Business Administration Project Topics

Digital Marketing as an Effective Tool in Achieving Business Expansion in Covid-19 Era (Case Study: Scib Insurance Brokers.

Digital Marketing as an Effective Tool in Achieving Business Expansion in Covid-19 Era (Case Study Scib Insurance Brokers.

Digital Marketing as an Effective Tool in Achieving Business Expansion in Covid-19 Era (Case Study: Scib Insurance Brokers.


Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To examine how effective is digital marketing during Covid19 pandemic in Scib Insurance Brokers
  2. To ascertain the relationship between digital marketing and business expansion during Covid19 era in Scib Insurance Brokers
  3. To investigate if digital marketing is an effective tool in achieving business expansion during covid19 era in Scib Insurance Brokers




In  the  digital  age,  the  transformation  of communication channels is a challenge for all industries,  but  especially  for  the communications  and  marketing  industry.  As (Rangaswami  &  Gupta,  2000)  commented, “Marketing  digitalization  is  a  phase  of  change in the history of communication”. (Jung, 2009) noted  that  changes  in  technology  and consumer  behaviour  have  always  been  the main drivers of change in marketing strategies. In  today’s  changing  digital  environment  “the speed,  relevance  and  complexity  of  these elements become very important” (Jung, 2009). To  be  clear  about  understanding  the definition of “digital marketing”. There is a lot of research on Digital Marketing or online  marketing that comes up with many definitions of Digital Marketing. According to Kotler  and  Armstrong  (2009),  digital marketing  is  a  form  of  direct  marketing  that connects  consumers  with  sellers  electronically using  interactive  technologies  such  as  email, websites,  online  forums  and  newsgroups, interactive television, cellular communications and so on. According  to  (Piñeiro-Otero  &  Martínez-Rolán, 2016) digital marketing as  a  projection of  conventional  marketing,  tools  and strategies,  on  the  Internet.  The  digital  world and  its  application  to  marketing  have  driven the  development  of  channels,  formats  and languages  that  lead  to  marketing  tools  and strategies.  The  Digital  Marketing  Institute (DMI)  refers  to  digital  marketing  as  “The  use of  digital  technology  to  create  integrated, targeted and  measurable communications that help  to  obtain  and  retain  customers  while building  deeper  relationships  with customers” (Royle & Laing, 2014). “Digital marketing is a branch  of  traditional  marketing  and  uses modern  digital  channels  for  product placement, e.g. music that can be downloaded, and  especially  for  communicating  with stakeholders,  e.g.  customers  and  investors about brands, products and business progress. ” Both of these definitions  are  useful; the first because  it  emphasizes  the  importance  of  the strategic  foundation  for  each  marketing approach that is measurement and integration, and  focuses  on  relationships  and communication.  The  second  definition functions  for  smart  strategies  and  good communication; every use of digital marketing must  be  effective  in  promoting  products  or services  (Royle &  Laing, 2014).  So  it  can  be concluded  that  digital  marketing  is marketing products  or  services  using  digital  channels  to reach  consumers.  The  main  objective  is  to promote  the  brand  through  various  forms of digital media. Digital  marketing  has  become  a  new phenomenon that unites mass adjustment and distribution  to  achieve  marketing  goals.




Research design

The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work the choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought Digital Marketing as an effective tool in achieving Business Expansion in Covid-19 era (Case Study: Scib Insurance Brokers)




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was on the Digital Marketing as an effective tool in achieving Business Expansion in Covid-19 era (Case Study: Scib Insurance Brokers. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of Digital Marketing as an effective tool in achieving Business Expansion in Covid-19 era


This study was on Digital Marketing as an effective tool in achieving Business Expansion in Covid-19 era (Case Study: Scib Insurance Brokers. Three objectives were raised which included: To examine how effective is digital marketing during Covid19 pandemic in Scib Insurance Brokers, to ascertain the relationship between digital marketing and business expansion during Covid19 era in Scib Insurance Brokers and to investigate if digital marketing is an effective tool in achieving business expansion during covid19 era in Scib Insurance Brokers. In line with these objectives, two research hypotheses were formulated and two null hypotheses were posited. The total population for the study is 200 staff of Scib Insurance Brokers, Lagos. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made up managers, marketer, senior staff and junior staff was used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies


Digital marketing has grown rapidly. Advances in information technology have changed many aspects  of  business,  marketing  activities,  and gave  birth  to  online  transaction  methods. During  the  covid  pandemic  19,  businesses have  transformed  transactions  through digital marketing.  At the  time  of  the  pandemic  has accelerated  the  growth  of  digital  marketing which  has  an  impact  on  changing  consumer behaviour  towards  online  transactions. However,  the  development  of  digital marketing must obey and be guided.


The characterization of digital marketing  from business  perspective  will  open  new  avenues for  future  research  and  will  make  researchers more  theoretically  sensitive  to the  ontological and  epistemological  assumptions  underlying business marketing research. But the limitations of the  study of  digital marketing context  are  very  rare.  Practical  implications, practitioners  must  realize  that  technological advances  have  given  birth  to  a  transaction method known  as digital  marketing  so  that  it is  an  opportunity  for  business  people  to evaluate  data  and  use  digital  marketing  to improve  their  marketing.


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