Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Grade Evaluation System (Case Study of University of Ibadan)

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Grade Evaluation System (Case Study of University of Ibadan)


The main objective of the study is to develop a Computerized Grading Evaluation System for the University of Ibadan. With the following objectives –

  1. To create design and develop a computerized grade evaluation system for recording of students’ names, grade levels and section.
  2. To create a system that will be secure and maintain the integrity of data, which can be easily retrieved.



Evaluation gives an important yard stick to judge the quality of students. It plays a vital role in the educational system. It also offers motivation and a sense of purpose to both teachers and students to achieve set goals. (Mazza et al., 2004) The word examination has come to be associated with stress and anxiety. The practice of teaching and learning which is thought to be meaningful for the student loses its joy because of these negative connotations of examination. The larger context of education is to train futuristic citizens for a meaningful and productive life in a globalised society.

There is a dire need to build up the education system even more so in a pluralistic society which addresses itself to a heterogeneous group. (Stephen, 2002) Evaluation is a means of recognizing the extent to which we have been successful in imparting such an education. Evaluation is an essential part of the educational process as some form of assessment is compulsory to determine the effectiveness of teaching learning processes and their assimilation by learners. External examinations „are largely inappropriate for the „knowledge society‟ of the 21stcentury and its‟ need for innovative problem solvers‟, Questions if not framed well, “call for rote memorization and fail to test higher-order skills like reasoning and analysis, lateral thinking, creativity and judgment. External exams make no allowance for different types of learners and learning environments and induce an in-ordinate level of anxiety and stress”. (NCF- Position paper on Examination Reforms) Schools start ranking students, on the basis of their marks, from as early as their preprimary years. Such an impel has several negative effects on learning.

Students, parents and society at large become anxious in the race to attain more and more marks in examinations which leads to an extremely stressful existence. (Tata, 2005) Moreover, while all out efforts are made to improve the reliability of examination, the human error cannot be avoided. This inadequacy can be overcome if the students are placed in ability bands that represent range of scores. This calls for a functional and reliable system of School-Based Evaluation. There was a need to look at the holistic assessment of a learner which also includes co scholastic area of Life Skills, Values and Attitudes, Games and Sports as well as Co-Curricular activities. The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation scheme seeks at addressing this in a holistic manner. A number of National Committees and Commissions in the past have consistently made recommendations regarding sinking emphasis on external examination and encouraging internal assessment through School-Based Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. Therefore, the CCE scheme brings about a paradigm shift from examination to effective pedagogy. The National Policy on Education 1986 (NPE) and Programme of Action 1992 (POA) also envisaged the recasting of the examination system and has, inter alia, suggested that grades be used in place of marks. National Curriculum Framework 2005(NCF)




Requirement Gathering

Requirement gathering is usually the first part of any software product. This stage starts when you are thinking about developing software. In this phase, you meet customers or prospective customers, analyzing market requirements and features that are in demand. You also find outif there is a real need in the market for the software product you are trying to develop.

In this stage, marketing and sales people or people who have direct contact with the customers do most of the work. These people talk to these customers and try to understand what they need. A comprehensive understanding of the customers’ needs and writing down features of the proposed software product are the keys to success in this phase. This phase is actually a base for the whole development effort. If the base is not laid correctly, the product will not find a place in the market. If you develop a very good software product which is not required in the market, it does not matter how well you build it. You can find many stories about software products that failed in the market because the customers did not require them.



 Programming Language

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (or simply PHP) is a general-purpose programming language originally designed for web development. It was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994; the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group. PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, but it now stands for the recursive initialism PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

PHP code may be executed with a command line interface (CLI), embedded into HTML code, or used in combination with various web template systems, web content management systems, and web frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in a web server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web server outputs the results of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any type of data, such as generated HTML code or binary image data. PHP can be used for many programming tasks outside of the web context, such as standalone graphical applications and robotic drone control




Based on the study that the researchers made, several problems can be encountered when using the manual way of recording and computing of grades. One example of that problem are unretrieve files or records of the students.

So, the researchers had determined first the viability of the software by conducting a survey in a form of questionnaires. After analyzing it, the researchers found that majority of the respondents, which are the enrolled students, the faculty and staffs and some people whom answered the said questionnaires is in favor in an automated grading system.

Through descriptive method, which describes data and characteristics about the present condition of the system being studied, we have come up with the idea that applying automation to Grading systems will also make a task easy and accurate


Based on the findings, the researcher came up with a conclusion that a computerized/automated grading system is a must-have in a school. It is a best way of storing and computing grades of students that provides easy way in getting the grades and to make the procedure faster and efficient.


I hereby recommend this Academic work to be used by staff and management and indeed any other Institution with similar structure and organizational framework for the following reasons:

  1. The academic work has been able to solve the problem related to easy access of computerized grade evaluation system.
  2. Grading System is the most commonly used in computing and analyzing the performance, talent and skills of students. It is designed to provide incentive reward for achievement and assist in identifying problems of the student.
  3. The Computerized Grading System will help both the faculty staffs and the students to have easy access on the records and past records, the easier way. The said system will also lessen the staffs on consuming too much time recording and effort locating records of the students. It will also be connected to the schools’ website (if there is), for the students, so they can check their grades online. The staff in charge will do updating of grades.
  4. The Computerized Grading System will also be a convenience for the professors as well, because by this, delayed passsing of grade will be prevented and class cards, certificate of grades, and transcript of records will be processed in a speedy way. By this, students would not wait for a long period just to get their papers processed. In case that a student record is lost, we can easily retrieve it with the help of modern technology. There would be no alternation of grades once the records are inputted and finalized, so the records are secure.


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