Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of an Online Academic E-learning and Workflow Management System

Design and Implementation of an Online Academic E-learning and Workflow Management System

Design and Implementation of an Online Academic E-learning and Workflow Management System

Chapter One


Both e-learning system and workflow system tend to solve the same very general problem of having or many actors executing an activity or graph for activities and producing something.

Therefore, the main components of such a system in both cases are actor, activity, and product. The goal of an e-learning system is the “learning”. The main actor, the learner (students) is expected to learn, to acquire new knowledge and competencies, through the execution different structured learning activities.




Firstly, this chapter shall focus on discussing what is meant by e-learning, and how the definition of elearning has been developed up until the present day. Secondly, it shall discuss opportunities and limitations related to e-learning; e-learning in Higher Education and how we can benefit from it.

This chapter also relates two of the most common models that might be applied to the adoption of technological innovation and investigates the stages through which technological innovation can happen.

It is argued that the power of societies is highly affected by its stock of knowledge and how effectively they can use this knowledge in order to create new knowledge (Bennett, et al., 2008).

Bhalalusesa et al., (2013) have indicated that the traditional learning style is delaying the presentation of knowledge in the modern era. Therefore the internet applications can be included in a successful way into blended learning, e-learning and m-learning approaches which are employed in this digital era of education (Elzawi et at., 2013).

Ruttenbur et al (2000) write that, “Keeping up with new information and knowing how to use it are “mission critical” activities to businesses and individuals alike in a market where competition is no longer characterised by the big beating up the small, but rather by the fast running past the slow”. They also defined training and education as: “giving people the information and skills they need to compete effectively in the marketplace”. They also emphasise that education and training institutions need to understand this

definition of training and education in order to be able to provide ways of qualifying individuals with enough skills to cope with the demands of today’s society. In addition, they argue that many traditional learning methods are not suitable for today’s fast growing knowledge driven economies.

 The E-Learning definition

E-learning is one of the educational outcomes that has surfaced from the development of ICT. Its general concept is essentially learning which involves the usage of any electronic device, from computers to mobile phones, and which might, or might not, involve the usage of the internet (Web sites+ other applications) or an intranet (Local network system).

E-learning could be presented through several resources, for example: computer software and internet websites. Moreover, other applications have been developed specifically for e-learning, such as Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), which provide the user or the learner with numerous facilities like comfortable access to learning materials, communication with lecturers or trainers and the other peers. The VLE provides flexible access to learning, as it can be accessed anywhere and anytime (Adam & Healy, 2000). There are many authors who have a positive view of e-learning. One such example is Ruttenbur et al, who describe e-learning as “the use of networked technology that will make the revolution possible”. Ruttenbur et al further argue that e-learning will play a critical role in changing the way we work and live. Ruttenbur et al (2000).

However, some other studies provided the following declarations to describe and identify the idea of elearning.

The European Commission (2001) describes e-learning as: “The usage of new multimedia technologies and the Internet to develop the quality of learning and teaching by easing access to facilities and services in addition to remote exchanges and collaboration” (The European Commission, 2001). The

Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) offered a parallel definition in 2003, defining e-learning as “learning facilitated and supported through using the information and communications technology (ICT)” (JISC, 2003). Likewise, Clark & Mayer (2003) have indicated that e-learning is the instruction delivered on a computer by way of CD-ROM, internet or intranet with the next qualities: containing content relevant to the learning objective; using instructional methods which include the examples and practice to support learning; using the media elements for example words and pictures to transport and deliver the contents and methods also, building fresh knowledge and skills linked to individual learning goals or to improved organizational performance. Clark & Mayer (2003)

Stockley (2005) has defined e-learning as “the delivery method of a learning, training or education program by electronic means, e-learning is involving the usage of a computer or electronic device (e.g. a mobile phone) to provide training, or learning material”.(Stockley, 2005).  Also, Oblinger and Hawkins (2005) suggest that e-learning has transformed from being a completely online course to use technology to deliver selected parts or all of course, independent of a fixed place or time. This means that students can be domestic, traveling or can learn at any distance (Oblinger and Hawkins, 2005).

Nevertheless, there are differences of view regarding the definition of e-learning from other professionals working in this field, such as Dublin & Cross (2003) and Oblinger and Hawkins (2005) who demand that there is no definition accepted by all researchers. In the opinion of Oblinger and Hawkins, “everybody knows what you mean when you talk about e-Learning: however, the term e-learning means different things to different people” (Oblinger & Hawkins, 2005). Also, Heinze and Procter and Zemsky & Massy in 2004 addressed the same point, adding, “Yet, the e-learning is a concept in search of consistent definition”. They argued that it is difficult to find a commonly accepted definition of e-learning (Zemsky and Massy (2004).

In summary, new technologies, including computer networks, interactive-media, digital technologies, and the internet significantly increase the reach of e-learning provision. It enables and allow students to connect and interact with each other, and with their teachers, at any time, and it has opened up a universal market.

