Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Computerized Front Management Information System (HOTEL)

Design and Implementation of Computerized Front Management Information System (HOTEL)

Design and Implementation of Computerized Front Management Information System (HOTEL)

Chapter One


This study is designed to help the hotel front office to handle the flow and use of information in the hotel operation effectively.  This study also tries to give an in dept looking in the easiest and most effective way for the growth and development of hotel industry in the country.

Finally, the study will help new investors in the hotel industry to make the right   decision and steps needed to start up a hotel.


The objectives of the study are as follows:

  1. To provide better service for the various guests either permanent, temporary or causal guest that comes to lodge or stay in the hotel.
  2. To produce a system where information and output  report will be produced much faster, more accurately and more detailed to management and guest of hotel.
  3. To keep records that are compact, integrated and updated.



Despite the electronic revolution in data processing activities cutting across every aspect of human life, the hotel management information system has not been affected by this revolution.  This, the are just few documented  work with mechanics for systematic collection, processing, storage and retrieval of data pertaining to the hotel industry.  Data processing is by for the largest single file of application in the computer world it involves information from one file to another with perhaps some simple method or the way.

In reservation department/operations, S. Meldick former professor and head of department of hotel, catering and tourism management of the university of surrey in his book titled “idea on catering and hotel management” 1972, stated that is has been estimated that in 1937 about 15 million people of about one third of the British population, took  some holiday from home.  In the 19505 the number increased from about 23 to about 60 percent of the population and a growing number of holiday were taken abroad, therefore necessitating the need for them to be in hotels. Also gray/liogoroi (1988) said that the used of computer in reservation unit/operation permit the hotel to use the computerized system not only to handle these reservation originating through the system but to store and control the complete reservation status of the hotel.

Furthermore, the stressed that reservation received at the hotel directly are enter into the computer by the hotel receptionist (front office)/worker.  This means that at any point in times hotel can obtain front the computer information needed of each and every.

Similarly the actual inventory of rooms available can be set up in the computer as reservation are received it is entered.  The computer will match them against the inventory this preventing over-booking and produce upon request the complete reservation status at any particular period of time.  The can be classified as one of the sophisticated reservation system which is imparted the current world of hotel management system.

Sudhir Andrews (1985) in his book “Ho- use keeping management” testified that coordination with the front office is one of the critical features of house- keeping operations.  As soon as there are guest departures, the front office rings the house keeping desk and reports the room numbers of rooms that has been vacated so that house-keeping can take them over to clean, the  prepare for sale. Once a room is cleaned, the house keeping supervisor rings the front office directly or through the house keeping desk and hands over the room to front office for allocation.




When there is a need for a change re-organization in a system, it will usually result in for system analysis and design.  The overall emphasis is to uncover some of the inherent problem and limitation of the existing system and to determine the extent to which the exiting system is achieving the organizational goals and objectives.


Collection of fact is the major medicine to any research work.  The significance of the fact finding is sort-out the application and implication of the existing and the proposed system to the management.

Therefore at this stages the techniques applied in fact finding are described below:

PERSONAL INTERVIEW: This is the act of obtaining information by means of oral communication or conversion with person or group of persons correspondent.

The method used in collecting the information needed is question and answer interviews held with the manager and the front office (Receptionist) of the manager were not helpful in giving out the necessary information on the operation of the existing system.



Design is the first step in the development phase for any engineered produce or system.  It may be define as “the process of a playing various techniques and principle for the purpose of defining  a device or a system in sufficient detail to permit its physical realization”

The hotel management information (Hotel MI) are been designed as on- line as well as real time use friendly system designed will be able to carry out  the information needs of the case study as well as any other moderately large hotel setup anywhere.  Before going ahead to study this proposed system let us know what is read time and one-line processing system means.



This area will focus on the description of the form and contents of the program which will be required or requested by the user of the program or by experts who want to modify the program format or structure.


There are two options of using or running the program.  These options are:

  1. Form the floppy drive
  2. Installed and from the hard disk drive



The goal of data processing whether manual or automated is to discover and implement a tool that will dramatically improved the production of the workers and the quality of work produced if  the managers of zodiac hotel have the goal in mind, then the application software fashion out by this project can be defined as an answer to their problem.

This is so because the package will be taken the advantage of dynamic feature of the system of Q basic programming language to get ride of the problems inherent  in the manual operations.  The design of the software ensure automatic primary of the input which help a lot in removing the case of incomplete data.

Therefore, the overall poor performance of the manual system have made the designed automated procedure variable alternative.  However despite the overall benefits to be derived, the developed application software cannot claim to offer answers to every aspect of the limitations suffered by the manual procedure.  These are area in which manual operation are unavoidable cost effective through the automatic cross over from manual to automated procedure in monetary terms, the long term benefits to be derived is nothing to compare to.

For user to accept the package for operational user.  I recommend that the package should under go acceptance teat for the intending users.

This will involves testing the package with data developed as part of the testing process, test data generators can be used to automatically generate a large number of test data inputs for the package a better and be able to use them effectively.


This project is a part of indication of usefulness of  computers in all areas of daily life.  Although the level of computerization of hotels is very low in the country and Africa at large

I do believe that this project we and computer world as a whole be driving the possibility of this “imaginary” fact to reality the computerization of check- in (check out process as will as the final payment settlement cannot be over emphasized due to mounting of goods demand for service putting heavy pressure on gusts houses.  To provide greater efficiency, accuracy and speed in all their processing operation, good public relations and improve services to the users, the hotel should consider the automated system such system can proved the hotel with levels of detailed and precision of turning for allocation of rooms.


  • S. MELDICK (1972) Idea on Catering and Hotel Management. Hall Inc. Surrey
  • GRAY.W& LIGUOR,C.S,(1988) Hotel and Model Management Operators Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey
  • SOHIR ANDREWS (1989) Hotel House Keeping Management
  • EMERY, GLYM(1990)Electronic Data, Processing The Pitman Press Bath
  • Susan Woolsigge (1993) Computer Aided Data Processing London
  • JOHN WILLY and SON (1993) Computational Structure Hall Clearance London
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