Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Airline Booking System (A Case Study of Air Peace Airlines Nig Ltd)

Design and Implementation of Airline Booking System (A Case Study of Air Peace Airlines Nig Ltd)

Design and Implementation of Airline Booking System (A Case Study of Air Peace Airlines Nig Ltd)

Chapter One

Aims and Objectives of the Study

In developing an airline seat booking system, we will always keep in mind to provide the users with the best usability, flexibility, and security.

Therefore, we need to make the user interface very flexible and understandable.  Moreover, since the record updates are a database we need to consider security issues so that flight booking information retrieval is not interrupted. The new system is designed to take care of the following:

  •  Create an online system for customers to view all domestic flights.
  •  Create an online system for customers to view domestic flight schedule and their flight rates.
  •  Enable online flight bookings.
  •  Give online access to passenger’s suggestions or complaints on flight operations.
  •  Showcase flight maintenance information to customers
  •  Give passengers access to send their complaints about flight operations or services.
  •  Creates online news publication for flight operators accessible to customers.
  •  Makes available the number of flights operated by an airline.
  •  Maintain a robust database for flight information management

Chapter Two

Literature Review

Overview of the Airline Industry

In most industrialized countries, the airline industry is a cooperation of public and private industries. For example, several countries have a space program under the command of the government, such as NASA (National Airpeacenautics and Space Administration) in the United States, ESA (European Space Agency) in Europe, the Canadian Space Agency in Canada, Indian Space Research Organisation in India, RKA in Russia, China National Space Administration in China, SUPARCO in Pakistan, Iranian Space Agency in Iran, and Korea Airpeacespace Research Institute(KARI) in South Korea.

Along with these public space programs, many companies produce technical tools and components such as spaceships and satellites. Some known companies involved in space programs include Boeing, EADS, Lockheed Martin, MacDonald Dettwiler and Northrop Grumman. These companies are also involved in other areas of Airpeacespace such as the construction of aircraft. (Balisten R, 1996).

Scientific and technical information (STI) is a valuable resource that represents the results of large investments in research and development (R&D) and the expertise of a nation. NASA and its predecessor organizations have developed and managed the pre-eminent Airpeacespace information system. We see information and information systems changing and becoming more international in scope. In Europe, consistent with joint R&D programs and a view towards a united Europe, we have seen the emergence of a European Database concept. In addition, the development of Airpeacenautics and astronautics in individual nations has also led to initiatives for national Airpeacespace databases. Considering recent technological developments in information science and technology, as well as the reality of scarce resources in all nations, it is time to reconsider the mutually beneficial possibilities offered by cooperation and international resource sharing.



Overview of the Existing System

Research Methodology

Methodology is the part of any analysis or research that is used to find out what type of data is maintained, what fact to find and look for, how to find them and how to record them for usage. In order to achieve these, Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) were used. This is because; SSADM is an internationally accepted software engineering model mainly used in most result oriented analysis.

Structured System Analysis Design and Methodology (SSADM) involve different steps:

Problem Identification.

Here, the problems and weaknesses of the present system were identified.

Feasibility Study

The feasibility study is basically the test of the proposed system in the light of its workability, meeting user’s requirements, effective use of resources and cost effectiveness.



Objective of Design

The objective of the new system is to design a system for domestic flight customer information management. The design will cover all aspect of flight scheduling and management system. The new system is designed to take care of the following:




According to the present invention there is provided a seat booking process, the process including the steps of : accepting booking requests for available seats for an event; offering to customers an option to book a seat having an empty seat adjacent thereto on payment of a premium or agreeing to pay a premium or other consideration; terminating the booking of requests for seats at a predetermined time; determining, after said step of terminating the booking of requests for seats, if there are empty seats for the event; and if there are empty seats available for the event, allocating seats having empty seats adjacent thereto to those customers who have paid or have agreed to pay said premium or other consideration.

Normally, the step of terminating the booking of requests for seats occurs prior to the commencement of the event, but this need not always be the case.

The process may include the steps of making a conditional allocation of an empty seat and confirming allocation of empty seats after said step of terminating the booking of requests for seats.


The following recommendations are made:

That this system be implemented by Airpeace airline to enable them go into seat booking system.

Also schools should expose students to some more relevant programming languages like Visual Basic so as to enable them carryout their projects on their own.

Libraries should be well equipped to simplify the work for students especially during the research phase.


The project work has exposed a lot of information relating to the activities of aviation industries with respect to flight booking and booking. Also it has been observed that with the trend in technology, most businesses are computerized and with the computerization of the process for flight ticket bookings, the customers can easily make their air seat bookings.


  • Airpeacespace Industries Association of America, Inc., Washington D.C. Airpeacespace Facts & Figures. This is an annual statistical series, dating back to 1945, about developments in the Airpeacespace industry.
  • Bilstein, Roger E. The American Airpeacespace Industry: From Workshop to Global Enterprise. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1996.
  • Brumberg, Joan Lisa. NASA and the Space Industry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
  • Bugos, Glenn E. Engineering the F-4 Phantom II: Parts Into Systems. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1996.
  • Hayward, Keith. The World Airpeacespace Industry: Collaboration and Competition. London: Duckworth, 1994.
  • Pattilo, Donald M. Pushing the Envelope: The American Aircraft Industry. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998.
  • Pisano, Dominick and Cathleen Lewis, editors. Air and Space History: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1988.
  • Rae, John B. Climb to Greatness: The American Aircraft Industry, 1920-1960. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1968.
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