Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of an Online Marketing Information Management System

Design and Implementation of an Online Marketing Information Management System

Design and Implementation of an Online Marketing Information Management System



The principle aim of this project is to develop and implement an online marketing system that will be useful to business owners, with the following objectives:

  1. To create a platform for businesses to reach a wider audience and increase sales and profits.
  2. To develop a general purpose store where consumers can find products and services from the comfort of home through the Internet.
  3. To implement an online virtual store on the Internet where customers can browse the catalog and select products of interest.



Definition—Marketing Information System (MkIS)

Simply put, a MkIS is a computerized system that is designed to provide an organized flow of information to enable and support the marketing activities of an organization. The MkIS serves collaborative, analytical and operational needs. In the collaborative mode, the MkIS enables managers to share information and work together virtually. In addition, the MkIS can enable marketers to collaborate with customers on product designs and customer requirements. The analytical function is addressed by decision support applications that enable marketers to analyze market data on customers, competitors, technology and general market conditions. These insights are becoming the foundation for the development of marketing strategies and plans.

The MkIS addresses operational needs through customer management systems that focus on the day-to-day processing of customer transactions from the initial sale through customer service.

MkIS systems are designed to be comprehensive and flexible in nature and to integrate with each other functionally. They are formal, forward looking and essential to the organization’s ability to create competitive advantage. The MkIS is the firm’s “window on the world” and, increasingly, it is the primary customer interface. Figure 1 presents the basic architecture of the MkIS.

The Strategic Role of the Marketing Information Systems

Historically, the role of the marketing function has been to support “make and sell” business strategies that emphasized increases in market share over the creation of long-term customer value. This view started to change after World War II with the recognition that satisfying the customer’s needs and wants should be the focus of a firm’s business activities.

The emphasis on the customer elevated the importance of marketing as a core business function on a par with research and development and production. The marketing function has become the firm’s window to the world in the sense that it must monitor the marketing environment for changes in buyer behavior, competition, technology, economic conditions, and government policies. Marketing is a “strategic” function in that marketing activities enable organizations to identify and adapt to changes in the market environment.

The strategic function of marketing is further emphasized as Internet-based technologies have enabled radically new approaches to selling where information technology for the first time touches customers and provides new means for collecting marketing information. In a knowledge-intensive economy, the ability to collect, analyze and act upon marketing information more rapidly than the competition is the core competency from which competitive advantage flows. Marketing information systems provide the information technology backbone for the marketing organization’s strategic operations.





This chapter gives details explanation of system analysis, the structure of the organization used as the case study, designs steps and procedures as well as constraints and limitation of the old system with a new improvement upon the proposed new system.

In this section we briefly describe the existing system and point out the problem caused by the old system. To develop or design OSS the researcher spent time studying the existing system, interviewed the staff and find out how the existing system works and what is required of it by identifying and collecting necessary documentation relating to the system.




This chapter deals with the documentation and implementation phase of the new system constituting the main part of the system, the present chapter discusses deeply the implementation of the system, highlighting the testing exercise and describing some of the main component of   the system’s Graphical User interface (GUI). It will give an output from the programming language and other tool used to develop the system.

Documentation in the new system provides adequate information and instructions that enable the user to used the system effectively by reviewing and updating the new system while the implementation has to do with the testing of the new system for it functionality.




The main essence if this research study was to design and also implement a convenient online shopping system for Frankfit International Limited. The feasibility study revealed that many online shopping malls have over the years improve and made some advance progress in many areas line response to customer’s complaints and also helping them to locate the right shopping malls for their shopping, but there are some outstanding problems which  has to do with proper information management of customers personal data.  When the new shopping system is full implemented in Frankfit International Limited, it will help in improving the standard of the Boutique and also solve  some of the problems encountered the existing method of shopping


It is petinent at point to recommend the designed software to be made available to the entire management of Franfit International Limited. Frankfit boutique shold implement this application at least in the ordering department to lest the benefit of it.

Employment of a system analyst who will take care of all programs and system for proper functioning, staff should undergo training for effective handing of the computer system.


In accessing the outcome of this research work, we have come to the final conclusion that online shopping system is more convenient than manual shopping.

The administrator of Most Marketing Companieswill have the full control of the online shopping system in which a module for recording products, ordering and payment will done online.


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