Chemistry Project Topics

Effect of Crushed Coconut Shell and Polyethylene Terephthalate as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

Effect of Crushed Coconut Shell and Polyethylene Terephthalate as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

Effect of Crushed Coconut Shell and Polyethylene Terephthalate as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

Chapter One

Aim and Objectives

 This research aims to study the properties of concrete in which the coarse aggregates are partially replaced with waste of polyethylene terephthalate and crushed coconut shells. This overall aim will be achieved by the following specific objectives:

  1. To determine the workability of fresh concrete of the various mix proportions of coarse aggregate in concrete and compare it with control
  2. To carry out density, compressive strength test and water absorption tests on the various concrete cubes.
  3. To check the suitability of concrete containing PET and CCS for general construction purposes by comparing it to the standard code of practice and




According to Nella (2014), the Nigerian plastics and packaging sector with over 3,000 companies and a production capacity of over 100,000 tons per year had a growth rate of 23.8% in 2013. Also, most ECOWAS countries depend on Nigeria for their plastic needs, given the country’s competitive advantage in the area of sourcing raw materials.

Polyethylene demand in Nigeria currently stands at 80million metric tons representing 30million metric tons increase over a 5 year period.

Muhammad et al. (2014) stated that ‘the recycling process involves processing used materials into new products to prevent the waste of potentially useful materials, reduce  air pollution due to incineration and water pollution due to land filling by reducing the need of conventional waste disposal, reduce consumption of fresh materials, reduce usage of energy, and lowering emissions of greenhouse gases. Recycling is a key component to modern waste management and it is also the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” waste hierarchy’.

Scott, (2004) described waste minimization as a process that involves reducing the amount of waste produced in society and helps eliminate the generation of harmful and persistent wastes, supporting the efforts to promote a more sustainable society. Waste minimization involves redesigning products and/or changing societal patterns, concerning consumption and production, of waste generation, to prevent the creation of waste while to reuse is to use an item again after it has been used. That includes conventional reuse where the item is used again for the same function and new-life reuse where it is used for a different function. By taking useful products and exchanging those, without reprocessing, reuse help save time, money, energy, and resources. In broader economic terms, reuse offers quality products to people and organisations with limited means, while generating jobs and business activities that contribute to the economy. Recycling is a process to change (waste) materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from Land filling) by reducing the need for “conventional” waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to plastic production.

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

Casanova-del-Angel and Vázquez-Ruiz. (2012) wrote a research article on manufacturing light concrete with PET aggregate. The authors concluded that, recycling PET to manufacture coarse aggregates and substitute natural aggregates should begin to spread  as soon as possible, as stony materials are fast depleting, and access to quarries is becoming more and more complicated. PET aggregate produces good quality mixtures with lower volumetric weight and mechanical behaviour similar to that of natural concrete with adequate granulometry. The water/cement ratio is lower for light concretes than for natural concretes. Light concretes may be used for various applications such as light slabs for homes within hot areas. Deformations of light concrete are lower than natural concrete and from the point of statistical analysis; it has been found that there is a higher consistency for light concrete mixtures than for natural concrete mixtures.





  1. Dangote Ordinary Portland Cement 42.5N sourced from the open
  2. Fine aggregate (river sand): sourced river sand was obtained from Funtua local government, Katsina State.
  3. Coarse aggregate (gravel, polyethylene terephthalate [PET] and crushed coconut shell [CCS]): the gravel was obtained from a quarry site in Zaria along Kaduna-Zaria highway, Kaduna State. Sizes of 12mm and 19mm were used for this

The polyethylene terephthalate was obtained from Pepsi bottling company, Idu industrial layout, Abuja. The used PET bottles were mechanically crushed to sizes not more than 10mm.

The crushed coconut shell was obtained from a coconut seller in Sabo market, Zaria Kaduna State. The coconut shell was hand crushed using a hammer with 82.6% passing through sieve size of 25.4mm.




The results of all the tests carried out in chapter three are discussed in this chapter to make deductions and conclusions.




  1. The combination of CCS and PET with gravel gives us particle sizes that adequately represent all the standard sizes specified by BS 812-103.1:1985 and satisfies the requirement for all in aggregate given in BS 882 : 1992 which is ideal for workable concrete and reduces the chances of honeycombing in
  2. The specific gravity of CCS and PET are both 1.32 while that of gravel is 70.

This implies their suitability for use as lightweight aggregates in concrete production.

  1. The AIV values of gravel (26.57%), CCS (3.62%), PET (0.3125%) and ACV values for gravel (28%), and CCS (2.29%), are all less than the maximum acceptable value given in BS 882:1992 of 45% therefore the coarse aggregates with the exception of PET (extremely low values indicate flakiness) used in this study show their suitability for general construction purposes.
  1. The density of concrete replaced with CCS and PET is considerably lesser than conventional concrete, which makes for easier handling and
  2. Sample F has a lower water absorption capacity of 3.99 than G which has a water absorption capacity of 4.48 indicating a more desirable durability characteristic thus making it preferred to sample G.


  1. Concrete with 50% gravel, 30% PET and 20% CCS (sample F) and concrete with 50% gravel, 20% PET and 30% CCS (sample G) can be considered as a viable alternative to conventional concrete as regards waste disposal and environmentally friendly
  2. Concrete samples F and G can be used in road drainage, gutter, slabs, kerbs, canal linings, blinding, low traffic road pavements, stone pitching, embankment, base for flexible pavements and minor concrete works in
  3. PET can be used as filler in concrete with gravel and CCS as seen in the improvement of its strength and durability

Contributions to Knowledge

  1. The flakiness and elongation tests showed that PET is flaky and elongated with a flakiness index of 100% and elongation index of 67.35%. CCS was also seen to be flaky with a flakiness index of 100%. Gravel and CCS fulfilled the requirement of elongation index of less than 40% specified in BS 882:1992 having an elongation index of 29.48% and 28.24% respectively.
  1. The workability of the concrete with CCS and PET gives us a range of (22- 30mm) values close to the control sample (25mm), for any percentage replacement of gravel by 50% with CCS and PET and can be categorized as S1 according to BS 8500- 1:2002.
  2. The compressive strength of sample F (30% PET and 20% CCS) and sample G (20% PET and 30% CCS) gives us 18.4N/mm2 which according to BS 8500-1:2002 shows its suitability as C15 concrete.


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