Agriculture Project Topics

Effect of Combined Application of Composted Rice Straw and Inorganic Fertilizer on Available Soil Nutrients and Tomato Yield in Jega Kebbi State

Effect of Combined Application of Composted Rice Straw and Inorganic Fertilizer on Available Soil Nutrients and Tomato Yield in Jega Kebbi State

Effect of Combined Application of Composted Rice Straw and Inorganic Fertilizer on Available Soil Nutrients and Tomato Yield in Jega Kebbi State

Chapter One 

General objective

  • To investigate the potential use of organic fertilizer (rice straw) in combination with soil applied inorganic fertilizers for improved tomato crop production and soil properties

 Specific objectives  

  1. To evaluate the effect of sole and combined application of rice straw and inorganic fertilizers on growth performance, yield and yield components of tomato
  2. To determine the residual effects of sole and combined application of rice straw and inorganic fertilizers on physical and chemical properties of soil
  3. To determine appropriate combinations of rice straw and inorganic fertilizers use for economic yield production of tomato



Origin and Distribution of Tomato

The tomato belongs to the solanaceae family and the genus Lycopersicon, a genus that consists of a relatively few species of annual or short lived perennial herbaceous plants

(George et al., 1983). The cultivated tomato belongs to a species Lycopersicon esculentum Miller and the cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum variety ceraciforme) is direct ancestor of the modern cultivated forms (Taylor, 1986). Cultivated tomato is a selfpollinated crop with somatic chromosome number of 24. The center of origin of tomato is believed to be in Tropical America probably Mexico or Peru and the name tomato is of South American origin (Gould, 1983). According to Gould (1983) the tomatoes were taken to Europe from Mexico or Peru during the early sixteenth century, but the cultivation for the market has been practiced since about the 1800. It was introduced to Africa in the 16th century (George et al., 1983).

Tomato is self-pollinated crop that produces mature fruits in about 25-30 days after fertilization. Time from transplant to first harvest needs 70 to 75 days for cherry types, 7580 days for the plum types, and 80-90 days for the large fruited type tomatoes. Ripening phase of tomato fruit characterized by fruit softening, coloring, and sweetening (Giovannoni, 2001). Environmental stress, such as poor nutrition, unfavorable weather, or insect and disease pressure may result in abscission during or after flowering (Bohner and Bangerth, 1988).

Tomato is one of the most widely consumed vegetable crops in the world, not only because of its volume, but also because of its overall contribution to nutrition and its important role in human health. Tomatoes rank first in the “relative contribution to human nutrition” when compared to 39 major fruits and vegetables (Bourne, 1977). One medium sized tomato provides 40% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 20% of the RDA of vitamin A, substantial amounts of potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and lesser amounts of iron, magnesium, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin, yet contains only about 35 calories (FAO/UNEP, 1979).

Climate and Growth Requirements of Tomato

Tomato is a warm season crop, however; it can be grown under a wide range of climate and soil conditions both in tropical and temperate regions (Gould, 1992). Tomato is sensitive to high nighttime temperatures, especially the large fruited fresh varieties. High nighttime temperatures may lead to lower fruit set or to small, seedless fruit development. Optimum temperature for fruit set is 15-20ºC (Gillaspy et al., 1993). According to Rice et al. (1990), elevation up to 2000 m.a.s.l are suitable for tomato culture and yields are generally higher at elevation over 500m. There are also varieties that can adapt at lower elevation, but their yields are generally lower. Therefore, tomato is produced in different agro ecological zones. Other researchers reported that 5-6ºC diurnal variation is required for optimal growth and development (Rice et al., 1990).

Tomato requires clear and dry weather, but it is not sensitive to day length. The tomato prefers a dry atmosphere and moderately high temperature coupled with plenty of sunlight and air (Shewell-cooper, 1961). In the central low land areas of Nigeria, the optimal growing temperature ranges between 24 and 28ºC occurring during the day and 14 -17ºC at night, which is favorable for production of high quality fruits (Lemma, 1998). Tomatoes do not have high requirements regarding the soil type where they will be grown. It can grow on many soil types but all good tomato soils must drain well, fertile soils with a good moisture retention capacity and a relatively high level of organic material although many varieties tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. Tomatoes grow well in alkaline soils, but the tomatoes prefer neutral to light acid soils (pH 5.5 to 7). High relative humidity when combined with high temperature has a negative effect on tomato plant. Rapid germination of fungal spores and spread of bacterial activities are some of the problems associated with these conditions (Atherton and Rudich, 1986).




Experimental Site  

The field experiment was carried out at Aleiro town of Jega LGA. It is located in Kebbi state.

The long-term weather information at Aleiro town of Jega LGA (1993-2018) revealed that the rainfall pattern is a bimodal type with a total rainfall of 830 mm per annum, and the mean minimum, maximum and average air temperatures are 26, 30 and 28°C, respectively.

