Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Computerized Staff Record Department

Design and Implementation of Computerized Staff Record Department

Design and Implementation of Computerized Staff Record Department



The purpose of this project work is to develop an automated staff record system that could speed up records job efficiently and effectively, and also reduce the cost of labour.

Up-To-Date RECORDS OF STAFF ARE KEPT: This allows for easy retrieval of staff files when the need arises. Staff data are kept up-to-date so as to enhance the assessment of the staff both for future, present and past records.

This can also be used for staff appraisal and also help to monitor the conduct of the staff at a glance through the records. By viewing the database, vital information for planning, staff equipment and the welfare of the institution is obtained thus improving resources allocation.

Staff records are stored by the system: This will eliminate the problem of lost files thereby improving record services tendered   by the records department.

In a networked environment, terminals or workstation should be present only at the records room and the personnel or administration manager’s office. The software should include security checks to prevent unauthorized access to confidential records of a staff stored in the system’s database. The software would be menu-driven to provide a user-friendly environment.




“According to the oxford advanced learners Dictionary literature on something is a piece of writing or printed information on that particular thing”. Considering the present method of arranging staff records in our institution, I was motivated to come up with software that could help do it better. This chapter covers the review of related literature on staff records.


There have been several efforts aimed at providing standard and smooth staff record management in the past. Anderson J. (1999) in his work remarked that policies of records should specify what records are to be retrieved and what point are to be included in the review. Also evolution of staff records service should provide information on how effectively and efficiently the staff records services are being performed. How accurate is filling in the records of a staff with permanent appointment are in the institution? At the start of a session in the institution, how accurate is the reports being submitted to management? What time are these reports being submitted?

Martin E. (1990) said that the intent of a new system such as his is to modify the way the organization operates to make those operations smoother, simpler and more efficient. Therefore, every step and every activity should be carefully examined to see that it is properly placed and it is performed in the most efficient manner and at the right time. He said that the system should not normally affect the company’s operation (business). It may affect how the company does business, but not what the business is although it is possible that with enhanced capability, qualitative service may become available through data processing systems.

According to Wilbert E. (1982), the first step in manpower planning is to take inventory of the human resources (personnel records) that exist in an establishment. He further asserted that what is critical to manpower planning is that present and future job read who may be qualified for these new opportunities

To do this, an institution needs a record of its personnel.  The inventory provides documentation of biographical and personnel decision in establishments with relatively small number of employees, experience and background may be known. In this case earmarking every individual for special consideration does not require sophisticated techniques.

The danger however is that big institution like ours where the management may mistakenly believe they still know all about their employees, may be disappointing to note  that they don’t know everybody without proper and up-to- date record keeping of the staff records.





In this chapter various sources of data collection methods, interviews and analysis of the current and the proposed system are discussed.

Research methodology talks about the procedure, method or approach adopted. To carry out a project effectively and efficiently there must be a method, there must be a procedure. Lets go on as we see this discussion detailed in the next sub-heading.


The reason for this section is to relate the necessities of having to solve the problem in the existing procedures so as to a specification that will be flexible which allows further  applications to be embedded on it without having result in job duplication, routine  recurrence or reoccur mismanagement.  The absence of this is like creating a structure without an architectural analysis and design. It therefore describes how best computers in conjunction with other related resources could be applied to perform tasks such as data storage management.

The absence of this is like creating a structure without an architectural analysis and design. It therefore describes how best computer in conjunction with other related resource can be applied to perform   tasks such as data storage management and retrieval for decision making. System analysis can be defined as the process of analyzing an existing system with the goal of improving or modifying it.




Implementation of the system involves writing a computer program, testing and eventually change over to the new system.  It also spells out how the entire system or program is and how it works both the arrangement of the program flowchart and pseudo code and equally the program design itself.  The source program is also attached as well as some print outs from the program.




This project work through critical design and dedicated supervision has been carried out and presented as a contribution to the use of information technology.

The existing system was studied and this new system has been designed to take care of the inefficiencies of the old system.  This system carries out staff’s record processing with maximum structures and accuracy.  It is depressing that there is slow adaptation to new technology in various organizations.  But I hope that after the introduction of this software, there will be a change.


Computer has become an indispensable tool to all fields of human Endeavour.  For the management.  For the management to be able to perform the functions which include planning, organizing, controlling, directing, coordinating and decision making?  There is need for a computerized system.

When academic records are computerized, it will go a long way to help the management.  I therefore, recommend this software to the school, if not now, should consider it in future.


The conclusion of this project work is based on the advantage of computer-based system over a manual system.  This project work in success has produced a database driven software which can be used to store non academic staff records.  This is a software that can store, retrieve, search, filter, delete and edit information to/from the database.

  • Brandy R. (1992) Understanding computer science advance level.        Stanley Thomas Publication London
  • Bristol A. (1999) Database Management. Benjamin Publication, Redwood City, California
  • Coumb J. (2001) Micro computer concept, skills and applications. West Publishing company, Sanfrancisco.
  • Demid D.C. (1990) Software engineering for information systems. Blackwel Scientific Publication, Oxford.
  • Kelvin  J.O (2002) Effective records keeping and database systems. Anderson Publications United Kingdom.
  • Levi E.C (2003) Computerization of staff records. A project submitted to the department of computer science, Abia State Polytechnic Aba.
  • Onwuegbulam E. (2001) Computerization of medical records. A project submitted to the department of computer science UNN. Enugu State
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