology  concept in Ikwuano  educational zone? The study shows  that,  there are significant d                                                      s between the achievement of students in urban experimental group using field trip teaching strategy and those students in rural experimental group using the same strategy. The study further confirmed that field trip teaching strategy has made more impact on urban students.

Field trip teaching strategy favoured the experimental group in Biology  concept on retention ability. This provided a positive response to the question, what is the effect of field trip on student’s retention ability in Biology  concept among senior secondary school in Ikwuano  educational zone. The study shows that, there is significant difference between the achievement of students taught using field trip teaching strategy and those taught by traditional method. The study further confirmed that field trip teaching strategy is a good tool in teaching Biology  concept at senior secondary school level.


This unit gave inferences drawn from the finding thus:

Generally, it was confirmed that there was high significant difference between the mean achievement of the experimental and control groups in Biology  concept. And there was also high significant difference between the mean achievement of the experimental and control groups in Biology  concept on retention ability. This further confirmed that the field trip teaching strategy has gained more than the traditional method of teaching.

However, it was statistically, shown that field trip teaching strategy favoured students in urban experimental group in teaching Biology  concept. This might be that, the students in urban are more curious i.e want to know when taken to the natural surroundings, urban student used English as a means of communication so they have advantage in NECO/WAEC examination and also availability of electric light in the urban help in the used of internet.

Field trip teaching strategy favored the experimental groups was due to the fact that the pre-requisite steps of activities in teaching of Biology  concept were followed. This has stimulated students’ attention and interest, which led to good performance in Biology  concept. The students on experimental group were taught with the strategy (field trip) that required the used of basic science process skills i.e observation, identification, classification and manipulation of substances in the natural surroundings. The students in this group became more active and creative since they can see and manipulate organism in their natural surroundings.


Based on the findings of this study; the following recommendations are made; thus:

  1. Although field trip is integrated into the teaching programme, it is not being used. Therefore, the government should make the use of field trip teaching strategy compulsory particularly in the teaching and learning of the Biology concept at SS level. This will enhance students gain first hand information, and provide opportunity for them to see, possibly touch and feel what they have heard about certain organism and
  2. Field trip experiences when used should be relevant to contents in the curriculum, if they are to make the necessary
  3. Field trip experiences should emphasizes real practical experiences with the students collecting, analyzing data, interpreting data and using them to explain previous
  4. Field trip when used should be such that can serve as an integrated learning i.e field trip cannot teach one idea, but many. A field trip to a vegetable farm, for example can bring disparate topics together such as photosynthesis, the scientific method, how to collect data, plant, insect, part of flowers, soil erosion
  5. For the exercise (field trip) to be successful, it has to be well-funded, by both school authorities and parents. As such the school authorities and parents should put hands together to make field trip teaching strategy at all level of learning in successful one by proper funding at any design.


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