Business Administration Project Topics

Effect of Communication Performance of Organization

Effect of Communication Performance of Organization

Effect of Communication Performance of Organization


Objectives of the Study

The specific objective of the study is to determine and evaluate on the strategies of enhancing organizational performance through effective communication. The specific objectives of the study include.

  1. To examine if effective communication has effect on organizational performance.
  2. To ascertain if organization environment affect communication process
  3. To verify if communication difficulties affect various management cadre in the organization.



Conceptual Framework

Effective effect of communication on organizational performance.

The word communication is derived from the Latin word ‘communis’ meaning “Common” the communicator seeks to establish “commonness” with a receiver. Hence we define communication as the transmission of information and understanding through the use of common symbols, the common symbols may be verbal or nonverbal. Gibson, Ivancevich, and Donnelly (2004).

According to Hoy and Miskel (2001): they see communication as simply the process of transmitting, information from one person to another.

Also, According to GRIFFIN (2003) communication is the sharing of message idea or attitudes that provide a degree of understanding between a sender and a receiver.

Communication is an integral component of any performance improvement approach. Organizations eager to accomplish strategic goals establish well defined communication strategies. A well-defined strategy is one that engages employees and aligns with the organization’s business goals.

According to Richard et al. (2009) organizational performance encompasses three specific areas of firm outcomes: financial performance (profits, return on assets, return on investment); product market performance (sales, market share) and shareholder return (total shareholder return, economic value added).

Ricardo (2001) argued that performance measures could include result-oriented behavior criterion-based and relative normative measures, education and training, concepts and instruments, including management development and leadership training, which were the necessary building skills and attitudes of performance management. Hence, from the above literature review, the term “performance” should be broader based which include effectiveness, efficiency, economy, quality, consistency behavior and normative measures (Ricardo, 2001).

A more accurate definition of communication can be found by looking at its original meaning. The oxford English dictionary lists the Latin root of communicate as communicare, which means. To make common to many shares according to this definition, when people communicate they express their ideas to make common to many shares. According to this definition, when people communicate they express their ideas and feelings in a way that is understandable (Common) to each of them they share information with each other person has a direct effect on the other and on subsequent comments therefore communication is the process of people sharing thoughts ideas and feelings with each other in commonly understandable ways Hamilton and Parker (2004).  Jones and George (2003) stated that communication is the sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding.




Research Design:

The research design adopted for this study was descriptive survey method. This is because the method was deemed appropriate, as the study collected information on impact of communication on workers‟ performance in an organization. Oniye (1997), states that the descriptive survey deals with systematic description of an event in a very factual and accurate manner.

 Population of Study

The population of the study is a census of all that possess the characteristics of the phenomena being studied. A population may be finite if all items that constitute it can be counted or infinite in size if all item cannot be counted.

However, the population of the study is the employees and management of Nigerian Brewery PLC. Well-structured data gathering tools namely 5 linkert scale questionnaires and focus group interviews were used to obtain relevant information and data for the research





Discussion of Findings and Its Implications

From the research investigation that was conducted on the effectiveness of effect of communication on organizational performance, in the Nigerian breweries plc Nigeria the following point were drawn.

As a matter of policy, there is a clearly defined system of communication in the organization. The effect of communication was examined with the aid of research instrument with face to face discussion among people.


It is evident that the objectives of this study have met to a great extent the effectiveness of communication in an organization which creates a significant impact in the effectiveness and efficiency of the organizational performance.

Attempt was made at examining the various objectives of communication in an organization and also linking it relevance with organizational performance.


Effectiveness of effect of communication on organizational performance in Nigerian Breweries plc.

The researcher has been able to identify some of the barriers to effective communication the researcher hereby, makes the following recommendations for consideration by the appropriate authorities to enable them make necessary changes for efficient and effective organizational performance these includes:

  1. Management should ensure that managers and  staff upskill themselves in the area of effective and proactive communication, employee can be  sent on training or take advantage of virtual learning platforms.
  2. Organizations should have a well-developed and widely accepted policies and procedures that will guide and control the organizational system  and process of communication.


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