Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Virtual E-learning System (A Case Study of Lagos State University)

Design and Implementation of a Virtual E-learning System (A Case Study of Lagos State University)

Design and Implementation of a Virtual E-learning System (A Case Study of Lagos State University)

Chapter One


As they say “scientia st potential” that is knowledge is power”. The aim of this research is to provide the students all the information needed in any subject that is done in this great institute FPNO. Again to assure that student meets the current trend to academic setting all over the world. This will go a long way making FPNO to be aware of trends in technology and gain to making them have desires for other on-line provisions and computerization in the institute.



Economic, social and technological forces continue to change the global economy, and the way of life in organization and the world. In specific, these forces have and continue to revolutionize teaching and learning in organizations. Urban and weggan (200) related that, technology, the rapid obsolescence of knowledge and training, the need for just-in-time training delivery, and the search for cost effective ways, to meet learning needs of a globally distributed workforce have redefined the processes that underlie design, development and delivery of training and education in the workplace.

In addition, urban and weggan related that the need for different learning models due to skill gab and demographic hangs and demand for flexible teaching and lifelong learning evolution, however, several terms have been attached to characterizes the innovation and reaction that has been occurring. Some terms are: E-learning distributed learning, on-line learning, web-based learning and distance learning. The purpose of this section is two fold. First, to review and summarize definitions related to E-learning, second, to solidify a work term and definition for the NCSA effort. Sahm (2002) described computer based training (CBT) as usually delivered via CD-ROM or as a web download and that it is usually multimedia-based training.  Karon (2000) discussed the convenience factor of well-designed computer-based training by saying that any well-designed computer-based training. Whether it is network based or delivered via the internet is more convenient than traditional instructor-led training or seminars. Karan went on to say that self-paced CBT course are available when learners are ready to take them not just when the seminar is scheduled or the instructor is available. Hall (1997) incorporated both Zahm (200) and Koran (2000) definitions by underlining computer-based training as an all-encompassing term used to describe any computer delivered training including CD-ROM and World Wide Web. HALL further explained that some people use the UBT term to refer only to old time, text-only training. Like CBT, online training was classified as an all-encompassing term that refers to all training done with a computer over a network and the internet (gotschall 2000). Gotschall supplemented that online training is also known as net based training. Urban and Weggan (2000) related that online learning via Internet, Intranet and extrant. They added that levels of sophistication of on-line learning vary. It can extend from a basic on-line learning program that includes text and graphics of the course, exercises, testing and record keeping such as test scores and book markets to a sophisticated online learning program. Sophistication would include animations, simulation, audio and video sequence, peer and export discussion groups, online monitoring, links to materials on corporate intranet or the web, and communication with corporate education records. Schreiber 4 BERGE (1998) agreed with Gotschall (2000) and purported that online learning’s nay technology based learning, that is information currently available for direction access. they added that this usually implies linkage to a computer. Given the broad definition of online training, it would seem safe to assume that we-based training is online training.  Hall (1997) defined web training as instruction that is delivered over the internet or over a company’s Intranet.

Accessibility of this training, related Hall, is through the use of a web-browser, such as navigation. Hall and snider (2002) defined E-Learning as the process of learning via computers over the internet and Intranet. Hall and snider extended that E-learning is also referred to as web-based training, online training, distributed learning or technology for learning. Distance learning, however was not included in the E-learning definition and was defined as its own entity as a learning process meeting three criteria: a geographical distance separates communication between the trainer and participant. The communication is two ways and interactive: and some term technology is used to facilitate the learning process. Hall (2000) contends that E-learning ill take the form of complete to components all courses as an immediate, applicable resources to be a a life long process, that could be accessed anywhere at anytime to meet a specific need or want. Hall added that their links to real-time data and research would become readily available. Given the progression of the definitions, then web training online learning, e-learning, distributed learning, internet based learning all speak of each other, (Hall and snider, 2000: urban and weggan 2000).

Similar also to E-learning and its related term is technology-based learning. (urban and Weggan 2000) urban and weggan shared that E-learning covers a wide set of applications and processes, including computer-based learning. Web-based learning, virtual classrooms and digital collaborations for the purpose of their report, they further customized their definition of the delivery of content via all electric media, including the internet, intranet, satellite, broadcast, audio/video tapes, interactive TV, and CD-ROM. They warned, however, that would include text-based learning and courses conducted via written correspondence. Like (Hall 4 snider 2000), urban and weggan (2000) have set apart distance learning and E-learning in their glossaries, making however, E-learning inclusive and synonymous to all computer-related application, tools and process that have between strategically aligned to value aided learning and teaching process. BERGE (1998) explained the difference between distance education and distance learning. Distance education was seen as formal process of distance learning, with information being broad in scope, for example, college course while distance –learning was seen as the acquisition of instruction, encompassing all technologies and other forms of learning at distance. This may be why most educational institutions use the term distance education in reviewing five institutional definition of distance education, these were the main tenants. Historically, it meant learner interaction. Uses audio, video and computer technologies as delivery modes.