Thus, many institutions have been attracted to e-learning systems and the e-learning market has grown continuously (Harun, 2001). In 2003, industry analysts situated the size of the e-learning market at 3 billion USD in the United States alone; the number grew to almost 15 billion USD by 2005, 18 billion USD in 2010, and it is expected to reach 24 billion USD by 2015 (Adkins, 2013).  Carayannis (2015) described the advantages of using e-learning systems in modern educational institutions.  E-Learning, in comparison with traditional learning, significantly reduces the time needed to locate information. It also offers access to online resources, databases, periodicals, journals and other

material. If a student has trouble understanding part of the coursework, finding tips on the matter couldn’t be easier than having immediate access to supplementary, unlimited and mostly free material online. Those characteristics can potentially maximize the time spent actually learning rather than looking for information; this is the first benefit from the e-learning. Also, there are numerous benefits such as the cost of training; the speed to use the education packages faster without waiting for a training representative. Also, can provide feedback on training immediately. This suggests that e-learning offers a wide range of opportunities that need exploring and thus the proposition is that e-learning can be defined through three broad domains:






The existing system is manual based and need lot of efforts and consume enough time.


More human power

More strength and strain of manual labour needed

Repetition of same procedure.

Data redundancy.

Record keeping is difficult.


This system helps in tracking records of lectures and assignments so that past records can be verified through them and one can make decisions based on the past records. This system completes the work in a very less time resulting in less time consumption and high level of efficiency. It developed in such a way that even a novice can operate the system easily. The calculations are made very quickly and the records are directly saved into databases and the databases can be maintained for a longer period of time. Each record can be retrieved and can be verified for the future transactions; also this system provides high level of security as only the admin can access the database



The technical feasibility in the proposed system deals with the technology used in the system. It deals with the hardware and software used in the system whether they are of latest technology or not. It happens that after a system is prepared a new technology arises and the user wants the system based on that technology. This system use windows platform, , HTML, PHP as front end technology and MYSQL as backend technology.


Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new system. More commonly known as cost/benefit analysis. PHP and MYSQL database easily available   and user friendly


The project has been developed in such a way that it becomes very easy even for a person with little computer knowledge to operate it. This software is very user friendly and does not require any technical person to operate .Thus the project is even operationally feasible.


The method of data collection approach used for this research is qualitative method of data collection which involves direct interaction with management and staff of the school (academic staff and non-academic staffs) of the case study on a one to one basis.



System implementation is the stage of a project during which every theory is turned to practice. During  this phase, the developed software is loaded on a dedicated server.


  1. Aweb server with approximately  six megabytes of available  disk space
  2. Aweb server that supports PHP, such as Apache or IIS
  3. About20 MB of storage space on the web server.
  4. PHP1.0 or higher
  5. Thefollowing  must be changed  in the phini file.




This project work through critical design and dedicated supervision has been carried out and presented as a contribution to the use of information technology.

The existing system of the learning process in EZEKIEL PRIVATE COLLEGE was studied. It was discovered that the existing system is manually run. The major problem of the existing system which was discovered showed that, lecturers need to be present in the school to lecture students . The new system has been designed with PHP  (Hypertext  Pre-Processor)  and MySql  to take  care  of the  inefficiencies  of the  old system.   This system carries out online tutoring with maximum structures and accuracy.  It is depressing that there is slow adaptation to new technology in various organizations.  But I hope that after the introduction of this software, there will be a change.


The conclusion of this project work is based on the advantage of computer -based system over a manual system.   This project work in success has produced a database driven software which can be used  to lecture students.  This is software helps lecturers to lecture student virtually by uploading lectures note in form of text, document, audio or video. It is also provide an avenue where student can be able to forward question pertaining to a course to the lecturer in charge of the course.


Computer has become an indispensable tool to all fields of human Endeavour. For the lecturers to be able to perform the functions which include lecturing and grading?  There is need for a computerized system.

When most lectures are received online by the student, it will go a long way to help the lecturers.   I therefore, recommend this software to the school, if not now, should consider it in future.


  • Bhalalusesa A.A, (2013). One to One Computing: A Summary of the Quantitative     Results from the Berkshire Wireless Learning Initiative. Journal of Technology,      Learning, and Assessment, 9(2). Retrieved from:
  • Ruttenbur, Bagozzi Q, & Warshaw T, (2000). Opportunity for All: How the American Public Benefits from Internet Access at U.S. Libraries.(IMLS-2010-RES-01). Institute of Museum and      Library Services. Washington, D.C. Retrieved from
  • Enochs M, Handley W, and Wollengerg S (1984)  Student Teachers’ Intentions and Actions on  Integrating Technology into Their Classrooms during Student Teaching: A Singapore Study. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 42(2), 175–195. ISTE  (International Society for Technology in Education).  Gee E, (1990).21st Century Classroom Report, CDWG 21st Century Classroom Report   Retrieved from: feature-06-27- 11.html
  • Kalakota V. (1998) Whole System Reform for Innovative Teaching and Learning. ITL Research. Retrieved from:     stories/reports/ITL%20Research%202011%20 -%20Findings%20and%20Implications.pdf
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