Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Digital Library System

Design and Implementation of a Digital Library System

Design and Implementation of a Digital Library System

Chapter One

The proposed system Digital Library System has it’s general objectives which it is set out to achieve. They are as

  • To create variety of access services for searching,  browsing and discovering resources.
  • To organize and index digital objectives for different purpose which includes cataloging, finding aids and
  •  Reduction of loan and acquisition through the use of digital library. Comprehensive storage of large repository of data that can be accessed by authorized users.
  • Reduce the cost of maintaining a traditional library

With the expansion of the World Wide Web, the topic of digital libraries has become more and more important. Some scholars has numerous contribution and research work targeted at making the topic digital library system an educational tool which will help drive learning and academic research to its grass-root. The research and development of digital libraries are no easy task. They involve a large number of topics in library, information and computer sciences such as information indexing, retrieval, collection development, database management, reference services, human-computer interaction, interface design, digitalization and preservation, intellectual property, networking and interoperability.
The first digital library that came into existence was Project Gutanberg (PG). Project Gutenberg is a volunteer
effort to digitize and archive cultural works, to encourage the creation and distribution of electronic books (Har, Michael, 2004). Most of the items in PG collections are full text of public domain books. The project tried to make these resources as free as possible in a form that can be downloaded and used by
any computer. However, the emergence and development of digital libraries at this stage are driven by two main forces. First, digital technological development, especially in multimedia and networking, offered more-efficient and sometimes new ways in information processing and management. Secondly, people
wanted to better share important information like library materials, scientific in educational and research materials.
Most early “digital libraries” were various types of digital collection and information system. Personal information
resources, workgroup and organizational information collections and collaboration environment are some examples.
Edward Fox in his book “Digital Libraries Overview” offered a detected account of some early projects in the field. According to his timeline, electronic thesis started as early as 1987 (Edward Fox, 1992). Libraries were also working towards this direction. Many libraries started to replace their card catalogue with OPAC systems, and were beginning to store abstracts and periodicals on CD-ROMs.


This chapter deals with the methodology adopted for the study, design and development of the application.
Methodology can be the analysis of the principles of methods, rules and postulates employed by a discipline. It refers to modus operandi that is a person’s technique of handling a task. Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or any systematic investigation to establish facts. This section will outline the various method to be used in all the stages of system analysis and design for the realization of an effective Digital Library System.
This chapter takes into account the way the new system is designed and its process description. It embraces also the way new system files are designed, their data flow diagram, the database structure of the entire parameters, or input variables to be used in the new system. To be able to effectively implement this system; Digital Library System (DLS), detailed and thorough study was carried out on the operations of the ICT of the FUTO library and an appropriate design of a Digital Library system for the FUTO library was generated.

The field of Digital Libraries has always been poorly defined as “discipline” of amorphous border and crossroads,
but also of atavistic resonance and unreasonable inspiration. “Digital Libraries” this oxymoronic phrase has attracted
dreamers and engineers, visionaries and entrepreneur, a diversity of social Scientist, lawyer, scientist technicians and even critics. Although, some would argue that digital libraries have little to do with libraries as institutions or the practice of librianship. Others would argue that the issue of the future of libraries as social, cultural and community institution, along with related questions about the character and treatment of what we have come to call “Intellectual Property” in our society, from perhaps the most central of the core question within the discipline of Digital Libraries and that these questions are too important to be left to librarians, who should be seen as nothing more than one group among a broad array of stakeholders.
The investigation and analysis of the present system was conducted and the problems associated with the old method of accessing electronic resources were discovered. The new system was designed and implemented. It took care of the problems identified during investigation. The implementation stage was successful and it was implemented using ASP.Net on Windows 7 Starter Operating System. Some sample output hardcopies obtained will be attached as appendix.
The project was organized into five chapters namely:
1. Introduction which gives an overview of the project.
2. Literature review which exposes the author to a lot of related sources and research carried-out by the people.
3. Investigation and analysis which x-rays thoroughly the old system, hence noting the incapabilities.
4. The design and implementation of the new system under which results were obtained.
5. While the project ended with conclusion and recommendation with some references.
It is my recommendations to tertiary institutions especially the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO)
to fully implement this system as this will not only boost the efficiency of our library services but will also have a good boost on the corporate image of the institution and the quality of books available to student, thus placing the institution in a leading position in Nigeria. Also, I recommend that the FUTO library should ensure that books are made available in electronic format as it is in the hardcopies.
Libraries, information retrieval system in a digital format, and human-computer interfaces are very paramount in this computer age. Digital libraries have exploded the scenenumerous research and practical effort and large resources are expanded on Digital Libraries research and practice. The ultimate evaluation of digital libraries will be in relation to the transformation of their content, the same as of evaluation of
libraries throughout history. Digital Libraries provide for an interaction among people, human knowledge, organizations and technology. A presently digital library is transforming research, education, learning and living.
Hence, I look forward to the time when digital library will move to the next level in Nigeria, where it will be a
conglomerate of electronic resources made available through the use of Digital Library. A situation where digital resources will be made available in Nigeria through a global network where collections are created, stored at one library and made available to others through an agreement about the requirements for systems architecture, metadata, indexing and retrieval. The development and adoption of common standards will require significant additional effort and exploration.


  • Clifford Lynch (2005). Where do we go from Here? The next decade for Digital Libraries, D-Lib Magazine.
    July/August 2003, Volume II, Number 7/8.
  • Fox, E. A. Envisioning a Computer Science Digital Library., Presented at Digital Libraries of the Future Panel, ACM Multimedia 93, Anaheim, C. A., 1993.
  • Harter, S., (1997). Scholarly Communication and the Digital Library: Problems and Issues. Journal of Digital Information.
  • Levy, D. M. & Marshall, C. C., (1995). Going Digital: A Look at Assumptions Underlying Digital Libraries Communications of the ACM, 38(4), 77-84.
  • L.T Nowell and E. A. Fox: Envision: Information Visualization in a Digital Library; Demonstration. Seattle,
    WA: ACM SIGIR 95, July 10, 1995.
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