Computer Science Project Topics

Development of A University Document Management System

Development of A University Document Management System

Development of A University Document Management System

Chapter One

Aim and Objective of the study.

This work aims to develop a system that will manage the electronic transfer of updated files within a University System while the specific objectives are to:

  • To design an Electronic document management system that delivers files in seconds serving time and maintains an efficient workflow of documents in a university management system using PHP.
  • To design an efficient database that keeps reliable and up-to-date records of files.




A literature review is both a summary and explanation of the complete and current state of knowledge on a limited topic as found in academic books and journal articles.

The review of literature has been extensively taken from books, e-books, internet, compendium, journals and research papers published in symposia, seminars and conferences organized in India as well as outside India. The reviews of the paper helped to list out various functional areas and the different Information technology tools used for e-governance.

University Management System

Review of literature revealed detailed account of the research carried out in the transformation of administrative work in institutes of higher education that use ICT for efficient work. Research papers from India and abroad were thoroughly studied. It exceptionally helped in the planning of research and investigations for the proposed work to a greater level.

Niyaz Ahmad (2011) in his paper “Effective Educational Management: An Implementation of ICT in Administration of Higher Education Institutions” states that the use of ICT in educational management will benefit for analyzing the data quickly and accurately quick, decision making, provides the power to the Administrators for efficient management of education and institution, reduces the burden of Teachers, available at lowest total cost of ownership, provides information at the door steps and reduces the Right to Information Applications. He says that “the government is now more concerned about the paradigm shift in education system. Now there is a buzz word of ‘Quality’ of education everywhere. But we cannot revamp the education system without making the administration of institutions effective and efficient. And this can only be done with the usage of technology i.e. ICT in the educational management”.

  1. Meenakumari and R. Krishnaveni in their study(2011) in “Transforming Higher educational institution administration through ICT” has identified a comprehensive set of functional areas of e-administration. The study revealed that demographic factors do not have a major impact on e-administration in higher education institutions. It is also evident from this study that integration of ICT into knowledge administration for the teaching–learning process is more in comparison with Research Methodology.

Computers can be used extensively for educational administration. The following are some of the areas where computers can be used for effective educational administration (Barta et. al. 1995):

  • General Administration
  • Pay Roll and Financial Accounting
  • Administration of Student Data
  • Inventory Management
  • Personnel Records Maintenance
  • Library System

According to (Christiana Maki 2008), administrative subsystems include Personnel administration, student administration, resources administration, financial administration and general administration.

Idisemi Apulu(July 2011) revealed that the use of Information and communication technology (ICT) to gain competitive advantage has become a key strategic issue amongst organizations in the fast globalizing environment. Thus, it implies that ICT brings about organizational advantage. This paper has highlighted on the implementation and effective use of ICT in organizations that is useful in competitive advantage. He concludes that “the use of ICT has a great impact on organizational performance as it helps to provide a platform for growth in many companies. In order words, ICT is known to improve organizational operations, growth and competitiveness”.





After analyzing the requirements of the task to be performed, the next step is to analyze the problem and understand its context. The first activity in the phase is studying the existing system and other is to understand the requirements and domain of the new system. Both the activities are equally important, but the first activity serves as a basis of giving the functional specifications and then successful design of the proposed system. Understanding the properties and requirements of a new system is more difficult and requires creative thinking and understanding of existing running system is also difficult, improper understanding of present system can lead diversion from solution.


The model that is basically being followed is the WATER FALL MODEL, which states that the phases are organized in a linear order. First of all the feasibility study is done. Once that part is over the requirement analysis and project planning begins. The design starts after the requirement analysis is complete and the coding begins after the design is complete. Once the programming is completed, the testing is done. In this model the sequence of activities performed in a software development project are: –




This chapter discuss in detail the processes involved in putting the new system into full operation. The stages are system hardware requirement, system software requirement, and implementation procedure, sample of implementation snapshot and evaluation of result.




This chapter gives a summary of results, conclusion and recommendation based on the results and findings of the work .This chapter gives suggestion for future research related to this work.

Summary of Result

This work “Development of University Document Management System” has being designed taken Obong University, Obong Ntak as a Case study. The work sought to eliminate the problem related to documentation, circulation of document among staff of the institution. The project gave the organization the opportunity to uniquely secure document and yet ensure that limited space is used. An accredited user can login using the organizations URL to access or Upload files i.e. the user must be duly registered to access the system.


According to the document management needs at Obong University, this work designs and implements a system that facilitates secure documentation, fast retrieval, space management and longtime storage assurance. This work developed a usable, maintainable web application which work fine with the documentation requirements of Obong University Institution. This study emphasizes the practices used to build a usable and maintainable secure document management system.

Considering the various advantages of the document management system, it will not be out of place to say that the system will be of immense advantage to the users and the organization as a whole.


Considering the geometrical advancement in the information technology world and the large number of documents that are being handled by organizations daily combine with the need for accountability and proper document management, it is therefore highly recommended that the organization implement document management system. There are high economic advantages attached to this software on the part of the organization and users. Above all, it is user-friendly and documentation should be checked in case of future modification.


  • Ahmad, N. (2011). Effective Educational Management: An Implementation of ICT in Administration of Higher Education Institutions.
  • Adeyemi, T. O. (2011). Impact of information and communication technology(ICT) on effective management of uiniversities in South-West Nigeria. American Journal of Social and Management Sciences, 248-257.
  • Amir, M. B. S. (2007). Document Management System Portal (E-Tanah).
  • Anderson, R. J. (2001): Security Engineering: a guide to building dependable distributed systems. First edn. Wiley Computer Publishing.
  • Apulu, I. (2011, July). An Evaluation of the Impact of Information and Communication Technologies: Two Case Study Examples. International Business Research, 4(3).
  • Bishop, M. (2003): Computer Security – Art and Science. First edn. Addison Wesley.
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