Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Traffic Control System Using Fuzzy Logic

Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Traffic Control System Using Fuzzy Logic

Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Traffic Control System Using Fuzzy Logic

Chapter One


The objective of this project is to develop a traffic control system using fuzzy logic algorithm that allows for optimum utilization of the traffic management system by employing a customizable traffic control system that will meet the test of time. This system will be a powerful and flexible tool that will offer this service at any time with the constraints of the technologies being applied.




The idea of two-way traffic light can be traced back to 1868 when the first traffic lights were installed outside the houses of parliament in London. And later these traffic lights were installed at the intersection of two lanes to facilitate traffic (encyclopedia Britannica).

The traffic light resembled railway signals of the time with semaphore arms and red and green lamps for night use.

The modern electric traffic light is an American invention. As early in the year 1912, Salt Lake City policemen Lester wire set up the first red-green electric traffic light. The American traffic signal company installed 105 streets and Euclid Avenue in clever land, Ohio based on the design of James Hope Hoge, it was two colors red and green and buzzer to provide a warning for color changes. This idea gives way to the first three color traffic light which was introduced in New York.

These traffic lights systems were manually controlled and later developed for more road meters sections. They were sufficiently managed those days to control traffic. But as the number of vehicle traveling on road is increasing throughout the world particularly in large urban areas such traffic light was no longer viable and can lead to long wait time and obstruction. Therefore there is a need for a discipline approach towards traveling an automated traffic to provide sound traffic and avoid traffic jam, congestion, vehicle waiting along the road and accident.

A computer based traffic signaling device that displays signal changes based on certain color changes like codes and duration to allow equal chance to drivers should be put in place.


Fuzzy logic is a form of many-valued logic in which the truth values of variables may be any real number between 0 and 1. It is employed to handle the concept of partial truth, where the truth value may range between completely true and completely false (Novák, V., Perfilieva, I. and Močkoř, J., 1999). By contrast, in Boolean logic, the truth values of variables may only be the integer values 0 or 1. The term fuzzy logic was introduced with the 1965 proposal of fuzzy set theory by Lotfi Zadeh (Zadeh, L.A., 1965). Fuzzy logic had however been studied since the 1920s, as infinite-valued logic—notably by Łukasiewicz and Tarski.

Applying truth values

A basic application might characterize various sub-ranges of a continuous variable. For instance, a temperature measurement for anti-lock brakes might have several separate membership functions defining particular temperature ranges needed to control the brakes properly. Each function maps the same temperature value to a truth value in the 0 to 1 range. These truth values can then be used to determine how the brakes should be controlled.

Linguistic variables

While variables in mathematics usually take numerical values, in fuzzy logic applications, non-numeric values are often used to facilitate the expression of rules and facts. ( Zadeh, L. A., 1996)

A linguistic variable such as age may accept values such as young and its antonym old. Because natural languages do not always contain enough value terms to express a fuzzy value scale, it is common practice to modify linguistic values with adjectives or adverbs. For example, we can use the hedges rather and somewhat to construct the additional values rather old or somewhat young.

Fuzzification operations can map mathematical input values into fuzzy membership functions. And the opposite de-fuzzifying operations can be used to map a fuzzy output membership functions into a “crisp” output value that can be then used for decision or control purposes.


Automation can be defined as a systematic way of using the computer and other machines to accomplish task originally done manually.

The oxford advanced learners dictionary 6th edition defined automation as the use of machines to do work that was previously done by people.

In comprehensive explanation of automation is that it is a self dictating machine

With all the explanation I will conclude that automation is the use of computer that control industrial machinery and processes replacing human operators.

Some advantages of automation are:

  1. Waste reduction“
  2. Repeatability
  3. Reduction of lab hour
  4. Tighter quality control

Some of the disadvantages of automation:

  1. High cost of maintenance
  2. Initial high cost
  3. Increased dependency






The traffic signal system is probably the most important kind of transportation facility in operation today, considering the perspective of both safety and efficiency.


There are two methods of data collection, one primary data and secondary data. Primary data’s are data that are collected directly from field while data collected from published records of activities and documentary sources are called secondary data.


According to Nwachukwu Obioma (2007) primary source of data are data collected directly from the field. In many situations, the data needed for an investigation or studies are not available in already published form. Hence one must consider obtaining them directly by conducting interview, observation and self-examination questions directed to a prospective respondent.


An observation involves the direct measurement of an on going activity.

It includes the act of carefully noting down of points, situations, circumstances and mode of operation observational methods of data collection are suitable for traffic control light, traffic light can be observed directly by the researcher.

All social research begins and ends with observation. It is from this that the investigator learns a lot of things.

Observation is said to be indispensable part of the study of any social institution.


This is a one to one discussion of the subject matter in which questions are asked directly while responses are gotten immediately. This is another method from which vital information is collected.

The researcher relied so much on personal interview because it will help to obtain first hand valid information from the respondent and to minimize the chances of collecting inadequate information from their certain individuals presumed to have undergone certain experience were interviewed concerning their view towards the work.




Implementation of the system involves writing a computer program, testing and eventually change over to the new system.  It also spells out how the entire system or program is and how it works both the arrangement of the program flowchart and pseudo code and equally the program design itself.  The source program is also attached as well as some print outs from the program.



The design and implementation of a traffic control light at road junction is very important and desirable if accidents, traffic jam, congestion, long travel time at road junction and disorganizes traffic are to be eradicated or at least minimized to the minimum.

The increase in ventricular travel especially in cities and urban areas has made it implement to provide automated equipment that aids traffic operatives are reasons for failure of the Nigeria public control organization, such as traffic warden to achieve the objectives for which they are established.

In fact, the numerous cases of accident, traffic jams, vehicle queering, congestion and long wait time at road junctions justifies the failure of the public traffic organization.

Therefore, there is the need to encourage and facilitate the automated traffic control light system, which will augment or replace the public traffic organization in performing the functions of controlling and managing traffic in the country. The important of a traffic control light system that is automated cannot be over emphasized because nowadays, in Nigeria there has been increase in the number of vehicle.

Consequently the traffic control light system is a computer base traffic management system, because of the high processing speed, capacity and accuracies of computer, the automated  system can be described as a set of organized procedures and instruction that when executed, provides traffic information to support decision making and control in organizing traffic.


The topic “Design and implementation of an intelligent traffic control system” has been thoroughly examined. It is our earnest desire that all that have been said should be put in place so as to derive the benefits there in such as reduction of travel time, free flow of traffic and organized traffic. Disorganized traffic only results to loss of life, properties and time if all in this project is implemented; we will have a free traffic society.


I recommend that the appropriate authorities examines this project work, the federal and state government, the federal road safety commission (FRSC) and police should put the research into practical work. I also recommend that the applications found in this seminar be extended to four way, six-way and multiple road traffic junctions, or at cross roads for easy flow of traffic.


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