Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Computerized Directory of Business Premises in Enugu Urban

Design and Implementation of Computerized Directory of Business Premises in Enugu Urban

Design and Implementation of Computerized Directory of Business Premises in Enugu Urban

Chapter One


As regards the problems arising from modern-day business activities, a piece of accurate information about relations database, an effective, efficient and easy handing package needs to be developed. The problem of carrying a large number of business cards will be eliminated to a minimum

This design and implementation system can: 

It contains thousands of information in fewer number of hard copies 

The system sorts the information in sequential order so that one can get the required information at that particular time within some seconds

The system also can locate any given information needed out of several data in the database file. In other words, it means that given any company’s name and address with telephone numbers if any, as may be needed by the person in question

the system solves the problem of searching through that large number of cards for a particular information



Under this chapter, information is transferred from one place to another which is defined in many ways by different learners. For instance, the current English oxford advanced dictionary defines it as knowledge given. Citing the directly” as an example, the act of carrying huge sum of complementary card/ business letter have been taken over by the advancement of storing information in computer which an given at any time be organized, analyzed, retrieved or printed out to be delivered to some body at faster rate. Also, it create an effective communications which leads to easy flow of transactions

All these capabilities of the computer can never be compared to that of manual system which consumer time, ineffective and does not aid the easy flow of  business transaction and effective communication which modern day operations needed. The development of the database systems in which the achievement of the this project were made possible was a major break through

As according to “system analysis and design” by NCCL v1-2).This database system is a logical development in the method need by computer access and manipulate data stored in various parts of computer system. It also stated that the overall objective has been to treat data/ information as an organizational  resources and as an integrated whole

This delay in municipal organization and retrieval of information has been over ruled out entirely by computer machine

According to J.A Ijabuje, the computer is an electronic machine, which manipulates complex data with accuracy at an unbelievable speed in order of several thousands of operations at faster rate

Further more, considering at fact that information can be communicated to or read schann’s outline seriesprogramming with basic by Byron S.




This chapter concerns itself with the current system of transacting information and relational database among business premises with a particular bibliography to companies


The method the researcher used in gathering information about the existing system is through



The phase of new system design is where the system analyst has to put into practice his ability. Therefore, this chapter considers the proposed system how it functions, the benefit to be derived when adequately implemented

Considering the problems facing the present system of operation, there is immediate need to will take care of those problem. Office automation will be used in these design that is using a computer to handle and facilitate Operations that were previously done manually in order to transaction eliminate avoidable inefficiency.






In this project write up, the of design of the system is not complete unit the new system is implemented in the organization and its operation evaluated to ensure that it fulfills its design specifications. And this is achieved by use of the USER ‘SMANAUAL


To use the package, the user to be in (Q Basic Quick Basic environment first b using the following Dos commands form Dos promptC:/> C D QBASIC Press enter

At this point type QBASIC and press enter and press the ESC keyWith the command above, you will them see the command line of QBASIC

On that command line, issue the following command, the package then displays a message on the screen thus



Having studies, analysis and designed a new system to help private companies to have a good relational database transaction with the various company name and addresses, there could be an improvement to the names and addresses of this commands by including the name of the top mangers for a better relational database


The objective of this project work was met by improving the manual application of carrying out day to day activities of co-operate bodies, private  companies with the use of a machine called computer which is very much advantageous over manual on several way 


  • BYRON S.GOTTFRIED Programming With Basic Include Expended  Micor Computer 
  • J.A UABIYI Computer Programming in Quick Basic NCC (The National Company Centre) Introducing System Analysis And Design (Volume) 
  • E.C. OLIVER & R.J CHIRMAN Date Processing 
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