Computer Science Project Topics

Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Consumer Awareness and Purchase Intention in Online Shopping

Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Consumer Awareness and Purchase Intention in Online Shopping

Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Consumer Awareness and Purchase Intention in Online Shopping


Objectives of the Study

This study aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

  1. To examine the influence of AI-driven recommendation systems on consumer awareness in online shopping.
  2. To assess the impact of AI-powered chatbots on consumer awareness in online shopping.
  3. To investigate how AI-driven personalized marketing affects purchase intention in online shopping.



Conceptual Review

Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force in the realm of e-commerce, revolutionizing the way businesses interact with consumers (Bawack, Wamba, Carillo, & Akter, 2022). In the context of online shopping, AI encompasses a range of technologies and tools designed to enhance the shopping experience. AI-driven recommendation systems analyze consumer data to provide tailored product suggestions, thus personalizing the online shopping journey (Ahn & Park, 2022). This not only facilitates the discovery of products but also boosts consumer engagement and satisfaction.

Moreover, chatbots powered by AI have emerged as virtual assistants that can engage in real-time conversations with customers, addressing their queries and concerns (Hernandez, Jimenez, & Martin, 2020). These chatbots create a seamless and efficient shopping experience, enhancing consumer interactions with online retailers. By doing so, AI-driven chatbots contribute to shaping consumer attitudes and behaviours in online shopping, ultimately impacting purchase intention.

Furthermore, AI’s role in personalized marketing is pivotal in e-commerce (Euchner, 2023). By leveraging AI algorithms, businesses can analyze consumer data to create and deliver marketing content, offers, and promotions that are highly relevant to individual shoppers (Dwivedi et al., 2023a). This level of personalization not only captures consumer attention but also influences their attitudes and purchase intentions by aligning with their preferences and needs.

In summary, AI technologies have firmly established their presence in e-commerce, offering advanced tools such as recommendation systems, chatbots, and personalized marketing. These AI-driven capabilities have a profound impact on consumer behaviour and are instrumental in enhancing consumer engagement, awareness, and purchase intention in the context of online shopping. The understanding of these AI-driven technologies is pivotal for both businesses and researchers seeking to unlock the potential of AI in e-commerce.





The methodology chapter of this study served as a guide to the research design and methods employed to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on consumer behaviour in online shopping (Saunders et al., 2016). This chapter outlined the research design, population, sampling technique, data collection methods, data analysis, validity, reliability, and ethical considerations to ensure the credibility and ethicality of the research process (Robson, 2020).



Data Presentation




Summary of Findings

The findings of this study offer valuable insights into the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on consumer behaviour in the context of online shopping. These findings are based on data collected from 104 respondents, reflecting a diverse demographic profile, including varying ages, genders, education levels, online shopping habits, and familiarity with AI. The study investigated three key areas: the influence of AI-driven recommendation systems, the impact of AI-powered chatbots, and the effect of AI-driven personalized marketing on consumer awareness and purchase intention.

First, the study examined the effects of AI-driven recommendation systems on consumer awareness. The results revealed that a significant majority of respondents held a positive view of these systems. Approximately 67.3% of the respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that AI-based recommendations significantly enhanced their awareness of new products or services, while 72.1% believed that AI-powered recommendations helped them discover items they might not have found on their own. Moreover, 68.3% of the respondents believed that AI-based recommendations improved their understanding of the different options available for purchase. These findings indicate that AI recommendation systems are highly effective in increasing consumer awareness and expanding their product knowledge, which is a crucial factor in influencing their purchase decisions in online shopping.

The study also investigated the influence of AI-powered chatbots on consumer awareness. The results showed that respondents had a favourable perception of chatbots. Approximately 78.9% of the respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that chatbots provided them with helpful and relevant information about products or services they were interested in, while 67.0% believed that chatbots efficiently guided them in finding solutions or products they sought information about. Furthermore, 76.5% of respondents stated that the use of chatbots increased their overall knowledge and understanding of products or services available online. These findings suggest that chatbots play a crucial role in enhancing consumer awareness, providing valuable information, and assisting in the decision-making process during online shopping.