There was nothing as electronic learning in FPNO other than normal face-to- face learning, which is, analyzed that help me in designing this system. It involves admitting students by offering admission letter to him/her or by pestering it on FPNO board. Then the person will go to the departments’ office and make ensuring and some scrutiny will be done before the person will be given registration number and possibly pay school fees, departmental fees and other dues. Some other processes will be taken, some forms will be bought, filled and signed by school direct academic adviser and departmental HOD and submitted to the secretary to HOD. One form will be for register, another for exams and records and lastly being for department lecturers do go to classes to give lectures and materials any other confirmation apart from class can done in their offices.

Examination is taken according to school schedule and the result will be pest some months after the exams.


In my search of getting information, I applied different methods and they are thus;

  1. Interview
  2. Internet
  • Reference to published and unpublished material


The success behind my research work was based on the availability and nature of information gathered.  During this research, I do visit departmental heads to ask a lot of questions about the manual system in use how they will feel it, when automated one is designed.


In the course of carrying out this research work, internet has been a very helpful source of information to me. I do go to search for information using, search engine to locate any information available for E- learning and virtual classroom.


I was given already written material on areas that need further explanation. In order to supplement those detailed information, I visited library and made reference to already written documents.


The system was designed to satisfy students with face-to-face academic knowledge quest. It entails direct control of students and their processes, provision of classes, hostel and allow them to belong into many important societies such that they easily be controlled.

Finally, to ensure operations proceeds accordingly, knowledge acquisitions, staffs and students’ welfare is taken care of.


Input analysis implies detailed descriptions of these things (data) are essential for the establishment of a system to run effectively. This is related to our field of study, it includes students name, his address, sex, age, o-level etc. process analysis is the description on how the information gathered should be processed to a required result, text or numbers for easy updating and retrieval.

Output analysis guides the format of newly established system, recording the names and other information about the numerous students, staffs and possible responses the computer could fire when it encounters an authorized conclusion e.g. keying in using wrong data etc.

Hence the computer reaches you using error message, it again takes care of how information will be displayed and the gad set where it is going to be displayed and it is going to be formatted before displaying.



This new system has been carefully tested and the result has tallied with expected output.

Under this view, both systems are run parallel to ensure that the needs of the institution are achieved.

The program used in designing the new system is VBASIC meaning Visual Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.



With the emergence of information technology, a lot of events have been recorded in computer industry. Man creates, modifies and as well destroys, this geared towards a lot of innovations that centered on stress reduction and as well cultivate better habit of pursing economic normalization in bi-angle.

The virtual classroom and text based E- learning system will go a long way helping lecturers to have choice of work and make graduate with certificate while working or doing other things and finally help Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri to adjust economic changes to the be better.


As the efficiencies of high speed networks transform the pre-digital structures of a place-based academic, we should expect to see many students’ teams using the kind of synchronous tools to self-manage the more complex learning tasks of higher education. VOIP and application sharing in particular can create in expensive cyberspaces where geo distributed students can perform their learning work through the preferred medium for intense communication talk. Their talk will focus on share screen objects (e.g. texts, spreadsheet, web pages and flowcharts) that facilitate the dialogue and that can be changed as the need arises under the best circumstances, the students will divided the work, perform it separately, and then gather online to share their findings and integrate them into a deliverable product that can be assessed by the instructor.

This is the decentered classroom taken to a logical extreme by an emerging technology.


  • Abernathy, D.J (1998) the WWW of distance learning: who does what and where? Training and development.
  • Anderson, Cushing; Danknens, Anne- Sophie; Juhan, Ellen H. (2000) “world wide and US corporate IT education and training serives: Forecast and analysis, 1999- 2004”. Report# w22154, May 2000. Available at http://
  • Aston, M and Dolden, B. (1994). Logical Sans Frontiers. Computer and education.
  • Baker, M.H (1995). Tips for being a successful distance student.
  • Baron Tom (2000). “Thinking thin: the race for thin client synchronous E- learning”.
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