Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Computer Based Household Inventory System

Design and Implementation of a Computer Based Household Inventory System

Design and Implementation of a Computer Based Household Inventory System



In companies and industrial where there is household inventory planning it could be observed that properties in the different area of their department are well erected following the specific rules and regulation; the need for this planning is seen when the property owner want to know the value of his wealth.

Therefore the design and implementation of a computer based household inventory system will not only benefit the researcher and value or property owner but will also create and improved system of marketing agent and environment as follows.




According to Silver Edward (2003) “Inventory as a list of goods and materials available in stock by a business just like any other investment in a business, the need and purpose of inventory is to maximize profit.

However, it is necessary to optimize inventory using analytical and statistical methods in an integrated approach. One of the biggest challenges in optimizing inventory is the fact that it is merely an out-put of many inter organizational process.

Most of the organizations attempt to lower inventory using non analytical approaches which lower services levels.

Although it is possible to reduce inventory while improving services levels simultaneously using our proven inventory management methodology.


According to Browju, (1996) said that in those days, many shop keeping does their work manually, but merchants looked at the method of purchasing which was very poor to their expectation, they look at how many units there gone at the end of the day, then they put in their best to forecast further methods which they applied to each operations that is quite small by today standard. After the industrial revelation, efficiency and mass production becomes the main goals of business along with an improve customer experience at the point of sale.

A team of Harvard They used university design the first modern check out system in the early 1930s.  They used punch cards to pass information to the stone ware high would the items forward to the waiting customers because of the automated system, then machine could also generate bills and managed the inventory that method was too expensive to afford. But a version of it is used today in some store or hotel where merchants place cards with product information on the counter for customers to select and brings to the check point.

They usually applied to large items which could be expensive. They knew they needed a better system, and research created the formula of the modern bar- coding system in the late 1940s and early 1950s. It used ultraviolet light sensitive ink and a reader to check items for sales, but it was too cumbersome and lacked the computing power needed to make it work.

Technology had yet to catch up with their ideas. The development of affordance laser technology in the 1960s received the concept.

As computing power became better than the power of UPC codes to help track and mid to late 1990s retailers began implanting large part by advances in computer and software technology.

Another promising technology for tracking inventory has also made its way into store, ware-house and factories radio frequency identification.

Many hotels control their inventory of items including check out of customers by employing electronic means.





In this chapter various sources of data collection methods, interviews and analysis of the current and the proposed system are discussed.

Research methodology talks about the procedure, method or approach adopted. To carry out a project effectively and efficiently there must be a method, there must be a procedure.


System analysis is an ordered set of procedures designed to study the information requirement gathered using the data collection techniques with the aim of preparing a set of functional specifications that identify what a new or replacement system should be able to accomplishing.




This chapter discusses the program used in the implemented and maintained. In this aspect, the choice of programming language, the designing of the program, Program flowcharts are discussed. Also in the implementation of the program we discuss how the data are converted and how the system is tested and change over. In the maintenance aspect, we discussed how the hardware and software are maintained.

Implementing a program means following the details set in the system specification. When a system is implemented, it is tested so that it meets the aim set out in the initial specification.

On the other hand, documentation serves as reference manual to any person who wishes to enhance the research further.




Based on the facts above, it is therefore the intension of the researcher to change the manual system/method to a computerized system/method which is simpler and flexible to operate. The major aim of computerized system is to provide management with an information management system that can aide in decision making. It also embraces customers with standard services and demanded by growing societal need.

Furthermore, critically analysis of the household inventory management system has been taken care of. It will interest to know that other areas of the manual and computerized system were distinguished with certain specific features.

During the course of this research we had a case study (Presidential hotel enugu). It does its operations manually and the purpose of this research was to computerize its operations. To achieve this, the existing system had to be studied (system investigation and analysis) to know how things are done and the shortcomings/errors they encounter and a result theory of inventory management to know what concepts will be most appropriate to enhance the efficiency of the hotel.


Computer is fast in changing the method of organizational management. Generally, computer and automated systems brings better and more efficient ways of carrying out operations. Based on findings, it is recommended to every hotel, to embark and embrace computerize system of data management in every system.


In view of evidence proven and advantages associated with the uses of computerized household inventory system, it is recommended as thus:

  1. (Presidential hotel) and every other hotel should engage in the uses of computerized household inventory system.
  2. I also recommends that, employment of computer personnel’s be encouraged to ensure effective and efficient management of the system
  3. The management should therefore ensure that all the staff involved in the using of the new system is knowledge enough to operate the system by undergoing trainings.
  4. The new system should be subjected to review periodically and be determined whether its aims and objectives are achieved.


  • Adams, David (1984) computer information system
  •  Development analysis and design
  • From South-western publishing co
  • Aelon, .D (2002) Best practice in inventory management
  •  From USA: kindle publisher
  • Browju, .F. (1996) Seaming the horizon of warehouse
  •  Inventory system  From USA: Information thousand publishes
  • Bridgeman, R.W (1986) Using computer in an information retrieved 20- 08-2012 from Addiso wenez.
  • Silver, A & Pyke, F. (2003) Inventory management and production   planning USA: literature thanson publishing
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