Design, Simulation, Construction and Performance Evaluation of a Solar Box Cooker
Chapter One
Aim and objectives
The aim of the project is to design, simulate, fabricate and carry out the performance evaluation of box solar cooker using three plane reflectors to achieve cooking under Zaria metrological condition.
Specific objectives are to:
Carry out design analysis to determine the dimensions of solar cooking system.
Simulate the design and evaluate performance of the collector under Zaria metrological condition
Construct and carry out performance evaluation of the solar cooker.
Solar Energy and Its Application
Solar energy is the energy transmitted from the sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which requires no medium for its transmission. The earth receives about one – half of one billionth of the total solar output. Among all the nonconventional energies, solar energy is the best option if it can be used in a cost effective manner because the technology is also environmentally friendly. As the solar energy intercepted by the earth in one year is ten times greater than the total fossil resources including undiscovered and unexplored non-recoverable reserves (Meduguet al., 2013). It is expected that the present worldwide research and development program on solar energy will help to solve the future energy crisis of the world (Meduguet al., 2013). Solar radiation otherwise known as insolation is the amount of energy from the sun reaching a specific location on the surface of the earth at a specified time. Due to the interference of the atmosphere, solar energy hits a horizontal plane on earth in direct and diffuse forms. The direct form is the parallel rays from the direction of the sun while the diffuse forms is radiation scattered in many directions by matter and gases in the atmosphere. The diffuse radiation are caused by the reflection and scattering by the atmosphere (Ogbuisi, 2010).
The Application of Solar Energy is as follows:
- Residential Application Use of solar energy for homes has number of advantages. The solar energy is used in residential homes for heating the water with the help of solar heater. The photovoltaic cell installed on the roof of the house collects the solar energy and is used to warm the water. Solar energy can also be used to generate electricity. Batteries store energy captured in day time and supply power throughout the day. The use of solar appliances is one of the best ways to cut the expenditure on energy (, 2008).
- Industrial Application Sun‟s thermal energy is used in office, warehouse and industry to supply power. Solar energy is used to power radio and TV stations. It is also used to supply power to lighthouse and warning light for aircraft (, 2008).
- Remote Application Solar energy can be used for power generation in remotely situated places like schools, homes, clinics and buildings. Water pumps run on solar energy in remote areas. Large scale desalination plant also use power generated from solar energy instead of electricity (, 2008).
Solar Spectrum and Solar Constant
The distribution of solar radiation as a function of the wavelength is called the solar spectrum, which consists of a continuous emission with some superimposed line structures. The Sun‟s total radiation output is approximately equivalent to that of a blackbody at 5776K. The solar radiation in the visible and infrared spectrum fits closely with the blackbody emission at this temperature. However, the ultraviolet (UV) region (<0.4 micrometer) of solar radiation deviates greatly from the visible and infrared regions in terms of the equivalent blackbody temperature of the sun. In the interval 0.1–0.4 micrometer, the equivalent blackbody temperature of the sun is generally less than 5776K with a minimum of about 4500K about 0.16 micrometer (Goody and Hu, 2003). The deviations seen in the solar spectrum are result in emission from the non isothermal solar atmosphere (Goody and Hu, 2003).
Solar Cookers and Their Types
Solar cookers are devices that cook food using only solar radiation and can save conventional fuels to a significant amount. It is the simplest, safest, most convenient way to cook food without consuming fuels or heating up the kitchen (Mohammed, 2015). Several factors including access to materials, availability of traditional cooking fuels, climate, food preferences, and technical capabilities affect people‟s perception of solar cooking (Ismail and Isah, 2013).
Types of Solar Cookers
There are three types of solar cookers:
- Panel Solar Cooker
- Box Solar Cooker
- Parabolic Solar Cooker
Panel Solar Cooker
Figure 2.1 is the pictorial view of a panel solar cooker. The panel cooker is the least expensive type of solar cooker. It is designed to reflect sunlight over the entire surface of a lightweight. Cooking pot is said to be coated with black colour on the outside with non-toxic paint. They are unstable in high winds and do not retain as much heat when the sun is hidden behind the clouds (SCP, 2015)
Figure 2.1: Panel Solar Cooker (SCP, 2015)
Box Solar Cooker
Figure 2.2 is the pictorial view of a box solar cooker. Solar box cookers (sometimes called solar ovens) are the most common and inexpensive type of solar cookers. This type of solar cooker consists of an insulated box made of cardboard, wood, metal or plastic.It is painted black on the inside and has a large glass or Plexiglas window on top to let in sunlight. Just like panel cookers, box cookers can be left unattended in the sun for hours to cookfood and pasteurize water. There is no danger of burning the food. Box solar cookers only need a slight adjustment to track the sun every few hours. Some solar box cookers have aluminium reflectors on the outside to direct even more sunlight into the box (SCP, 2015).
