Business Administration Project Topics

Effect of Corporate Sustainability Factors on Organizational Performance

Effect of Corporate Sustainability Factors on Organizational Performance

Effect of Corporate Sustainability Factors on Organizational Performance


Research Objectives

The research objectives for this study are:

  1. To establish how crises management in MTN affects the company’s earnings per share
  2. To ascertain how the code of conduct for MTN’s employees affects the company’s reputation.
  3. To determine how compliance with statutory regulations affects MTN’s return on equity.



Organization Performance

This comprises the actual output or results of an organization as measured against its intended outputs (or goals and objectives). According to Richard (2009) organizational performance encompasses three specific areas of firm outcomes.  These include financial performance (profits, return on assets, and return on investment), Product market performance (sales, market share) and Shareholder return (total shareholder return, economic value added).  Generally, organization performance involves identifying outcomes that it wants to achieve, creating plans to achieve those outcomes, carrying out those plans, and determining whether the outcomes were achieved.

Critical Theoretical Literature Review

Three psychosocial theories of human behavior support the notion that external and internal forces in many organizations greatly influence employees to engage themselves in unethical conducts, Baehr et al. (1993).The theories reviewed are: (a) the Employee Risk Triangle Theory, (b) the Stress Facilitation Theory, and (c) the Social Disorder Theory. The relationships of each theory to organization performance and  the  risk  of  unethical  employee  conducts were  discussed  below.

The Employee Risk Triangle Theory

This model identifies three forces which act on an employee’s propensity to engage in unethical conducts.  The three forces are Need, Opportunity, and Attitude.

According to Researchers at DePaul University in Chicago, “Employee Risk Triangle Theory has a great contribution in providing a common-sense theory of employee crime and deviance, Terris (1985).

Following the increase of unethical conducts in most of public organizations by employees specifically at MTN as described in the MTN Technical Report (2010), this theory has greatly contribution to this study and provides a framework towards a better understanding on employees ethical conducts in organizations.  However, this theory has focused heavily on the attitudinal components and does not provide as to whether there are other forces apart from these attitudinal forces that may affects employee’s ethical conducts in the organization.




Research Design

According to Cooper and Schindler (2003), a research comprises of defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, reaching conclusions, and testing conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated hypotheses.

Due to the descriptive nature of this research, a random sampling research design was used to design the methodology. A random sampling research design collects data to make inferences about a population of interest (universe) at one point in time. Random sampling uses the principle of randomisation, which is a procedure of giving every subject in a population an equal chance of appearing in the selection.







The study examines the problems and prospects of corporate social sustainability of Nigerian manufacturing industry. Chapter one provided the introductory part by giving a background of the study. The chapter discussed the statement of the research problem. The chapter also highlighted the research questions and hypotheses raised based on the purpose of the study.  The limitations and significance of the study were also stated.


Sequel to the findings of the study, the following conclusion were drawn based of the findings of the study;

  • Relationship with the communityis more significant in the implementation of corporate social sustainability, the promotion of corporate image and reputation influenced the adoption of corporate social sustainability practices and companies have adequate manpower to implement and oversee the corporate social sustainability initiatives.
  • Adequately trained staff takes care of the implementation of corporate social sustainability activities and most companies allocates appropriate budget for their various corporate social sustainability initiatives.


For enhancing the e-commerce implementation, this research recommended several important points:

    • Leaders are tasked to ensure the organisation adoption of corporate social sustainability is at an optimal level; they are expected to communicate the usefulness of corporate social sustainability adoption throughout the organisation.
    • Employees should be properly trained and educated, in order to maximize benefits of corporate social sustainability to enhance rapid improvement of corporate reputation and business delivery system.
    • Studies and surveys, such as those used for the present research study, form one method for giving organisations the skills, tools, and information necessary to understand the corporate social sustainability initiative. As global markets continue to evolve, organisations merge, and the competitive landscape continues to change, organisations have to be flexible and adaptable to these events.
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