Major crops grown in the area include maize, teff, sorghum, haricot bean, irrigated banana, mango, avocado and vegetables (CSA, 2016). The farming system is dominantly small scale, and characterized by crop and livestock mixed production systems and is mainly for their family requirements (subsistence type). The people of the study area earn their living primarily from both irrigation and rainfed agriculture and livestock husbandry plays a second major role, next to crop production, both as the source of food and income.



Rice straw and Soil Physico-Chemical Analysis  

Chemical Composition of the Rice straw  

The results on the chemical composition of the rice straw which was utilized as organic source of soil fertility amendment in the study are presented in Table 2. The result showed that the rice straw contains 8.6% organic C, 1.3% total N, 114.2 ppm available P, 284.1 ppm available K and a pH of 7.2 (1:2.5 H2O), which is slightly alkaline in reaction. The narrow carbon to nitrogen ratio (7:1) in the organic nutrient source indicates that the rice straw is well decomposed to the level of average soil organic matter.



The experiment was conducted on farmer’s field under irrigated condition at Jega LGA Aleiro to determine the effects of rice straw and inorganic fertilizers (blended and non-blended) on growth, yield and yield components of tomato and on soil characteristics. The factorial combinations of six fertilizer levels (Control, NP, BF, NP+Rice straw, BF+Rice straw, and Rice straw) and two tomato varieties (Gelilea and Roma VF) were laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications.

Analysis of a composite soil sample revealed that the soil of the experimental field was loam in texture and moderately acidic in reaction (pH= 6.0) with 0.11 % total N, 1.64 % organic C, 10.2 ppm available phosphorous, 19.4 meq/100gm available potassium and 20.2 cmol(+) kg-1 of CEC. The nutrient status of the soil increased after harvest of tomato showed an increase due to the application of rice straw and inorganic fertilizers. The highest total N (0.212 %) and the lowest total N (0.183 %) were recorded from the applications of NP (92/30 kg ha-1) and control, respectively.

Application of rice straw in combination with inorganic fertilizers (NP or NPSZnB) significantly influenced most of the growth parameters, yield and yield components of tomato. Combined application of rice straw and inorganic fertilizers (NP+Rice straw and BF+Rice straw) delayed days to flowering, fruiting and maturity. Vegetative growth parameters of tomato showed an increasing trend when the level of applied nutrients increased through the application of rice straw in combination with inorganic fertilizers. Plant height, number of primary and secondary branches, and number of cluster per plant increased as the level of applied nutrients increased. Similarly, increase in number of fruits per cluster, average fruit weight, fruit width, and fruit length were also recorded from applications of rice straw in combination with inorganic fertilizers (NP+Rice straw and BF+Rice straw). However, application of rice straw alone (14 t ha-1) resulted in a slight decrease on plant height, number of fruits per cluster, average fruit weight, fruit width, and fruit length. Therefore, application of rice straw in combination with inorganic fertilizers (blended or non-blended) proved to be superior to others with respect to most of growth, yield components and phenological parameters.

The present study also showed that application of rice straw in conjunction with inorganic fertilizers resulted in significant increment on marketable and total fruit number, and yield of tomato. The highest marketable and total fruit number was recorded from the application of NP+Rice straw, and from BF+Rice straw. Similarly, the marketable and total fruit yield of tomato was higher (32.44 tons/ha and 35.37 ton ha-1) due to the application of NP+Rice straw, and BF+Rice straw and the magnitude of increment in tomato fruit yield were 53.7 and 38.4 %, respectively over the control. Most of the yield contributing parameters was positively and significantly correlated with total fruit yield of tomato except days to flowering and number of fruits per cluster. The concentration of N and P in the leaf tissue at all treatment combinations was inconsistent. The highest content of N and P in leaf was obtained from the combined application of both soil amendments.

Significant responses in growth, yield and yield components of tomato were obtained from the combined applications of rice straw and inorganic fertilizers. The application of rice straw might have supplied the required amount of plant nutrients for vegetative growth due to the availability of micro-nutrients and can support the crop during the later growth stages due to the slow and continuous decomposition and release of nutrients. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that application of 7 t ha-1 rice straw in combination with 46/15 kg ha-1 N/P and/or 100 kg ha-1 NPSZnB blended fertilizer may be recommended for smallholder tomato producers in the experimental area and other areas of the country having similar agro ecology and socio economic status.

In general, increment in yields and some growth components of tomato as well as soil nutrient improvements were observed in response to rice straw and inorganic fertilizers, and their interaction. From this study, it is suggested that further study be conducted in relation to the following points:

  • Although yield and some growth parameters of tomato significantly increased in response to the increased application of rice straw supplemented with inorganic fertilizers, it is too early to reach a conclusive recommendation since the experiment was conducted only at one location for one season. Hence, studies should be conducted including the current varieties and other improved cultivars of the crop on different agro-ecology and soil type.
  • One of the advantages of the use of rice straw is that nutrients are released over a long period of time. Thus, the study should be extended at least for three consecutive growing seasons using different vegetable crops through crop rotation to determine if there are also nutrient residual effects of the rice straw.   


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