Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Commercial Vehicle Registration and Task Management System in a Campus

Design and Implementation of Commercial Vehicle Registration and Task Management System in a Campus

Design and Implementation of Commercial Vehicle Registration and Task Management System in a Campus

Chapter One

Aims and Objectives of the Study

The proposed objective of this study is to design and implement a commercial vehicle registration and tax management system for the Unizik campus. The system will achieve the following objectives;

  1. Provide a better, easier and more efficient method of vehicle registration.
  2. To develop a perfect system that will allow for the generation and assignment of an infinite unique identification number to vehicles.
  3. Develop an accurate and reliable database of commercial vehicle and ownership, for new and existing vehicle registration.
  4. To equip the field DOT officials with an on-the-spot ease in verifying authenticity of any commercial vehicle plying ins the campus
  5. To provide an information system for managing daily tax of commercial vehicles



 Vehicle Registration

Vehicle registration software packages are important application packages used to register a vehicle and print license for the vehicle for the primary purpose of identification and record keeping. They play a great role in simplifying the job of employees in the department of transport of any institution. It is pertinent to re-adjust the system to move in line with current technological advancement to ensure proper efficiency due to dynamic nature of the system.

Vehicle registration is the (usually) compulsory registration of a vehicle with a government authority. Vehicle registration purpose is to establish clear ownership and tax motorists or vehicle owners (Osadebe, 2014). While almost all vehicles are uniquely identified by a vehicle identification number, only registered vehicles display a vehicle registration plate and carry a vehicle registration certificate.

The registration is hence an important prerequisite to the use of vehicles on public roads (Rudman, 2004). Most countries maintain a vehicle register which holds these vehicle related data. In Nigeria, there are three arms of government agencies that are responsible for automobile licensing, registration and control. They are Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), the state Vehicle Inspection Officer (VIO) and the state Board of Internal Revenue (BIR). The usual practice is for an owner to visit these three arms for the necessary payment, data collection and issuance of necessary documents and materials such as plate numbers. The state board of internal revenue collects fees for new automobile licenses and registration from owners through a designated bank. They may request more documents such as custom papers, purchase receipt, or a change of owner certificate on automobile.  Public road users have to be registered in order to record the ownership of vehicles, validate the general compliance of vehicles and enable prosecution in case of traffic violations.

The vehicle registration data collected is of great importance and is the main sources of vehicle identification information. The data collected depends on the agency managing any vehicle data but the major data includes the information about the vehicle, characteristics of the vehicle, residential information of the owner, Driver’s license number, plate Numbers Vehicle Engine number. According to the Commissioner for Transportation Lagos State, Mr. KayodeOpeifa, the need for vehicle registration was to enable government to create a data base for easy identification of vehicles, owners, drivers and conductors.

Campus Vehicle Registration

Vehicle registration is a functional domain of the motor registering authority in the department of transport of any campus.  Any commercial vehicle that wants to do business in any university campus in Nigeria is required go to the Directorate of Transport (DOT) of that institution which is managed by the Student’s Union Government. First, a vehicle registration fee has to be paid to enter a vehicle unto the register for the first time. Information pertaining to the vehicle is to be entered unto the register which is administered by the Directorate of transport (DOT). Registered vehicles are provided with a unique Identification number which has to be displayed on the vehicle on specified registration plate. On the register along with the vehicle details (make, model, engine capacity, vehicle identification no. etc) are recorded the details of the current keeper of the vehicle (name, address). The current driver is issued with registration document known as chart, which displays the registration details of the vehicle. Each time any of the registration details change, or if the vehicle driver is changed or any of the vehicle details are changed, a new document is issued. The collected data can be used to verify the registration compliance.

Basically, owning to the competitive demand by vehicle owners to do business in NnamdiAzikiwe University Campus, registrations are granted on a first come first serve basis as long as there are some vacancies thrown open.





System analysis is an important activity that takes place when we are building a new system or changing an existing one. System analysis refers to the process of examining a situation with the intent of improving it through better procedures and methods. It can also be said to be the process of planning a new system to either replace or complement an existing system. But before any planning is done the old system must be thoroughly understood and the requirements determined. System analysis is therefore the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and using the information to recommend improvements in the system. (Patel, 2010).

