Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Patient’s Information Tracking System (a Case Study of Annunciation Hospital Emene, Enugu, Enugu State)

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Patient’s Information Tracking System (a Case Study of Annunciation Hospital Emene, Enugu, Enugu State)

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Patient’s Information Tracking System (a Case Study of Annunciation Hospital Emene, Enugu, Enugu State)

Chapter One


The aims and objectives of the computerize system cannot be over emphasized. The use of computer system has several advantages over the use of manual systems especially as it regards keeping records of data and information, manipulating and processing them, storing them dot future use retrieving them and generating reports from them in as many copies as is desired by the user.

The computerized system is aimed at aiding the hospital in creating files for patients into two categories namely private and company patients so that for consideration will be given according to ones category.

The new system will definitely increase the speed of operations within the hospital thus increasing the efficiency and reliability of the hospital record keeping system. This will in turn help in improving the services provided for the patients who an satisfaction will like to boost the corporate image of the hospital.

The new computerized system is design for tracking information on patient record.  Due to the fact that the laboratory technician and doctors are sometimes confused with symptoms and parasites observed and information received concerning test of patients there is a need to develop a computer software with which the medical doctor can rely upon and perform his job correctly thereby administering the right treatments.

The new system is also design to develop a computer software whereby the medical officer can get the information and data required as fast as possible and that are accurate and reliable information to enhance the task of attending to patients promptly.



Several authors and researchers have made many attempts towards giving a concise meaning to what computerization of the organization is all about.

Computerization is fast growing and gaining access in most professions and is the basis of all technological advancements. This statement is credited to Dr. Lizzy Ikem in an article when narrowed down to the project at hand, one could say that the design and implementation of a computerized patient information tracking system in a hospital is gaining wider acceptance in the medical industry and its application is forming a foundation stone for the effective management, maintenance and processing of patient records and bills.

Alberto (1987) argued that hospital conservation attitude to use of computer is based on cost and a reasonable sum of money in purchasing, it will reduce staff number, increase efficiency and effectiveness of the system, provide better services for patients, reduce inaccuracies in the processing of bills etc thereby saving money for the hospital.

Eze (1990)  said that the user of computer must bear in mind that it is not a status symbol. This is reviewed from the point that computer can only give accurate information needed based on the data supplied.

Donald (1991) equally said that computer usage in the medical industries has improved staff services to their patient. In order words the application of the new system into the working environment with help to improve their operations and improve the services they render to patients who are most unsatisfied with the manual approach which is time consuming and causes a lot of delay.

Sander .D. (1997) stated that computers were used primarily for accounting and record keeping purposed when first introduced into hospital several years ago. Though now the medical professions have authorized the computer in scores of new ways to improve health care in recent years computers are proving their value to patients, doctors and hospitals.

Lindbay (1984) opined that the introduction of computer systems, to recognize and to perform effective tasks is quiet likely to be most significant use of computer in medical services.

The question now is how do we improve our medical services in order to meet the demand of a fast-growing world? This author suggest that this can only be achieved through computerization application of computers in the hospital administration is a bond bases computer system that takes care of patients records, bill, diagnosis and prescription at the same time keeps track of information.

This would form a database upon which the hospital would always fall on. There has been growing interest in application of computer techniques to clinical practice. A significant shift may be taken place in area where these information are being implemented. Most observe would have predicted that institution and agencies with significant resources would be the major focus of installations. Now be uniquely situated to play a major role in utilizing computer. Some inherent pressure against the use of end reporting of data in organizations is seen as one factors hampering the implementation of computer application in organization environment.

PHOENIX an expert system for selecting diagnostic imagine procedures, says that it is a complex system that assists physicians in planning the use of diagnostic imagine procedure and citation of relevant literature.