Description of the solar cooker
The system consists of an insulating material (fibre glass) in between theinner and outer casing to minimize heatloss. The casings were made with ply wood to further minimize heat loss and to serve as barrier to prevent any environmental effect to the solar cooker. An angle iron helps in tilting the two opposite small size reflectors and the big sized reflector is fixed which helps the two opposite small size reflector in boosting the solar radiations into the cooking chamber. The reflector handle is used in opening and closing the cooker when out of use as shown in figure 3.1. Inside the cooking chamber is an aluminium plate coated with a non toxic matte black colour to achieve high absorption coefficient. The cooking pot is situated 40mm above the bottom absorber plate. Light rays inpinging on the system are two: direct and reflected rays. Direct rays come directly from the sun into the cooking chamber through the glazing while the reflected rays hit the reflector and the reflected back to the cooking chamber through the glazing.
Working principles
Figure 3.1 shows a pictorial view of the three reflectors box solar cooker. Sunlight both direct and reflected enters the solar box through the glazing and turns to heat energy when absorbed by the dark absorber plate and cooking pot. This heat input causes the temperature inside of the solar cooker to rise which result to solar heat gain. Temperature sufficient for cooking food and pasteurizing water are easily achieved through this means.
The Variation of Solar Insolation with time
Figure 4.1 shows the average solar radiation incident on surfaces at different time intervals for the 4 conservative days. The fluctuations indicate the effects of cloud cover after each 10 minutes to know the average intensity of the sun from 10:00am to 2:00pm. The curve line is a regressional line showing line of best fit for the co-efficient of determination (r2) which was found to be 91.87 .
This is the curve; it shows the graph for the four days along with the polynomial curve for the average of the four days.
A solar cooker with reflectors was designed, simulated and constructed at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria. The system designed was modelled using TRNSYS, EES and Microsoft Excel.
At the initial stage, the typical metrological year (TMY) solar data of Zaria obtained from was processed to obtain the monthly average daily solar resources of Zaria using the solar radiation and weather data processor TYPE 109 component of TRNSYS 16 software. The month with the least average daily solar radiation was considered as the design month. The result shows that the month of August has the least solar radiation and therefore, considered as the design month.Secondly, the solar cooker was constructed at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Mechanical Engineering Workshop using various tools for cutting and machining.Thirdly, the solar cooker was tested at Mechanical Engineering Department of ABU between 28th and 31st of October, 2016. During the course of the testing, it was observed that in general the performance of the cooker was so encouraging because it cooked rice within an hour.Finally, the results were analysed and performance of the cooker was evaluated using (ASAE S580, 2013) standard. The cost evaluation of the system was carried out.
The following conclusions can be drawn:
- A solar cooking system was designed using surface collector area 0.56m2and collector length of 0.8mfor Zaria metrological condition. Third reflector was added which yield 1654.6J amount of energy. The percentage energy increment was found to be 84.5.
- The regression line for the experiment and simulation were obtained and were used to compute the cooking power of the cooker. The experimental and simulated cooking powers were 52.8W and 54.8W respectively. This occurred at optimum collector slope of 21ousing Zaria metrological condition.
- The construction of the cooker was carried out at Mechanical Engineering workshop Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The performance evaluation was carried out where the RMSE values for 30thand 31st October, 2016 were found to be 4.8203oC and 2.604oC respectively. The NSE values for 30th and 31st October 2016 were found to be 0.986 and 0.996 respectively. The results show little deviation of the predicted values and also a good level of fit, thereby validating the model used for simulating the solar cooker.
- The use of various oven cavity geometries should be investigated in collector design, in order to study the effect of various geometric on the performance.
- Alternative construction materials should be explored with a view to reduce the size and weight of the cooker for easy handling and transportation.
- Optimisation of insulation thickness should be carried out to further minimize heat loss.
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