Analysis helps us to understand the existing system and the requirements necessary for building the new system. If there is no existing system then analysis defines only the requirements. One of the most important factors in system analysis is to understand the system and its problems. A good understanding of the system enables the designer to identify and correct problems. The new system is planned based on the drawbacks of the existing system.

 Methodology Adopted

A methodology can be simply defined as a set of procedure that one follows from the beginning to the completion of the software development process. And system analysis is a procedural study of the operations of a system with a view to discovering the basic problems areas. However, for the effective and detailed analysis of the present system (manual), relevant data pertaining to the system must be amassed. A term referred to as data collection.

Outlined below are some of the methods usually adopted for software engineering design that are internationally accepted.

  1. The structured systems analysis and design methodology (SSADM).
  2. The expert system approach to software engineering
  3. The object oriented analysis and design methodology (OOADM)
  4. Prototyping

In the analysis of the proposed system, this work adopted the OOADM software development methodology. This software development methodology involves three aspects:

  1. Object-oriented analysis
  2. Object-oriented design
  3. Object-oriented programming
  4. Object-oriented analysis (OOA)deals with the design requirements and overall architecture of a system, and is focused on describing what the system should do in terms of key objects in the problem domain. The purpose of object oriented analysis is to develop a model that describes computer software as it works to satisfy a set of customer defined functional requirements.
  5. Object-oriented design (OOD)translates system architecture into programming constructs (such as interfaces, classes, and method descriptions). The concepts in the analysis model are mapped onto implementation classes and interfaces. The result is a model of the solution domain, a detailed description of how the system is to be built.




System design it is an integral stage of the software development which entails a detailed and structured analysis and design of the system. This is done to improve the functionality when compared with the already existing system.

Objectives of the Design

The objectives of the design are as follows:

To create a system that is reliable under all circumstances

To provide a graphical user interface that is user friendly

To implement different role privileges users of the system




Objective of this project has been fulfilled as the researcher have shown the use of a web based approach in developing a campus vehicle registration system and applying automation in difficult human process areas such as recording of commercial vehicles information, generating unique personal identification number (PIN), issuing license (chart), change of ownership, renewal of license and handling disappointments in the operational process of an organization. Web based approach is a tool, which will replace the normal processes involved in campus vehicle registration. The program has all the needed intelligence to support decision making in the directorate of transport. It went further to analyze the present procedure/ traditional management system, identifying weaknesses of the system. These weaknesses observed gave the need for a new, convenient and effective way of campus vehicle registration.


This project was successively carried out with some other achievements such as the eliminating of all the weaknesses and shortcoming of the normal vehicle registration system. The Users can have access to the software even in the convenience of their houses and not only in the office because the system was developed with a web based approach. All the user needs is just an internet connection to the host. There will no longer be cases of a malfunctioning computer as the software can be accessed from any computer on the internet, provided the computer meets the hardware and software requirements.

Also, there will be no difficulties in sorting of records after a long time, improper dissemination of information, lapses in the allocation of unique identification number and poor decision making.


Due to the limitations encountered during the execution and completion of the research work, the scope of study was narrowed only to vehicle registration in the directorate of transport Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka involving vehicle owners and the directorate of transport. Having presented all that is necessary for a successful implementation of this research, the following recommendations are suggested by the researcher aimed at improving and correcting some lapses.

  1. The directorate of transport of any campus will be well equipped with internet ready computers to allow for proper communication.
  2. Epileptic power supply should be managed properly since this is a client server system running on the internet, which means the servers must be online 24 hours every day.
  3. Finally, training of staff in the area of computer usage, this will help in correction, fast and easy retrieval of records.
  4. The need to incorporate payment subsystem in the software is also recommended to reduce bank queues.
  5. Provision of covering letters from the school to related firms of research topic for proper collaboration.

Application Areas

This system can be used in all universities both federal and state. The transportation unit (directorate of transport) of each institution can adopt this system, the assist them in managing all operations of commercial vehicles that operate within the institution. This system can also be customized and used by Public Transport systems such as G. Agufere Motors, ABC Transport and so on.

 Suggested Areas for further Research

This work can be extended to include the use of online payment using MasterCard’s for Vehicle Registration, renewal registrations, and tax payment. This will provide more user friendly operations for the users of the system. Again, further research can integrate commercial vehicle registration for Unizik Primary and High School.


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