Analysis of the existing system entails carefully study of the manual system and knowing how it is being done or rather what is actually happening in the system. In order to understand the process of patient information tracking system and tracking the researcher studied the existing system, which is manual. In this mode of operation, every patient has a hospital folder, which contains his/her personal data. These files are numbered and arranged in a predetermined order on shelves partitioned into cubicles.  A register is being maintained as an under to the hospital member so as to monitor the issuing of card members with the aim of eliminating redundancy. Every visit of the patient to the hospital is recorded in folder together with the purpose of visit, treatment received and bills.



The design of the computerized system is not aimed at developing a system void of human operators, capable of completely over the entire job involved in the patient information tracking system, rather it aimed at developing a system which will be used by skilled and experienced human operators in entering monitoring patients and at the same time give printed copies of information.

Though much care was taken in the designing of the system to prevent will full input of wrong data, it should be noted that the system being designed can give wrong information when fed with wring data. Thus much care should be taken when inputting data into the system so as to avoid the wrong information giving.



The implementation of the new system involves installing and running the new system in the hospital.

There are three basic approaches which could be followed during the cause of implementation and they are direct change over approach where old system is discarded completely for the new one, the partial change over approach where some areas of the old system are discarded while others are left to run concurrently with the new one and finally we have the parallel changeover approach where both the old and the new system are made to run concurrently.

For the purpose of this work, the researcher close the parallel approach whereby the computerized system will run parallel to manual system. After a given time, the new system’s performance would be evaluated to know if it meets all excitations effectively and also acceptable to management.

If it does then the entire old system may be dropped or a part of it is discarded.



The operational guide, manual and follow up procedures were carefully documented for easy use of the system and for future modifications.

The new system has been designed under the control of the Qbasic programming language.

The program is written in two parts, main program and sub-routine program.

Sub-routine program are developed for different options in the menu list. The program is stored on a diskette. In the computer you are required to put the diskette through the floppy drive A. Before is able to work in this drive A. the person is required to change the drive in the computer. When the system is on, you will notice a particular drive, which is called C:/>, assuming the diskette has a computer program for your program you just type on that drive C:/> A: After doing this you will arrive at drive A: you then call up Qbasic environment.



In view of the problem inherent in the manual system, I recommend that all hospital that wish to render quality, effective and efficient services to their patient should adopt the computerized approach. This is because with computerized system access to information, processing of data, report generation etc is achieved at high speed.

Emphasis should be laid on the need for the computerization of patient information tracking system hence medical system with large storage capacity of about 200, 238,300 etc, the ups is also recommended with super XVGA colour monitor. This capacity can cope with expected voluminous data as well as other highly sophisticated facilities, which enhances it flexibility and ease of diverse usage.

There is also the need to train their staff in the old system to become computer literate so as to still handle the job and also to educate them on the need for the computerization system. This will prevent undue loss of employment. More so, I recommend that further researcher should work so as to better researcher should work so as to better my work in areas like processing lab test result, printing receipts staff payroll, storing of information on every treatment received by the patient.


This study has proved that the introduction of computer in patients information tracking system in the hospital will be a better and more beneficial way of maintaining the information system of that hospital. Hence, it will be advisable to conduct similar method of operation.

This study had shown that the storage capacity of a computerized system can be kept without damage for as long as the user wants, if the storage medium is kept properly.

Also, records can be maintained easily information retrieved instantly and data processing done at high speed, which of course cannot be done with the manual system.

Finally, the result of this work is very useful to the intended user.


  • Acheson, Medical Record Linkage London: Oxford University Press 1967. 
  • American Cancer Society, Manual of Tumor Nomenclature and Coding New York: Acs, 1968, ICDD was Based on MONTAC and has Superseded it.
  • American Medical Association, Current Medical Information Technology Fourth Edition. Chicago AMA. 1971.
  • Anderson A.C., Data Processing and Management Information System, London, Mc Donald and Evans Limited 1974.
  • Williams .T. Bent, Computer Aid to Clinic London; OP Publications  Ltd, 1966 P. 64
  • Hilleman, M.R. Otal, New England Journal
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