Mass Communication Project Topics

Developmental Impacts of Community Journalism (a Study of Amuludun Fm in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State)

Developmental Impacts of Community Journalism (a Study of Amuludun Fm in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State)

Developmental Impacts of Community Journalism (a Study of Amuludun Fm in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State)

Chapter One

Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To assess the effectiveness of Amuludun FM in promoting civic engagement in the Akinyele Local Government Area by examining its provision of information on local issues, government activities, and community events.
  2. To evaluate the role of Amuludun FM as a watchdog in holding local authorities accountable for their actions and ensuring transparency in governance within the Akinyele Local Government Area.
  3. To investigate the extent to which Amuludun FM provides a platform for marginalized groups to voice their concerns and share their stories, thereby empowering underrepresented communities in the Akinyele Local Government Area.




Community Journalism Community journalism or civic journalism is a new area of focus for mass communicators all over the world. Because of the strength of the rural press to mobilize people to participate in the art and science of governance at the grasstroot level where majority of the people live especially in Africa, community journalism is endorsed by many as a soothing balm for advocacy and developmental journalism. Kurpius (1999, p.3) outlines some of the major benefits of civic journalism. These are “increased diversity, greater depth and context of the news coverage, and a stronger understanding of the various communities that make a particular viewing area.” Moemeka (1981), Myers (2000), Kurpius (1999) and other experts highlighted the relevance of community media in different spheres of human endeavour. For example, community journalism according to experts encourages journalists and news managers to find ways to capture citizen priorities, concerns and perspectives on different issues of importance to many different communities. As part of the process of creating connections to citizens, news managers are now finding ways to hear and understand the greatest diversity of voices and communities in their viewing and listening areas. Practicing community journalism helps both news content and source diversity by encouraging a discussion of citizen views and issues using a wide range of community perspectives. The best reason for practicing community journalism is to create a stronger community understanding by news organisations and the journalists who work in these newsrooms. Inherent in this increased understanding is an ongoing conversation between journalists, citizens and public officials on issues facing their communities. The result of this conversation is larger file of community sources for stories and an increase in story ideas from various communities. These connections and the resulting coverage can help strengthen the value of your news product for citizens in your market (Kurpius, 1999). The experiment on community newspapering in the 70s and 80s in Nigeria gives a clear picture of the potentials of community press in changing the fortunes of rural dwellers. For instance, through the Moribund Community Concord then owned by Late Chief M.K.O Abiola, Nigerian rural dwellers were journalistically blessed in different spheres of life. Historically, the late sages, Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe played crucial roles in the establishment of community newspapers in Nigeria. The duo established provincial newspapers which marked the beginning of the recognition of the role of community journalism and national development. The newspaper established by these leading nationalists, sociologically brought into limelight the cultural artifacts and ideo-facts of rural people in print journalism. They painted the sorry picture of abject poverty and backwardness in rural areas and that drew the attention of the government to the plight of rural dwellers. These papers informed the rural dwellers of great things or issues within their domains and those in cities. Through vernacular newspapers, village dwellers were wooed and mobilized to participate in developmental programmes of their communities, thus engendering social change. (Ate, 2008). The establishment of the rural newspapers fine-tuned the world view of the down trodden and brought them closer to decision making process at the central level. The community newspapers established at the time in questions serve as a springboard for the establishment of radio and television stations in the 60s and 70s. It is important to point out that the localization of radio and TV in Nigeria took a cue from community newspapers. Today, both TV and radio do broadcast to the people in their predominant local dialects. (Duyile, 2005). Some decades ago, some few newspapers were packaged for exclusive audience. There were Udoka (Ibo), Amana (Hausa) and Isokan (Yoruba).



Research Design

The research design for this study is the qualitative research design. The qualitative design when the aim of a study is to examine, understand and describe a phenomenon. It is often used to study ideas, beliefs, human behaviors and other research questions that do not involve studying the relationship between variables. The particular qualitative design that is used is the non-experimental research design, which does not involve a manipulation of the situation, circumstances or experience of the participants. This design was adapted because this study is looking at the relationship between variables; rather, it studies beliefs and human behaviour.

In this study, this research design involves structuring and administering copies of questionnaire to the representative sample of the study. The questionnaire was used to further the overall analysis of the findings of this study for validity.

