Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Recruitment Management System

Design and Implementation of a Recruitment Management System

Design and Implementation of a Recruitment Management System

Chapter One


This work aims to develop a recruitment management system. The following are the objectives that will be used to achieve this aim:

  • To perform critical investigation and analysis of the existing recruitment process.
  • To design/model the recruitment management system
  • To create a database system for the applicants’ and companies’ record
  • To implement the recruitment management system.

Literature is scrutinised to discuss these ideas: understanding of the study area, emphasis on the study queries, preparation of the data collection method, illumination of the meaning of the terms, Identification of the scheme. The utmost important mission is to comprehend
the research field which is recruitment management.
Working on the literature, attention is on how to advance the best system which can satisfy the needs of job seekers, job creators and how the system can be easily understood and also understanding the meaning of different terms, and then in developing a system which can
fulfil the objectives and answer the research questions Superior recruitment and selection strategies result in enhanced organizational results. With locus to this framework, the literature review of recruitment management system will be prepared to shed light on Recruitment and Selection procedure. The core matter is to recognize universal practices which organizations adopt in recruitment and selection of employees then, to determine how the recruitment and selection procedures have effects on organizational results (Nel et al., 2004).
Definition of Recruitment
Recruitment is the process of finding people to work for a company or become new members of an organization.
A noteworthy favorable position of online recruitment is the quickness with which all exercises are composed. Different retailers are confronted with the issue of quickly selecting staff amid pinnacle seasons, most uncommonly amid Christmas. Everything happens so quick that it is entirely troublesome for them to play out all viewpoints serially. Followed back to the past it was extremely hard to assess the applications as retailers needed to concentrate on the business while enrolling their staff too. With e-recruitment candidates
can apply for occasional work and when the open door emerges they can be offered positions to involve. To bolster this online tests and screening alternatives for selecting the ideal individual are set up. Most retailers search for individuals between the ages 18 and 23 for regular work which, fortunately, this age gathering are essentially hunting down openings for work on the Internet. Along these lines candidates land the position without much stretch and the business gets qualified hopefuls inside a brief timeframe, with less
push in the determination procedure. By along these lines both sides are fulfilled (Trapp, 2002).

The obsolete way to deal with the association of representatives stayed paper based, followed by meetings at some geological position. This technique included an unlimited measure of time in foundation, travel and testing.
The distinct strategy included the resulting stages:
• Singular division decides business necessities,
• Approval of essential existing
• Consent to utilize chose
• promoting strategies resolved to suit likely sources
• Length of short rundown chose
• Determination of some of CV’s to peruse, store adjust
• If short rundown finish, mastermind meet
• If not locked in pick supplementary from spared CV’s
• Ask named candidates to a meeting
• Elect strategy for meeting and testing
• Interview
• Form last rundown
• Following meeting
• pick perfect applicant
• Make an offer to the fruitful hopeful
• Affirmation or restart (incase applicant decay arrangement.)
This strategy, dependent on the amount of entries, may have brought about a decent competitor not being requested a meeting. This is collective reiteration, since when a cumbersome number of resumes has been gotten, the strategy is to just choose a predetermined number of conceivable workers for meetings. Hopefuls who knew the framework would every now and again attempt to make their CV “emerge” by using particular or novel envelopes and paper. The entire procedure was defective, expensive and tedious (Rudman, 2005).


Recruitment has been always been a big issue in the business industry. Different approaches have been applied to make sure that the problems associated with recruitment are reduced drastically, an example of such approach which had been applied includes the use of online mediums for recruitment. There are various mediums which are used in recruitment, one of them includes the use of recruitment sites like jobberman, glassdoor etc. The way this sites work have been explained in the literature review of this project. This chapter presents the system design and the methodologies adopted in the course of the development of the recruitment management system.
The term system analysis can be defined as the research of a business issue domain with the aim of prescribing enhancements and indicating the business prerequisites and needs for the solution. Simon Bennet characterizes system analysis as a procedure of searching to
understand the association, taking into account its necessities and displaying them. It is the examining of a system and its components as an essential to the system design. It is the consequence of this analysis movement that gives the determinations of the proposed
system in view of the necessities. System analysis falls under the basic building phase of programming improvement and is essential in the expert advancement of a system. System analysis includes gathering accurate information, having an understanding of what the
procedures include, differentiating problems and finding possible methods for developing the system’s usefulness. This involves concentrating on the business forms, gathering operational information, understanding the data stream, discovering stops and always
looking for answers for conquer the systems shortcomings with a specific end goal to accomplish authoritative objectives. The real destinations of systems analysis are to discover responses for every Business process, it means to answer inquiries, for example,
what is being done? How is it being done? Who is doing it? And why is it being done. It hence requires basic and innovative intuition in the event that it is to succeed it endeavors to bring forth another effective system that fulfills the present needs of the client and has
scope for future development inside of the authoritative limitations, this procedure is iterative until the ideal arrangement rises. The consequence of this procedure is a coherent system design.

This chapter provides an insight on the decision of platform and programming languages, software and hardware requirements, and the modules and interfaces that were executed.

This chapter summarizes the contributions of this work and highlights some areas for future study.
The field of e-recruitment still has a lot of issues that are not completely resolved.
Recommendations for the further improvement of this project includes:

  • Notifications on new job posted by email or sms.
  • Company information viewing.
  • Creation of test to validate the skills of candidates.
  • Account verification via email notification.

This project “Design and Implementation of a Recruitment Management System – Jobseek” is the development of an e-recruitment software to help organizations manage their recruitment processes. Jobseek implementation was done in php while also using html, JavaScript and CSS for visual appeal. MySQL was used for the database backend program.
A review of history, growth and societal effect of existing e-recruitment systems are provided.
E-recruitment otherwise known as online recruitment is a time and money saving platform which companies can use in order to reduce cost of recruitment for themselves.
Through this research project, the stress of job search can be eradicated and reduced to a minimal level. This project is targeted towards the easy and efficient job search. Jobseek E-recruitment can be improved further by creating modules or functionalities which support the testing of candidate and also referral of such candidates to companies based on their scores and their ranking on the recruitment platform.


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  • Dysart J. (2006). Electronic recruiting. American School Board Journal, 193(7):27-29.
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  • Marzulli T. (2002). Using internet technology to streamline healthcare recruiting. Health Financial Management, 56(6):62-64.
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  • Nel P.S., Van Dyk, Haasbroek G.D., Schultz H.B., Sono T. & Werner A. (2004). Human Resources Management. 6th edition. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
  • Rudman R. (2005). Human Resources Management in New Zealand. 4th edition. Auckland. Prentice Hall.
  • Schoen L. (2002). E-technology streamlines staffing. Offshore, 62(12):64.
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