The results of this study have provided valuable insights into the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on consumer behaviour in the context of online shopping. The hypotheses were tested to determine the influence of AI-driven recommendation systems, AI-powered chatbots, and AI-driven personalized marketing on consumer awareness and purchase intention. The findings strongly support the effectiveness of these AI technologies in enhancing consumer engagement and shaping their online shopping experiences.

The results indicate that AI-driven recommendation systems significantly increase consumer awareness and product knowledge, ultimately influencing their purchase decisions. Similarly, AI-powered chatbots play a pivotal role in providing consumers with relevant information and guiding them through the decision-making process, thus contributing to a higher level of consumer awareness. Moreover, AI-driven personalized marketing has a positive influence on consumers, increasing their interest in exploring products and services and positively affecting their purchase intentions.In conclusion, the study’s findings underscore the transformative power of AI in the e-commerce industry. Businesses and marketers should recognize the potential of AI-driven technologies to improve the online shopping experience, foster consumer engagement, and drive sales and revenue. As AI continues to evolve, it will remain a central player in the digital marketplace, reshaping the way consumers interact with online retailers and make informed purchase decisions. These findings provide valuable guidance for businesses looking to stay competitive and responsive to the changing landscape of online shopping.


Based on the findings and implications of this study, the following recommendations are offered:

  1. Leverage AI-Driven Technologies: E-commerce businesses should actively integrate and leverage AI-driven technologies such as recommendation systems, chatbots, and personalized marketing to enhance the online shopping experience. This should be a strategic priority for businesses seeking to remain competitive and cater to the evolving preferences of online shoppers.
  2. Continuous Innovation and Improvement: E-commerce platforms should invest in continuous innovation and improvement of their AI-driven systems. Stagnation in AI technology can lead to consumer disengagement, so it is crucial to stay updated with the latest advancements in AI and implement them effectively.
  3. AI-Ethical Guidelines: The development and use of AI should adhere to ethical guidelines to ensure transparency, privacy, and fairness in the interaction between AI and consumers. Companies should establish and communicate their commitment to ethical AI practices.
  4. Consumer Education: Businesses must educate consumers about AI technologies and their applications in online shopping. This can help demystify AI, alleviate concerns, and increase consumer trust and acceptance.
  5. Data Security and Privacy: E-commerce platforms should prioritize data security and user privacy, ensuring that the personal data collected by AI systems is handled responsibly and protected from unauthorized access.

Contribution to Knowledge

This study contributes significantly to the existing body of knowledge by shedding light on the multifaceted impact of AI technologies in the realm of online shopping, particularly in the domains of consumer awareness, engagement, and purchase intention. It advances our understanding of the critical role that AI-driven recommendation systems, chatbots, and personalized marketing play in shaping consumer behaviour in the e-commerce sector. By empirically investigating the relationships between these AI technologies and consumer responses, the study fills a crucial gap in the literature by providing nuanced insights into the practical implications of AI integration for businesses and the experiences of online shoppers. This contribution is especially relevant in the current digital age, where AI is increasingly shaping the dynamics of the e-commerce industry.

Furthermore, this research offers practical guidance to e-commerce practitioners, marketers, and AI system developers on how to harness AI’s potential effectively. The recommendations outlined in this study, which emphasize ethical considerations, user education, and the need for continuous innovation, serve as actionable strategies for businesses aiming to implement AI technologies successfully. By addressing these issues, this study equips businesses with a roadmap to navigate the rapidly evolving AI landscape, thereby fostering not only improved customer experiences but also increased competitiveness in the ever-expanding online shopping domain. In sum, the contribution of this research lies in its comprehensive examination of AI’s influence on online shopping, offering valuable insights and actionable recommendations that can drive both scholarly inquiry and industry practices in the future.


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