Research Method

The researcher adopted the survey research approach in carrying out this study. According to Nwodu (2006, p. 67), survey “is a research method, which focuses on a representative sample derived from the entire population of study.” In a similar vein, Eze (2008, p.60) posits that “survey research is probably the best method available to the social scientist who is interested in collecting original data to describe a population that is  too large to observe directly” He  further asserts that, “It is an excellent vehicle for measuring attitudes  and orientation in a large population”. In this study, a simple random sampling will provide respondents whose characteristics may be taken to reflect those of the larger population and carefully constructed and standardized questionnaire will be used to get data from the respondents.




Overview of Analysis

Data analysis is an explanation of factual information generated in the course of a study (Nwodu, 2006). Data can be analyze to further the overall goal of understanding social phenomena achieved through the process of description, explanation and prediction (Ikeagwu, 1998).  In this chapter, tables were used for the presentation of data with responses measured in percentages and frequencies. The Chi-square formula was used to test the hypotheses.



Summary of Major Findings

This study focused on analytical study of the Developmental impacts of community Journalism (A study of Amuludun FM in Akinyele local government area of Oyo state). Indeed, analysis of research data and test of hypotheses revealed the following findings:

(i) The result of the study showed that there is significant relationship between the provision of information by Amuludun FM on local issues, government activities, and community events and the level of democratic participation and informed decision-making among residents in the Akinyele Local Government Area (ii) The findings of the study also revealed that there is significant impact of Amuludun FM’s engagement in investigative reporting on exposing instances of corruption or mismanagement within the Akinyele Local Government Area

(iii) The result of the study showed that Amuludun FM contribute to the addressing social inequalities and empowering individuals from underrepresented communities to advocate for change


In conclusion, the study on the developmental impacts of community journalism, focusing on Amuludun FM in the Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State, reveals the significant role that the radio station plays in fostering community development, democratic participation, and social empowerment.

Amuludun FM’s provision of information on local issues, government activities, and community events has a positive impact on democratic participation and informed decision-making among residents. By serving as a reliable source of information, the radio station empowers individuals with knowledge, enabling them to actively engage in local affairs, participate in democratic processes, and make informed decisions that contribute to the betterment of their community.

Moreover, Amuludun FM’s engagement in investigative reporting has proven instrumental in exposing instances of corruption and mismanagement within the Akinyele Local Government Area. Through their diligent research and reporting, the radio station promotes transparency, accountability, and good governance. By bringing these issues to light, Amuludun FM empowers the community to demand change, facilitates public discourse, and contributes to building a more accountable and responsible local government.

Furthermore, Amuludun FM plays a vital role in addressing social inequalities and empowering individuals from underrepresented communities to advocate for change. By providing a platform for diverse voices, promoting inclusivity, and facilitating community engagement, the radio station enables marginalized communities to share their experiences, access information and resources, and actively participate in decision-making processes. This empowerment fosters social change, promotes equity, and contributes to creating a more just and equitable society.

The study highlights the developmental impacts of community journalism through the case of Amuludun FM in the Akinyele Local Government Area. The radio station’s commitment to providing accurate information, engaging in investigative reporting, and empowering underrepresented communities has positive ripple effects on community development, democratic participation, and social empowerment. The findings of this study emphasize the importance of community journalism as a catalyst for positive change and highlight the need for continued support and investment in local media organizations like Amuludun FM


Based on the findings of the study on the developmental impacts of community journalism, focusing on Amuludun FM in the Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State, the following recommendations are suggested:

  1. Strengthen Financial Support: Adequate financial support should be provided to community media organizations like Amuludun FM to ensure their sustainability and ability to continue their developmental work. This support can come from government grants, corporate sponsorships, community donations, or partnerships with local organizations.
  2. Capacity Building: Continuous training and capacity building programs should be provided to the journalists and staff members of Amuludun FM. This will enhance their skills in investigative reporting, ethical journalism practices, community engagement, and technological advancements. Capacity building will enable them to deliver quality journalism that effectively addresses social inequalities and empowers underrepresented communities.
  3. Collaboration with Local Organizations: Amuludun FM should actively collaborate with local organizations, NGOs, and community leaders to address development challenges and amplify community voices. Such partnerships can strengthen the impact of their programming and initiatives by leveraging resources, expertise, and community networks.
  4. Promotion of Media Literacy: Amuludun FM should prioritize promoting media literacy among community members. By organizing workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns, the radio station can educate the public on critical thinking, fact-checking, and media consumption. Media literacy will empower residents to discern reliable information, engage in constructive dialogue, and actively participate in democratic processes.
  5. Diverse Representation: Amuludun FM should strive to ensure diverse representation in their programming, both in terms of content and staff members. By incorporating diverse perspectives, voices, and stories, the radio station can foster inclusivity, representation, and community cohesion 


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